Dragon ball super

Who will win in a fight now
Goku Ui
Vegeta Ue
Goku can react without thinking about it
Vegeta gets more powerful the more damge he takes

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Same as always.

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SNK is better. Kys crayon eating manchildren.

This is a bad thread and you should feel bad

Between Ultra Ego and Super Saiyan 3, which is the most useless transformation?

MUI Goku >>>> SHITrus > UE Bejita >>> SSBE Bejita > SSB+UI Goku


>UCB moeshit

I never make the threads but no one stepped up besides BOTren


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Shitrenfags are never gonna live this down

Ultra Ego, because at least, Super Saiyan 3 has done something both in filler and canon. Ultra Ego just jobbed.

Would you guys fuck her?

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They'll claim they won, discontextualizing and trying to change what actually happened.

>fuck her
>she intentionally makes you get her pregnant
>have to pay child support now
Fuck no.

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Thats some fucked up shit

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Our board is getting polluted by PonySHIT this fucking INSTANT, Gentlesirs.

You know what to do.

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I saw and im not touching it with a ten foot pole

We have nothing to do with Yea Forums.

How is this even a question? Unless Bejita can get some sort of love from Tori and also get a power that let's him, you know, win a fight that fucking matters its pointless.
>Gets hit
>Takes damage
>Jobbing is vastly accelerated
Goku has optimal offence AND defence. UE sounds like Vegeta needs to get his ass beat just to have the offensive portion. If it were tied to anger it'd be actually decent but the stronger you are the more you get hit is a massive double edged sword for the Prince of all Jobians.
And unfortunately it's not Z so wouldn't happen. Nu-Toriyama and Old-Toriyama are basically two completely different people.

>I have returned

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Ehhh lets get the show on the road

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DON'T fucking care, Moekurat.

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Hmm but we've only been just shown this new form of vegeta, maybe it has more too it then we think.

>abandoning our mentally retarded brethren
I will NOT.

A true Z Fighter PROTECTS the weak and combats evil.

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>Turns Super Saiyan because of this.
Is she retarded?

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People still don't realize just how obscenely strong perfect UI Goku is. 73-Moro, who was strong enough to shitstomp SSBE Bejita faster than BITCHnolah ever could, broke his fucking HAND trying to punch UI Goku.
A guy with the best eye in the universe that instantly pinpoints openings in your defense, flat-out said there was none.


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She felt the tingles in her back

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>SCHIZOgir is here to spam for 10 hours again
G-Squad... PURGE.

>Had to power up to defeat a six y.o


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I mean...

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Bejita cheating and his fans claiming he won when he confirms the opposite?

Fuck she really is a cunt

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Why can't you shoot towards the ground? Safer than beam-spamming randomly and hitting a farmhouse miles into the distance.

In Super? Nah man. Fuck that. Fuck having faith in the absolute joke that is Bejita.
I don't even want to refer to him with the same name as the character in Z and GT, that's how shittily written he is and how little love he gets. Fucker literally got a power that should have hard countered Moro and *teleports behind u* and still jobbed and even refused to use the latter despite how great and useful it would be to his kit.
If every arc boils down to wait for Goku to beat up the big bad and Bejita systematically and methodically jobs to each and every one how is he supposed to beat Goku?
Maybe if it was the actual Vegeta from Z who had genuine potential and could actually get a W off of Goku it'd be different but I'll wait til Bejita actually wins a fight against a main villain before I put any money in his stock.

Did NOT peruse. Proclaim the score.

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Not to mention UI when mastered gives you a constant state of optimal defence AND offence. Once Goku perfects it he'd be above pretty much every one else, merely by default because that's how strong it is. In its imperfect state it can be timed out sure but once its truly perfected losing would be an impossibility given the techniques very nature. (Well, outside of intervention by some borderline omnipotent like the Zenos, maybe a GoD if they had a good grasp on it but according to Beerus the nature of a GoD conflicts with the nature of UI hence his still imperfected version)


If you actually read you'd know I do indeed know the score, love Vegeta and hate what he's become but go off I guess. Dragon Ball fans really can't read.


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>Maybe if it was the actual Vegeta from Z who had genuine potential and could [things that never happen]

He tried to rape her but the little bitch clawed and bit.

No fucking way he would give up or is she that fucking hard to teach?

Okay now I'll post the funny minicomic that comes with it.

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SHITgetabros... What's the meaning of this?

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I am fucking done.

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He could sneak up behind him and knock him unconscious and he crushed the hell out of Kakacarrotcakes ribs and left him infirm. Most villains don't accomplish the former and anytime he's died its been willful on Goku's part. Whether you class these as "defeats" or not fact is Vegeta won the battle, if not the war. And that's far FAR more than Bejita has ever accomplished despite spending more time in Super training than Goku.
...which is really fucking sad to say. Goku really spent time farming while Vegeta was actually training training Beerus and the best he can do is get slapped harder. It fucking hurts, man.

Aw :)

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Didn't read. Bejita has never defeated Goku.
Go cope elsewhere.


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