I don't see enough criticism of these two generic shows on this board

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Watch FMA 2003, read the manga, listen to brotherhood's soundtrack.
Watch Getter Robo.

There, happy?

What's generic about fma?

Characters, plot, pacing.
>Oh noooo all those black people in Ishval that got genocided OH NOOO OH NOOOO LOOK HOW HORRIBLE IT IS OH NOOO

Its always funny seeing retard who can't articulate any actual criticism so they act like a 14 year old trying to be funny

I am retarded, how else am I supposed to get my point across?

Ever since I've realized Yea Forums's collective taste in anime is contradictive to mine I've began visiting this board less and less

Not him but I never was able to continue watching it after a couple episodes max.
The events didn't feel very fleshed out, the characters weren't very interesting, there was some fighting against some guy I didn't care about.
I don't know, the spark just wasn't there. It simultaneously felt both too fast and too slow at once.

>every single FMA thread for the past five years has been 03fags going on about how much better it is than Brotherhood, nobody even bothers making Brotherhood threads except to complain about the final boss being a false god like a JRPGF
>all Gurrenn Lagann threads are just bitching about the ending and saying killing Kamina was a hack moveF
I'm afraid you have fallen here from bizarro Yea Forums,

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Comparatively, they're less criticized than other shows despite being shit

The story in GMA moves at a glacial pace
The animation in GL was bad for most of it

Then you are not paying attention, this board is full of contrarian retards ready to share their idiotic, nitpicky "criticism" about literally anything popular, even if it's over a decade old.

lurk more faggot

I think most people don't even remember the original series and have fully substituted it with the movie version of the scenes

>I am retarded
I can tell

What genuine criticism do people make of TTGL?
I'm not saying it's flawless, but there's no glaring issues and it's really well done mecha/super-robot tribute.

This is a buzzwork that people use to describe shows they don't like without lacking any critical thinking or criticism.

Because they're legitimately perfect

Generic is a nothing criticism by people who have nothing to actually say but want to sound clever and like they watched a million different anime airing this season.

>The animation in GL was bad for most of it
You deserve to have your eyes gouged out


50 yen says OP is the user that keeps spamming those 'japanese humor' threads with that pic from bro'hood

I will never say 03 is better than FMAB.
Likewise will I never say that FMAB is better than 03.
I like both anime the same for different reasons.
When someone asks me whether FMA is worth watching I just say to watch 03 first and afterwards (regardless of he/she liking it) to watch Brotherhood.
I feel like, that's the complete experience.

Generic isn't necessarily bad. Especially when the anime came out in the 2000s around the time those conventions and tropes were beloved.
Gurren Lagann and FMA(B) don't get critiqued as much because the vast majority of anime fans enjoyed them, which speaks of their quality.
I get this board is filled with contrarians who love to hate whatevers popular or rolling with whatever theory, ship or speculation that runs in an almost spiteful opposition of whatever the general sentiment is in most discussion spheres but sometimes some series aren't hated, get this right - because people actually fucking enjoyed them.
Some of you fuckers need to relearn how to enjoy things. I get the "let people enjoy things" is just hippy speak for casuals to not participate on the level of hard-core or for people to enjoy trash guilty pleasures in the open, but it's a sentiment that could do some of you a lot of good.

It does have bad animation
I've seen YouTube fan-made animations on the same level as ttgl
There was an episode where there were literally lines missing from Simon's face

i like getter. i like ttgl.

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Well, because I liked both, meaning they're both objectively good

they both suck ass and are gay

the MC, the villains, the forced drama, and the comedy

There's nothing to criticize, they are two of the best anime ever made.


>two of the best anime ever made
yeah, if you are a midwit
what's next, Evangelion? Steins:Gate?

Your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Black? I thought they were being killed because of the red eyes

These shows get criticized all the time. I don't think there's a single anime brought up on this board that doesn't get criticized.

Eva is another one Yea Forums in general seems to adore

>Steins Gate
Never seen it.


Both are brilliant.

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user, literally everyone loves Eva and if you say you hate it then you are wrong and you should feel bad for being wrong.
The impact of Eva on the anime industry cannot be understated. Anime IS what it is today, because of Eva. It is that important.

>Anime IS what it is today, because of Eva.
Kek. Is that even a good thing?

>Doritos fingers typed this

I dunno, probably not.

That's right, why are you not enjoying some Evangelion Doritos?

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>if you say you hate it then you are wrong
>if it was impactful you're not allowed to dislike it
i genuinely lack the words to express how retarded this sounds

I'd rather criticize you.

Both are overrated normalfag trash. I dropped FMAB on like episode 33 or something when they went to the gay guy's sister territory that was covered in snow and muh independent woman appeared
Barely could withstand TTGL near the end when they were throwing fucking milky ways at each other
Still would say TTGL was kinda neat in some regards, but FMAB is reddit-tier anime meant for blue pilled fags, just like NGE

>The story in GMA moves at a glacial pace
...And that's a good thing!

>muh independent woman
>blue pilled
go back

Between these two I've only seen TTGL, and it'd be generic if the message was to play it safe and don't try do anything you're not capable of. Just stay home, get a job, and make babies

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>Calls TTGL generic
>He doesn't even begin to imagen the stupidty of his statement
The absolute state of Yea Forums

The only complain about FMAB is that it didn't do anything that is standout or unique, but it did a good job executing its theme, plot, and character resolution .

Anyone who disagrees is a sad contrarian.

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Initial D is better

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>it'd be generic if the message was to play it safe and don't try do anything you're not capable of.
Which is what Simon does at the end


rossiu did nothing wrong


Yeah but they're still 10/10

People don't tend to want to criticize things they like and the reception to these shows are both overwhelmingly positive.

While I don't agree with him turning into a wandering hermit by the end either, I'd at the very least say by giving up his position of running the above ground world, he's going out of his comfort zone.

Eva is brilliant. Steins Gate is overrated shit that has no business being compared to it.

I really dont see what is generic about both of those animes. The plot itself is an original idea.

NTA but shut the fuck up, I enjoy both for very different reasons. Though I enjoyed EVA more overall, steins;gate shines better as a VN

In a year where isekai animes and isekaifaggots ruined the industry. Some retard come and says two of the most popular and original anime of the millenium are "generic". Hehe

>In a year where isekai animes and isekaifaggots ruined the industry
How is this year any different than the last 5 in that regard?

>Watch Ashita no Joe