IIT: Moment an anime/manga jumped the shark
IIT: Moment an anime/manga jumped the shark
nah, that was based, it jumped the shark the moment it became clear no one was really gonna die removing all stakes
It jumped the shark when Boji became the strongest person on Earth in two episodes.
It jumped much earlier than that.
Right here
well played
>Boning you dad's sloppy seconds after they both try to kill you
Diada truly is a champion of "doesn't matter, had sex"
These 2 got off horribly easy for what they did. Not even a yeah... sorry in Daida's case.
And yet my favorite guy got fucked over.
Unironically seething.
correct me if im wrong but iirc, the manga artist is well over his 40's and this webmanga is his debut work. and somehow it got an anime.
how does the manga to anime pipeline work over there? strong connections?
Ranking of Simps
It jumped the shark when Bojji gave up the crown. The whole anime was about him wanting to become the king.
puberty hits hard
Someone stumbled upon it and saw the potential, same with MiA which was about to get cancelled at some point.
>Boning you dad's sloppy seconds
More like the entirety of the Gyakuza's sloppy seconds.
Your dreams can change.
I am glad that shitter is written out for now, I never cared about his subplot.
Ranking of kings or Attack on titan, which one had the worst ending
Bojji wanting to make his own kingdom was actually much better, it was an evolution of his dreams and ambitions to a higher level and clearly he also cherishes being out of his overprotective stepmommy’s shadow and admired/validated by her as an independent man/adventurer.
It hurts too much.
>remove miranjo from the story
>daida now does what he does just because he is a prideful bitch and not because muh mirror brainwash
>instead of becoming an unkillable god now all that boji has to do is become strong enough to beat his brother and become the new king
I fixed you shitty story, you are welcome
Yeah it's unironically better save for the "becoming kind" part. The rest should be like this.
I think Miranjo is a leftover from the initial idea the mangaka had. At first he just wanted to do a picture book about fairy tales, it makes sense having a poor grill that eventually becomes a princess in there as one of the mains. But when he actually wrote it then he delved deeper and instead of making an one-shot he thought out an overarching story and an own world he slowly introduced with a slowburn writing style and characters that seem like they were made for a short, quirky appearance turned into major players (I especially feel that this was the case with Desha) and instead of having Bojji ruling over his little town as end goal it's "free the world from the oppressive rule of gods/the ranking and build your own new kingdom" now.
Of course he couldn't just ignore everything he wrote in at the beginning and he releases the chapters quite fast, so he went with the initial story. The Miranjo part feels much, MUCH more fairy tale-like and simplistic than any of the other stuff about this manga or any of the other subplots.
Daida is based. Fuck you
absolutely based
I hope Daida will become king no 2 at some point while Bojji is traveling, go to the vault and become the next idiot murder king.
Yeah, it was pretty fucking dumb. You did not in any way need to go that ridiculously far that ridiculously fast, when you have already set up a decent reason for him to feel enough sympathy to be more lenient and merciful towards a character.
I don't see the problem. Total chad sees cute girl, turns on the swag and proceeds to bone her.
Y'all just jealous af incels.
Joking aside I do hope there's a reason in the future for him to show up and have Bojji's back and be an actual fucking bro for a change
it is fucking dumb, but I always like female villains so this is kind of wishfulfillment for me.
I didn't want anyone to die except for Miranjo so that didn't bother me. Actually, I was happy about it.
This, that made no fucking sense
Bosse's disappointed face at the end was hilarious lmao
>goddamn I didn't mean you take care of miranjo that way
I hope not he is such a weak character with no potential anymore imo and Bojji has better things to do.
He became king and decided his dad's tiny kingdom wasn't for him. He wants more adventure and to eventually build his own kingdom like Bosse did. That's much better than everything ending where the anime ended.
He also just found out that Shiina's with Miranjomum now and he's not gonna get any
For some reason a lot of people don't seem to have a concept of ongoing manga anymore or at least not for this series. I saw a lot of randos complaining about Bojji getting a rather bad end and there being open ends (like Despa's subplot) as if this wasn't meant to lead into the next developments.
Three days until a new chapter. I'm psyched.
RIP tranny god
I'm just looking forward to the boys meeting up with Ouken again.
He first has to murder the innocent person that owns Desha's staff right now
Well, hurry up and do that, Ouken.
I'll be a little disappointed if that tease isn't fully realized. I want Ouken, who's been searching frantically for months, to see the staff and go apeshit.
I'm so excited.
I hope the clown just flicks his want and Zaki explodes into gibs.
The goons are running away from him in the PV so he must have pulled some shit
The PV also shows Kage captured, unless by some small chance it's a different Shadow Clan body. If Kage gets taken away, I wonder if we'll get some character development for Bojji, who's left alone with Oyab. There's so many ways that could go.
That's just your point of view of "far and fast".
If you take a step back and look at the big picture, it's actually not a big deal at all. People can fall in love, marry, have children and break apart all within a year or two, where's the big deal?
It's also perfectly in line with the rest of the story which is very fairy-tales style and how characters tend to deal in absolutes and make important choices quickly and resolutely.
Poor Bojji. He's going to get betrayed again. He really admires that guy, too
Well, right now he already knows that Oyab was faking being crippled, and he saw when Oyab killed someone. He should be wary of Oyab for sure, but if Bojji doesn't have Kage, there's a chance that he'll feel like he needs someone (who can speak) around to help him. Or Bojji could decide that no, he's not that helpless, and ditch Oyab. It all depends on what actually happens next though.
I wonder if captain has even given him enough money to survive traveling on his own for so long I didn't see Despa giving him anything from his millions, that's for sure.
>If you take a step back and look at the big picture, it's actually not a big deal at all. People can fall in love, marry, have children and break apart all within a year or two, where's the big deal?
>Implying Miranjo has any other choice here but to be a good wife and mother or be executed.
If he ditches him it would go nowhere so I predict it's either Oyab himself openly betraying them and selling Kage to the villains or he's either not involved or did it in secret so Bojji is with him and then I think he will stick to him. First of all because Bojji will always be dependent on others to some degree, especially as the small kid he is right now, secondly because he still feels a lingering admiration for Oyab I think. Bojji has Kage but Kage isn't a role model, he is in the same position as Bojji. What Bojji seems to desire is an adult dude who is strong, courageous and ideally even capable of overcoming weaknesses he was cursed with and Bojji never had such a person so far due to being basically trapped in his castle and little kingdom. At some point Doumas could have become such a role model maybe but he is also the one that hurt Bojji the most.
What gave you that impression?
Miranjo clearly wants to try and live a good life at this point. King Bosse is gone for real and she's got her humanity back. She's fully on board. Did you miss that part?
Not only that but even if it turns out she doesn't want to marry Daida, I don't see where the issue would be. Daida has grown past his pettiness and foolishness, did you miss that part? Nobody's gonna execute her.
I feel like you watched a different show.
hard to pick a single moment where it jumped the shark, pretty much everything from the basment is constant shark jumping that somehow manages to keep it together for a little bit then becomes a trainwreck
>Oyab selling Kage to the villains
Damn, that's a perfect way to get rid of him.
If poor Kage ends up being thrown in front of Geslan again, that'd be rough. Bojji needs to army up with Poise and a billion spiders to storm Geslan's castle.
>What Bojji seems to desire is an adult dude who is strong, courageous and ideally even capable of overcoming weaknesses he was cursed with
The situation seems set up for him to come in and help. I almost expect it to happen just like that and will be a little disappointed if it doesn't.
Daida is dumb
I wonder if Bojji would consider is former retardation as illness he fought off even when it was removed by magic, since Ouken himself was helpless.
Though he isn't the brightest so maybe you can still consider him disabled. He might actually randomly run away if he too excited or emotional.
>Not fucking the crazy out of the woman your father literally gave to you as a birthday present
Daida was based.
It's not the same as being disabled, but I think Ouken might also have experienced feeling "lesser" than his brothers, because he was born without powers. Ouken also worked incredibly hard for all of the strength he has now. He wasn't really blessed with anything but his health.
I think Ouken is someone Bojji could admire even if they don't share the experience of being disabled. If Bojji really craves companionship with someone who's been shunned and pre-judged for reasons beyond their control, he needs to realize that Kage is right next to him.
I assume something might happen with him and the staff first as some other anons have said so I don't expect it to happen too soon but I really think it will happen. Not sure how else these two main plots would ever merge, unless Bojji finds and befriends Desha first, but then Ouken would keep on searching and I can only imagine that this would eventually end badly for him in some way.
I wonder if they would instantly find Desha too the moment Ouken has joined, if it would happen in that order. Bojji doesn't know about their connection but Ouken surely talk about what he is searching for. Somehow I feel it won't be that easy. They might go back to the place where they have met Desha the last time but he will probably not be there. Makes me wonder if the manga will show us the reason why, or if he just randomly roamed around a bit more. But then they should find him soon.