Say "thank you based Stalker and mangadex user" for the extremely accurate translations and type settting.
Thank you based STALKER and MangaDex user.
meme localization is okay when we do it
Nagatoro and Presidente!
Yes. It unironically is.
honestly "raijuu" would've been fine
You dumb niwaka.
Fuck that last chapter. I'm gonna fuck onii-toro so hard that he'll beg for mercy and give me gamo on the spot
What's said is said, open that ass up.
No one in their right mind would give brotoro's penis the time of day. Just look at him
Absolute fuckboy. And not in the "I want to fuck that boy" sense either.
Holy fucking shit, fuck off back to plebbit already.
Even reddit agrees. I saw someone got downvoted really bad for questioning the use of normalfag instead of normie.
Unironically this
Yes. Finally. We got reddit approval. We did it reddit.
Wait a second, the OP is actually reddit but when I said fuck off back to plebbit I meant the entire niggertoro fanbase. Sorry, I usually just post whenever I see a Nagatoro thread without reading the OP.
How long until senpai says sneed?
i have a hard time imagining even the most retarded faggot actually saying normalfag in real life
OMG I love Reddit :D
sorry, tyop
Based double standards
Lying reddit nigger
No, I just searched there, it's not hard
go back they are
>after the anime
no shit
God I really hate the way redditors construct sentences. It's always so fucking woman-like
Indeed, but I don't really mind. It's pretty rare to have a genunine slut like her in a manga.
>be Yoshi
>keep raising your hand to tell your exciting romance story
>thots ask Gamo if she's into Brotoro
>Gamo definitely is
>start sweating profusely
>make no further effort to tell your story
Unless the character is a textboard user, it seems more accurate to translate Riaju as Normie, considering it's used by edgy 14 year olds.
All the Nagatoro siblings are cardiobunnies.
This gives me high hopes for Nagamom. it's a given she'll be a MILF but will she be a surprise titcow?
She was raising her hand at the same time Gamo was, so just copying her
Gamo was just being the emcee and didn't intend to tell a story until Sakura forced her and she proved completely defenseless
>Seniors in highschool
>14 year olds
user what
senpai's friends are a bit developmentally slow, please understand
Gamo didn't even really tell a story like the others, and the next page were in her head
Well we're talking about Takao who suggested the split and Shota-kun, so I guess I see your point
Normie is from here too anyway, it's just a shortened normalfag, not a sanitized version
She's so timid, and afraid of being left behind.
If this doesn't confirm 774 lurks here, we only need a reveal that Yoshi has been hiding her true intelligence, and that will put a nail in the matter
The funny thing is the people reading this as simple dating instead of threesomes.
He's implied her puta-ness enough, plenty of times. The real indicator of him lurking is more like the Fanbox nuking.
her and gamo raised their hands to encourage nagatoro to
The Naga r*ddit crowd thinks he lurks there with them too because of this, it's like they have no self-awareness or knowledge about the man
It's like the anons who think every post ending with 774 is Nanashi. I get the shitposting aspect of it, it's fun to pretend, but some degens surely believe this crap
Nah, let's stick with normalfag.
lying in bed
just like brian wilson did
>implying the japanese imageboards that spam the exact same shit are not more likely to be lurked hy 774 than the gaijin website with 1000 daily visitors
Come on, try at least.
dont fucking care if it's 2chan or Yea Forums, but of course 2chan is more likely. the point was how we think he's aware of the headcanons the community comes up with. what did you think I was implying?
>Sakura being a slut
he hinted at it, we massively expanded on it, and he delivered on our expectations. and yeah Yoshi being another hyper-intelligent being is headcanon
This. That's why Gamo was so embarrassed, she was put on the spot. Her and Yoshi were so determined to get Nagatoro to raise her hand that she didn't expect to actually get asked herself
I don't know how people reading it can't figure this out, it's obvious as fuck
gamo x kenny would have been better
*punches you*
>Developed character x undeveloped character would have been better
god I don't want to waste time with background characters introducing themselves to the main cast
At least brotoro is already an established character with a semblance of personality and a good reason to hang out around Gamo, while giving easy opportunities for an eventual romance to blossom while still focusing on naga and senpai
This is way better than have completely new relationships take up the page count while the main story stagnates, this shit is one of the many thousands of reasons why I don't read other romcoms
nah thats stupid
I seriously hate that Gamo likes a fucking riajuu so much I feel angry and heartbroken. Is this how Eren felt