Four Knights of the Apocalypse

The knights have been assembled.

Attached: four knights of apocalypse.jpg (1280x1097, 1003.85K)

Gawain WILL fuck
Merlin, Diane, Elizabeth, Gowther, Isolde, Giunevere, Anne, Nasiens, and Tristan's respective p/bussies.

Is she famine because she makes everyone thirsty?

Only War and Pestilence look accurate. Wtf?

Death is exactly the same, the face is just shadowed to look creepier than it is.

I am a fucking idiot. I meant Death.

How can those three virgins even compete.

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This was the last nail in the coffin of escanorfags

Famine is the only one that looks different.

this is Nanatsu sequel or is not related?

>Mael cucked by Mel
>Escanor cucked by Mel
>Isolde gets with Tristan, Mel's son, according to the Arthurian lore

Where is even the problem?
She only got the sunshine power which wasn't even Escannors to begin with.

Nanatsu sequel.
Meliodas already showed up.

Well that's one way to put the fact people around her will be dehydrated.

>still seething about escanor
It's ok Zeldris.

This is technically a win for Zeldris.

I unironically miss that lil nigger

If Isolde is over 6 feet then how tall is Gawain?

Isolde consistently looks like she’s plenty over 2m tall. Gawain might be close to 2m50, at least she should be Ban sized (2m15).

I wanna impregnate Gawain bros... Will she become a vulnerable and submissive cunnyfu during the night? I can't wait how her magic works...

Until they like it.

At noon, Gawain is a 3 meter tall buff amazon.
At midnight, Gawain is a meek and feeble shota.

Well ig it still works, that bussyfu will still gape


You forgot she will also amazoness mating press Donny the Adonis and take his first time. Donny will get that dyke coochie withdrawal and want to keep getting topped by the gigadyke and her mighty gorilla grip poosie

Quite hasty, aren't we?
Right now she couldn't even impress Isolde with her moves.

>literally made her soaking wet after a few seconds

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Cute Percyboy, Anne is so lucky.

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>That size-difference

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Gawain is even taller

Gawain is so lucky!

Now imagine how big the child of Diane and King would be....
I wonder how much the fairy genes sould affect them.

I love that they didn't even try to make Percival look any different in the top page.
They're gonna have to explain why Gawain doesn't have Escanor's hair, though.

Dude, it's not accurate it's just like the posters.

I permadropped anything NNT related but do the main cast have kids (Ban, Escanor etc.)? I know the new MC is Mel and Liz's daughter

New MC is actually someone else, but their kid alongside Bans involved.

Also no daughter, Tristans just a pretty guy.

You don't know much it seems. No, the MC is not Mel and Liz's son but he is one of them. Ban's son is also one of them, but not the MC. Escanor has no kids since he died a virgin. The MC is unrelated to the Sins.

>Escanor has no kids since he died a virgin
This hurts

I know, but it didn't try to make Percival look as inaccurate as the others. The others are made out to be these big, hulking adult warriors and Percy just has a spooky face.

it would be weird If "The one" doesn't change her appearance to be somewhat close to that of the teaser's.
>it's not accurate it's just like the posters.
While not completely accurate( Like with Mel and Escanor) they still weren't so far off the mark like its with Gawain.

Attached: NNT posters.jpg (750x1000, 127.08K)

>but it didn't try to make Percival look as inaccurate as the others.
Because there is no mystery with Percy duh.

Whenever we see king again I hope he's gotta a haircut. That hair he had at the end was rough

>Nasiens is so lucky.

Is it a guy or a girl? I'm getting kinda confused at this point.

Guy but he might be a trans guy.

>Mel and Liz's daughter

And it's funny because of it.

What makes you say that?

>Gawain the Protector of Women
>Is also a women
I clapped. Also, Escanor did say he was a feminist. Makes sense his successor would be a woman


Nakaba said it's intensionally ambiguous.

People have been guessing because of how feminine he looks and that Anne's magic said he has a secret he's keeping to himself.

Also he didn't want to pee with the other guys.

I think it's a faggy headcanon, for now

Donny had already seen her cunny when they turned into a baby

I just hope Gawain isn't a stereotypical man-hater.

Many simps call themself that.

>Nanatsu sequel.
does it have power levels?


no*t yet

>War has a spear
>Pestilence has the sword
This triggers my autism