Tfw older than him

>tfw older than him

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so, how's it feel to be pushing 40 and still hanging out on a website full of teenagers?


user I want you to know that I'm laughing at you, but not too hard. For I am 21.


never lose your way

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You'll be there soon enough too.

>website full of teenagers?

about don't know Yea Forums very well :)

kill yourself, underage

Better to be a 40 year old on the chans then a teenager in the prime of his life. By the age of 40 everyone’s life is ass, what’s your excuse for being on here while your peers are experiencing teenage love?
And make no mistake, you aren’t leaving this place. You will be here forever too.

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at what point did you guys realize adults are just as vain as children?
I honestly used to think people above 35 had life figured out but whenever I look at this place and see 40 yos baiting people over cartoons I realize how big of a lie "growing up" really is.
even outside of here most adults are no better, I'm currently 25 and I don't feel that different from my teenage years

The 2016 elections. The 70+ year olds I worked with as a volunteer were acting like babies over you know who.

Kill yourself zoomer phonefag.

i'm 23 and i had teenage love. and then early 20s love. i've had the whole experience of going out and partying with my friends. it's all been great. i'm here because i like anime and manga. how about you?

Yeah it is kind of funny realizing that you are significantly older than the cast of an anime, especially one you have been watching since you were a child or a young teen
I find it funny to think that now I am only two years away from reaching Spike's age of 27 when I had only started watching Bebop when I was roughly 15 years old

I think it's fully over once you watch King of the Hill and are older than Hank

Yeah not everyone is a loser. I married my teenage sweetheart. I even got her into anime. I'm finishing up my gap year now and ready to start med school. Still have habit of procrastinating here tho

I'm 31 and it feels so weird to see anime people in their teens and early 20's being authoritative figures or mature characters who have everything figured out while I'm still spinning wheels and having trouble doing basic things.

These characters have their shit together or are mentally strong unlike you. Normal people would be the background characters but I guess you would be the retarded henchman character that gets killed for fucking up yet again

I'm 35, and you know what? I'm just going to roll with it.

I've learned the hard way that people younger than me aren't any worse than me, and people older than me aren't any better than me.

When I encounter younger Anons, I'll try to impart my wisdom to them. I'll try to do a good job being an authority figure.

When I'm in a nebulous place, I'll try to be neutral and respecting of whoever might be in the thread.

I have absolutely no ill will towards Zoomers. I love them a lot. You fuckers are what will keep Yea Forums going into the future. As long as I can post alongside you guys, I do not mind at all.

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I'm 23 now and definetly see myself following your path, Jesus Christ man.

I'm 33.

35 here too

I remember laughing at people in the mid-20s frequenting this board when I was 17. In 2004.

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Damn, and I thought being 30 was already old for this site.

i cope by reminding myself the voice actors are actually decades older than the characters and especially animes in 80s 90s, voice actors were there for their merit, not nepotism or idol singing shitfest or whatever.
so although the characters are supposed to be young, the actors give them something special.

>You fuckers are what will keep Yea Forums going into the future.
Yea Forums has been dead for a while now and an infested corpse is not worth preserving

This place started out as a version of 2 channel that wouldn't have us chased off by a bunch of angry far-right nips. That kinds of interest has always had a wide age range, the kids just spread the most faggotry and make the most noise.

Still better than most other forums where moralfaggotry is required

>You fuckers are what will keep Yea Forums going into the future.
is that a good thing though? i'm an 18 y/o zoomer who spent years living with a 4cuck addiction and i hate this website. the only positive thing about it is that there's no rating system and it's anonymous. other than that, the userbase is full of annoying schizos mindbroken by amerimutt politics who will attack you if you refuse to hold the /pol/-approved opinions, powertripping jannies and mods who don't give a shit about the rules when someone is ruining the fun for other people but ban you for disagreeing with them, and glowies using this place as a test site for their psyops. people say it's always been bad, but when i look through the archives it's never been this terrible, it's like this place is an anonymous reddit

You're still a brat

30. soon 31.

i thought it was funny too watching harem or SOL anime about horny teenagers when i myself, was a horny teenager and would comment how if i was the mc, i would fuck this girl without hesitation.

i like to think anime as being stuck in their time. spike will always be 27 but if say, he was alive in the real world, he would always be older than and vice versa.

Learn to sift. Don't feed the retards and you run the chamce of finding great info and discussion. A lot more difficult after 2016 projectile shit all over everything, but some boards are still at least somewhat serviceable, this being one of them.

and the fact its still a decent site by todays standards really says what state the internet is.

Yea Forums is one of the better boards for outlawing frogs and wojaks. There are political fags here but because they can't use the same disgusting characters for everything here, they are more tolerable.

And yet I have still yet to find a place thats better than Yea Forums to discuss anime, guns, fitness, and other topics

>outlawing Frogs and wojaks
Fucking this
I'm so glad that I don't have to see that garbage here, soijak in particular should be a bannable offense across all boards

Why was Reinhard's faction a bunch of jobbers and Yang's faction a bunch of Mary Sues?

I'm 31 and you should go back to tiktok, son.

>tfw 36 in a few months

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I think most of us here are about 30 now. The ones that talk like adults at least.

Not him but I'm in my late 30s too and it's quite okay.

>tfw older than baki at 23
>nowhere near as ripped

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anime isnt real life

to keep the story going
do you really want to watch Yang getting curbstomped due to inferior tech and army numbers?

>mfw I'm 36 in two days
>Still single, working wagie job, renting
Things could be worse, but could be better.
The only wisdom I would ever part on is to never underestimate how fast life goes by after 25. It gets way too easy to fall into a rhythm and before you know it, years have passed by and friends you swear you just talked to are long gone.

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>25 yo
>Read this
I don't want to be renting at that age, but if I don't get better at waging I won't pay my own house until I am 36 like this user. Coof19 really fucked beyond recognition the market.

>"Best job I've ever had"

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Not so fast.

This is a manchild site.

30+ boomers OUT

Adults are essentially depressed teenagers or overgrown children with a power complex and responsibilities thrown at them
Actual adults corresponding to the image and ideal of "adultness" are uncommon
Unfortunately this will get worse with the (intentional) infantilization of teenagers and young adults

The world was already deteriorating before the coof

>This is a manchild site.
Pretty much yeah. Not like I'm gonna talk to my office coworkers about some obscure anime or vidya shit. And not like i'm gonna go to reddit, so here I am.

It will happen to you, son.

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I'm pretty sure most of Yea Forums is in their 20s. I'd be willing to bet the average age is steadily going up too (yes, I'm coping for getting older but I can't be the only one).

I hate zoomers but, to be honest boomers are pathetic too, they have the worst opinions, why are they here? They're out of the loop
The perfect age for this place is 18 - 28 everything else is too young or too old

I'm 31 and I've been here since I was 16.

I dropped out of high school, got my GED, went to college twice, became a software engineer making $150k/yr, got married, had two kids all in this time.

What have you done bros? I'm expecting nothing but at least we all love robots.

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>other forums where moralfaggotry is required
We're getting there


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Yea Forums is the only real alternative to talk about about anime and mango on the internet


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How old is you're waifu?

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