I wish natural and realistic looking tits were more popular in anime

I wish natural and realistic looking tits were more popular in anime

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That would require animators to ever touch some.

Fuck that scene. I kept thinking "Surely they're gonna show the nipples, right?" but nope.

boob physics are among my favourite things

I google big boob and get 2 billion result

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You should watch more anime.

I love when boobs spill over to the sides like this when girls are laying down I dunno why

Literally no modern anime has realistic boobs

this bitch has pretty realistic tits for a teenager, tbqh

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Not really.

Watch Konosuba

Now this is true. That is probably the most recent anime with realistic tit animation.

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Tis a lovely sight indeed.

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while we´re at this topic, this is basically the best metric for hentai artists.
If the artist cant draw "weight" of body parts, the rest of the art is also probably bad.

filters like 95% of all artists.

Thankfully you don't know how a teenagers tits are like

Because your are seeing natural big breast user, biology just knows.

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Big natural titties almost always sag

meant for

I hate to break it to you, user, but real tits aren't spherical.

natural and realistic slut, nothing else

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> natural
> realistic
oh fuck off
I watch anime precisely because I'm fucking tired of realism and naturalness
we already have millions of terabytes of content with realistic tits, but retards like you still want to infect other types of media with this shit
you are a real cancer
kill yourself

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>Wishing anime tits to be more realistic
Just watch fucking porn you absolute mongoloid

user, I....

If realism in art is such a turn-off for you, go watch stickfigure animations instead.

Oh yeah, I also wish they would stop drawing girls with those stupid unrealistically big eyes and pink/green/blue/purple hair. Ideally, they should stop drawing altogether and use real live actresses, this will make the anime much more natural and realistic. The japanese voice acting is also too unrealistic, they better use english actresses.

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Vincent was such a cool character I could have not cared less for Faye's tits.

I prefer realistic looking ones because they look like they have heft.

Holy mother of butthurt. Imagine being so upset you had to respond 3 times.

The most blonde character ever.

I only answered twice, dumbass.

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I think your over reacting to a thread made by a who just likes a specific style to his anime and wishes he saw more. He didn't say the other is bad he just said he likes the other style more.

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Lmao look at this plastic nigga

remeber one timed I hooked up with a milf from work, the moment her top came off and this happened. The memory alone still makes me diamond 6 years later

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If you watch this webm and your reaction is honestly "Ugh I hate how jiggly and fluid they are! I wish they looked like rigid, un-moving inflated balloons instead!", then you have a condition some doctors call "shit tastes".

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wtf is even that connector keeping it closed though? nothing even gets cut by the knife. is it magnets?

oh yeah?

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If you watch this webm and think that it has anything to do with realism then you need to stop being a virgin.

That's only natural and realistic if those are very saggy tits and even then, anime still exaggerates them because hers only act like this when the animators want to in specific scenes but then for the rest of the animation those work like any other anime tits or like today's animation, so how can you watch her and think it's natural and realistic all the time when it isn't? Just go watch rotoscope porn then and you'll find better results

>rotoscope porn
Is that a real thing?

Why? If I wanted the real thing I'd go outside.

all rotoscope is porn if you're a degenerate rotoscope fetishist like me

Not him, but Mike Inel does that and I'm pretty sure many others too.

How is this even natural? You've obviously never seen boobs in your life

of course I have, they're right there in the image I posted, how could I not have seen them?

Silicon dykes are disgusting
And this is even worst.

they only look that way because of the bra

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Those look awful. I do hate absurd oversized tits though

real tits don't look spherical because of bras

I'm very attracted to average lookiing women in anime and in reality

I love squishy boobies.
That is all.

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i'll take your word for it. i'm a 30 year old virgin so idk what they look like in bras either.

You live in the internet age and have access to more pictures of women in bras than you could look at in your entire life time, no excuse.

i try to only look at women with huge huge tits in bras. they don't look spherical, but they're not representative of all tits.

theres going to be a bias towards silicon

It's the internet man, there's over 50 trillion gigabytes of data on it. If even .000000001% of that data is pictures of girls with natural boobs in bras, it's enough for you to look at more than you could ever count.

it's intentionally misleading though, mislabeled. being taught the opposite of things is harmful.

It's not so much realistic shape, it's more that it gives a sense of weight. Most women don't have the perfect teardrop look, and that's fine, but I prefer my ideal in anime.

I just need a sense of WEIGHT for fuck's sake, and that's why circular and floating shit just doesn't do it

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Sperical boobs i can understand if the bra is tight. But I fucking hate boob pockets. Stop drawing boob pockets ffs. It looks ridiculous.

yasuda draws tits like spheres its funny

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