>The only plot progression after this was a quick deterioration of all stakes and conflict. Every chapter being a big nothing for the sake of a bad joke at the end.
>Even this quick arc with gourmet Jinyo was already subpar compared to the rest.
Was it the editors trying to milk it for as long as possible, or is it just shit by nature?
Ayakashi Triangle
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i want more fansa tbdesu
When the plot was going fast Sol fags complained, now Plotfags are complaining despite Suzu just losing her other third.
>Suzu losing her other third
Which is something that came completely out of nowhere, and I have no doubt this will not progress the story in any way, instead, it will just make another character to get flanderized and sweeped aside like shadow-mai.
how many thirds does she have?
My gut tell me that gourmet Jinyo gonna lose his manhood
We get Mei breasts in casual situations, I don’t really care about the lower stakes. As shown recently by Yuuna, going too plot-heavy in ecchi only works for so long, it’s just bad after a while. You should allow ecchi to do what it does best.
Wasn't the beginning of the story, at the Shirogane & gourmet Jinyo arc quite good at balancing both?
You had it constantly revolve around both plot and plot, and while it wasn't some masterclass of storytelling, it managed to be both relaxing and engaging.
Right now, it feels like both the gauntlet of released Ayakashi and the recent SoL go far too hard on either side, and can't do any of it well enough.
Yes, all I need now is a dozen chapters of 'Darkness'. Only then I'll be able to focus on plot.
Honestly the moment Mei "gives up" and joins the gang at school was so jarring it definitely felt like something happened behind the scenes.
Behind the scenes you mean IRL?
Yeah, it absolutely feels like someone was forcing the story to take a sharp turn.
If you mean in the story, IIRC it was because she wanted to "breat Matsuri and Suzu's relationship", or something stupid like that.
In my opinion, too much of a ‘balance’ is actually bad. Most people like ecchi for ecchi, not the plot. I don’t think it should be disregarded, but they need to tread lightly. The way most manga like this get ruined is by getting overdramatic.
To Love Ru's plot also go over the bar and still pull the plot pace back into normal really fast
This not gonna be your normal Romcom plot, don't worry too much
She's an ayakashi triangle
I would be fine with that, if, say, it happened after the end of an Arc.
As an example, if we had a *lot* of SoL after the Jinyo and Shirogane arc, and then went back to the plot with the Ayakashi gauntlet, I wouldn't be quite as bothered.
But here, it stopped in the middle of the plot, sidelined and flanderized the characters and made everything before feel completely irrelevant.
I refuse to believe that the whole "three thirds goddess of Ayakashi" spiel was planned from the beginning.
Be honest, user, what was the original meaning of this title?
>Ayakashi Trinity
Тhe unity of Mother (MiniSuzu), Daughter (Suzu), and Unholy Spirit (Mei)
>it stopped in the middle of the plot
Probably because Ayakashi Triangle now a Jump+ title and it's allowed more ecchi so the author just wants to show it first
Like I say, no need to thought about it too much
Still better than a half of wsj manga
The most popular J+ chapter this week
user, the plot stopped when Mei decided to go to school.
This was long before J+ was even a factor.
Sure, and?
>The most popular J+ chapter this week
The most promoted too, of course people are going to check out, still is going to sell like shit when the volume releases
Again, I refuse to believe this bullshit was planned from the beginning.
What was the original meaning of the title, when the series was first given it?
>the plot stopped when Mei decided to go to school
Doesn't it kinda normal?
Every To Love Ru female characters go to school with Rito eventually and still stab him later
So Mei decided to go to school not even change the plot for me, It's just natural, I saw that happen when Mei first introduced
This. Just give me more Mei tits.
user, it wasn’t just that moment in specific, it was the entire chapter, and the events that happened preceding it.
The love confession came out of nowhere, felt undeserved and changed nothing.
And the chapter itself felt very “off”. It was clear from the humor being used that it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously, it was just there to pad time so they could have Mei give up.
>The most promoted
Ecchi bros? Is this hope?
Isn't it virgin, mother and crone?
It could've worked if Mei entered school *before* showing herself to the main characters, made one of them "betray" them, had dramatic fight scenes, declarations, posessions, and all but started a direct conflict of anihilation.
The plot was literally cut in the middle. It was interrupted and a completely diferent story was inserted.
It is *far* from normal *or* good.
Think of World War 2, but after Hitler fails to invade Russia, and begins getting pressed by the allies, all the world leaders begin a rom-com in negotiation meetings at New York.
>Behind the scenes you mean IRL?
I thought it was obvious that that was what I meant.
It was somewhat clear, I just wasn't sure.
Yabuki said that he wanted to explore various types of "triangles", that's it.
That's the Three Faces of Eve.
>Yabuki said that he wanted to explore various types of "triangles", that's it.
So you're telling me, the theme of this story is meant to be "triangles"?
Tf, is this supposed to be Pythagoras' wet dream or something?
What other triangles are even there? (Besides the *very* bad romantic triangles)
Stat from twitter
>Views have jumped from 128k on ch88 to 1.3M in ch89
>And total views have raised from 990k from April 18th to 8.8 Million to april 27th.
>all chapters are currently free
If they increase the ecchi-ness, the sell will increase. J+ has wider, more varied, audience.
>It could've worked if Mei entered school *before* showing herself to the main characters, made one of them "betray" them, had dramatic fight scenes, declarations, posessions, and all but started a direct conflict of anihilation
Doesn't its gonna make the plot move too fast for an ecchi manga lol? It could still happen in the future, Mei is a manipulator
>Think of World War 2, but after Hitler fails to invade Russia, and begins getting pressed by the allies, all the world leaders begin a rom-com in negotiation meetings at New York.
This actually sounds like a To Love Ru plot, I not even deny it
To Love Ru often have peace deal and truce breaking a lot for fan service scene
If you frustrated because the plot stop then don't worry, it's gonna move eventually but slow
change this part
>and begins getting pressed by the allies
>and demonstrates nuclear weapons to the allies
Mei blackmailed them.
Literally nobody gave a shit about that "plot". Those generic battle shonenshit arcs, first against Sosuke and then against Shadow Mei (serious) were a boring slog and the lowest point of the manga, especially the latter which went on fucking forever. If some idiot editor got some sense slapped into him and was requested to change direction that was certainly a correct and no-brainer choice. You can read that kind of shit in any other WSJ manga. The strengths of AT are the ecchi and the SoL comedy with the fun cast of characters. It's not a case that even a boring villain like Shadow Mei became enjoyable when she was absorbed into the school and romance shenanigans.
ayakshi plot at outset:
-see brest
-penis the hard
ayakas plot at current
-see brest
-suzu rapest?!!
-penes the VERY hard
there was not change in a plot. you a dum dum.
>Doesn't its gonna make the plot move too fast for an ecchi manga lol?
It could do for quite the lengthy amount of SoL. Have Shadow Mei present herself in school, but no one quite knows her objectives and intentions. Allow her to get chumy with the characters, and *then* have her backstab them, it could take its sweet time, and indeed, it would be better if it did in that situation.
>Mei is a manipulator
It's what she's *meant* to be, but not what she actually is. The reach of her manipulation is quite bad.
>If you frustrated because the plot stop then don't worry, it's gonna move eventually but slow
It's not quite frustrated with the plot stopping, as much as it is *where* and *how* it stopped.
>Mei blackmailed them.
She threatened them with Suzu being unnable to fix those two's problems because she would be incomplete.
The problem is,
Matsuri has shown, on more than one ocasion the desire to just keep on as a girl.
The first time was put down by Suzu not wanting it.
The second time, the thought was not concluded, as we cut off to Shirogane and his usual spiel about shamelessness.
And Shirogane himself, even if he can't become the King of Ayashaki right now, he can still obtain the power he had before with time.
Then we go back to the fact that there is an entire association of Exorcist ninja out there, and why the fuck are none of them making moves on this situation? (Even if you account for the lack of possible reinforcements due to higher Ikon count in Tokyo, there's still a cast of adult ninjas not doing anything.)
>>Mei blackmailed them.
>She threatened them with Suzu being unnable to fix those two's problems because she would be incomplete.
>The problem is,
>Matsuri has shown, on more than one ocasion the desire to just keep on as a girl.
>The first time was put down by Suzu not wanting it.
>The second time, the thought was not concluded, as we cut off to Shirogane and his usual spiel about shamelessness.
>And Shirogane himself, even if he can't become the King of Ayashaki right now, he can still obtain the power he had before with time.
>Then we go back to the fact that there is an entire association of Exorcist ninja out there, and why the fuck are none of them making moves on this situation? (Even if you account for the lack of possible reinforcements due to higher Ikon count in Tokyo, there's still a cast of adult ninjas not doing anything.)
meant for
Don’t be a faggot, desu.
The current SoL arc is more of a slog than any other part of the story, and is what you would truly call its lowest point.
The characters are stuck in very dull gags that change nothing, give no new insight about them, and are just breaking cohesion.
>it would be better if it did in that situation.
It's not a Shonen manga, unstop battle scene gonna makes Ecchi fan don't like it, your plot makes sense in Shonen, just not good in Ecchi if it's going for too long
>The reach of her manipulation is quite bad
Mei suppose to be cute and ecchi lol, not super pure evil villain so you are right (for now)
>It's not quite frustrated with the plot stopping, as much as it is *where* and *how* it stopped.
Most people think the plot still moving, but you seem to really want what's gonna happen with Mei, can't help you with that
Those battle scenes with Mei gonna be back eventually and more ecchi with jump+
Also my brain need rest now, my English deteriorating, cya
>The current SoL arc is more of a slog than any other part of the story
Must be why for the last chapter we had the fastest threads this manga ever had and everyone was enthusiastic.
For real, if you want standard shonenshit there's no shortage of manga you can read. It's clear that with the move to Jump+ and the positive reaction it's receiving it won't go back to that dullness, thankfully.
>Matsuri has shown, on more than one ocasion the desire to just keep on as a girl.
This happened three times. The first one was at the very beginning when Matsuri tried to execute the cat.
>he can still obtain the power he had before with time.
I guess it would take a long time.
>there is an entire association of Exorcist ninja out there
Typical shonen. Teenagers are saving the world.
>I guess it would take a long time.
forgot the pic
Why are you so mad?
He's just a Mei fan user
Who's mad? The manga is finally free to reach its true potential on the new platform, I couldn't be happier.
No, he's a fan of the plot he made up in his head. Mei fans are happy with just getting more ecchi scenes of her.
You sound upset. Why?
Yeah people hope for the second coming of Darkness.
I think that ch.89 wasn't enough ecchi.
>one shaking butt
>a pair of naked boobs
He's not a normal fan
Most fan wants ecchi, he wants PLOT and it's all about Mei
Guy seriously just don't care about dark Suzu and only want Mei
Suzu getting riled up more than usual, her almost masturbation scene, and her checking for "leaks" were all nice additions. It wasn't particularly more skin than usual, but it still felt more intense than usual.
Just look at prologue chapter of TLRD:
to compare the level of ecchiness.
I just want more Mei in general.
The nudity is nice but the first thing I noticed was how tedious Hasemi's writing is in comparison.
>It's not a Shonen manga, unstop battle scene gonna makes Ecchi fan don't like it, your plot makes sense in Shonen, just not good in Ecchi if it's going for too long
user? That entire line was talking about how, if they simply presented Mei in a different manner, I would be content in just reading through all of the SoL and waiting for the plot to get going again.
>but you seem to really want what's gonna happen with Mei, can't help you with that
I see it as a basic notion of continuity, if the plot can simply stop at any moment and all the stakes and investment can be turned meaningless just like that, how am I supposed to pay attention with anything but superficial apreciation?
>Also my brain need rest now, my English deteriorating, cya
Well, have a good rest, user.
>This happened three times. The first one was at the very beginning when Matsuri tried to execute the cat.
Personally, I see that scene as more Matsuri following the duty of exercist ninja than actually *wanting* to stay as a girl, as the two other are.
>I guess it would take a long time.
I mean, it isn't exactly a problem is he's willing to wait. The only thing that really requires his powers right now is the jutsu on Matsuri, and that's not exactly a worry.
>Typical shonen. Teenagers are saving the world.
I suppose that's just what it is, still, even a one line explanation as to why they are agreeing with the teenagers actions would be better than nothing.
user, learn to fucking read.
The story spent entire chapters going about the original Mei, how Suzu was her reincarnation, her own thoughts about humanity, and Shadow-Mei's hatred.
She was featured as the antagonist that got everyone worried for a few good chapters and is actively planning on destroying the human world.
Suzu's story (which, outside of Matsuri, revolves entirely around this whole reincarnation nonsense) goes hand in hand with hers.
Case in point
>Matsuri has shown, on more than one ocasion the desire to just keep on as a girl.
Not true
I still right that you really want Mei PLOT
Gonna happen anyway, just don't know how long