Lolicon is translated as Lolicon

>Lolicon is translated as Lolicon.

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Lolifags are so defensive, it's pathetic really. They should just embrace their pedophilia.

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Me killing every single moeSHITTER and lolitrash on this board

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lolicon and pedophile are both valid and accurate translations.

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Could you get a trip or something so I can filter you?


lolicon, pedophile, doesn't matter
I am attracted to cute girls, simple as.

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Cope pedofag

Could you give me your cash app so I can pay you?


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Fucking embarrassing.

dependent on context

Yeah, a lolicon *can* like JCs, and that isn't pedophilia, so in that case it'd be inaccurate.



seethe more. lolicon is a normalfag filter

Also legal lolis

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>TL Note: Lolicon means pedophile

Doesn't sound wholesome at all for some reason.

>t. fujo
how ironic

That's more for twitards who virtue signal about some bullshit.

anti-lolicons are so defensive, it's pathetic really. They should just embrace their gayness

Ironic lolicons in shambles

Why does the Japanese Manga and animation industry have a bigger lolicon problem than the Western comic and animation industry? Kids in Western media are almost never sexualized in official works in these weird fetishy ways Japan does.

>resorting to false flag tactics
do they really?

Pixels aren't real. There's no actual humans involved. Japan is aware of this and thus doesn't give a shit. To flip over your take, westerners still has a much higher crime rate on sexual abuse despite seemingly having 'stricter' laws and a different industry to Japan or are you one of those retards that cope with Japan's crime rate saying it's all fake?

They hide it better.

>posting a flaming homo character
I guess it's fitting

>Western media

>still has
learn english or get the fuck out, spic

>Pixels aren't real-
garbage moeSHITTER's only DEFENSE.

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I'm sure that Japan's violent crime rate being lower is accurate since that's very hard to hide, but I do believe that a lot of Japan's sexual crimes are never caught or prosecuted.

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>if you hate pedos you're a homo
Dumb post, most homos are pedos anyway

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Google, show me the number of pedophiles among homossexual men

Because there is a bigger audience of lolicons in Japan than in the West, simple supply and demand. Why there are more lolicons in Japan is an entirely different question I am not equipped to answer.

>women in japan have to ride on separate trains just like indians because japan has a pajeet tier groping problem
>"b-b-but west"

'Light' sexual harassment such as groping and molestation? Sure. Definitely underreported since nobody wants to go to the trouble of contacting the police and risking running late for work for example. More violent crimes are still low compared to western countries and it is amusing everytime these idiots want to come to Japan and complain about all the things they don't like as if their country isn't much worse.

It's called having a better transportation system. The trains are there because the infrastructure allows for such a convenience not because the crime is just that high. Learn the difference and fuck off please.

Fuck off bong

Absurd levels of mental gymnastics

>¥1 has been deposited into your account

Japan unlike the US never abandoned their youth attraction culture, the jews never corrupted their mind with granny love


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I assume any type of cameras/security also must mean the crime rate is *that* high then going by your logic?

I don't need to be paid to defend my country. You people can complain all you want it doesn't really matter as long as you can stay in your crime filled and trash filled street country.

>designated grope-free trains

>the jews never corrupted their mind with granny love
Please explain what you mean by this.

>crime is so low you must have cameras everywhere and a separate wagon for roasties because they're muh special princesses

Jews are the reason why everyone decided fucking anyone who isn't 18+ years old is a crime, they want to destroy every culture

you a homo that likes bara, easy

You don't have to be an anti-lolicon to think lolicon = pedophilia. You just have to know Japanese:ロリコン/ロリコン/ロリコン.htmlロリータコンプレックス辞書/日本語-英語/ロリコンロリコン
99% when people, including psychologists, say pedophilia, they mean pedohebephilia.
>Pixels aren't real
All videos and images are made up of pixels.

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Fuck off Yea Forumsastic

Is lolicon content more prevalent today than it was back then? I see it fucking everywhere

What I don't get is the stance of anti loli on women over 18 who look like they're around 14.
Does that mean that she doesn't deserve love because she looks youthful or what is the cope in that case?
And what about girls that lie about their age and say they're over 18 when they're actually 15 for example? You magically lose attraction to them when you hear their real age?

>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

show me one woman over 18 that looks 14, no Photoshop or makeup allowed, I dare you, nigger

Jewish babble, didn't read

It's more radical feminists' fault than jews.

If loli is 2D only then if an anime character is a lolicon does that mean they know they’re 2D?

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