
Xia Ji's judgement is nigh
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm gonna miss this dumbass.

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There is absolutely no way sandwich will kill off hyped up character for the third time.

Bro he has access to about 10,000 ips, he will just spam with nonsense regardless

alright, fuck it, I'll catch up on kengan omega
kengan asura is one of my favourite manga of all time, I'm sure the sequel will be good

user, I...

Hassad soon.

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>There is absolutely no way sandwich will kill off hyped up character
user, that's Sandwich's specialty.

Who could realistically give Xia a good fight without it being a complete stomp?

Find an Yea Forums archive and catch up on these threads instead, they're much more fun than the actual series

This is a manga about Nicolas le Banner. Other irrelevant shitters and false protagonists need not apply.

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>inb4 Hassad actually shows up and finishes Xia Ji off
>"FOR SOME REASON, Hassad was also with the assasination squad..."

Unironically Okubo

>I'm sure the sequel will be good
user, you've got it all wrong

Fun little plot thread you've got going here without us.
A threatening villain? Aww, that's cute.

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Ohma and probably Raian are on the scene. No antagonist is safe.

You were awesome, user.

>"Princesses" are on the move

fuck rain fuck ohma and fuck sandro

>I'm sure the sequel will be good

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Whelp. It’s been good knowing him, I guess
Gonna delusionally hope for a Dinoponera speedrun at least

>I'm sure the sequel will be good
What if... I were to subvert those expectations?

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RIP user's brain.

>Akoya was a denied a kino death against Nicolas in favor of a long slow conga of "losing his edge" and AAAAAAIIIEEEEE SAVE ME BATSUIT
I'll never understand why Sandro does some of the things he does.

Akoya doesn't deserve shit. Him slowly losing his edge and coming to realization is his just deserts.

>an actual retard will win against everyone because he's too fucking stupid that they can't get a good read on him
bravo sandwich

I don't care that much about Akoya, I'm just still mad Sandro blueballed what probably would have been the second best fight of the tournament if not for it being derailed for random Lolong wank.

Xia Ji is going to snap and mid diff the whole assault team. Screen cap this.

I hope Raian kills Xia Ji.

What was so great about Le bummer's fight? It's just
>i'm faster than you
>heh i just straight up deleted your vital organs with my epic pressure point attacks
>except none of this matters because he starts chimping out, therefore so must I


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What is dumbells even about nowadays?

Yeah, I can't defend stuff like Nic having the same magic reflexes just because.
I mostly just liked it because of a fun backstory and the two really getting into it by the end, the page of them clawing at each others faces in pure bloodlust mode was one of the few tournament moments that really felt like something of Asura to me. So many Omega matches just feel like both of them going through the motions and barely giving a shit. It's why I also like Falcon vs Rihito and Liu vs Nitoku a lot even those had flaws too, and why Jurota is endearing as character through his autism even though he fought like a retard.

>13 years old boy
>killed all his dojo senpais
>killed his father
>did all these before his brain surgery
>b-bakana, could he actually be crazy all alon-ACK
Was Hayami retarded?

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Unironically the dumbest moment in Kengan in terms of raw nonsensical writing alone, not factoring in how bad it fucked the story(or else Ohma and Raian rule).

Is having sons the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a son. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so he can betray you for your slut daughter. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy - honing his killer instincts, giving him the best sissy hypno, educating him, training him. All of it has one simple result: he will condemn you to your doom for the sake of some traitorous whore.
Raised the perfect boy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a wretched spawn who can still call herself your daughter who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who claims him. She gets to control and use him however she wants. She gets the benefits of his insane personality and his skills and abilities that came from the way you raised him.
As a man who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for your daughter to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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Time travel, because apparently that's a thing that can happen if you flex hard enough. So, I guess Julius was right about everything.

>Daro-san, delete everything you've drawn, I have a new chapter draft...

Is having students the ultimate cuckoldry? I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a living student. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are training, raising and rearing a vessel for at least 18 years solely so he can go and get ravaged by another man in the ring. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little student - teaching him the niko style, making him go through the gu ritual, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, sparring with him. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the men he will eventually job to.
Raised the perfect vessel? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who fights him. He gets to fight him every night.
As a man who has a student, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a vessel for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuckoldry. Think about it logically.

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I can't think of another series where people dread a main character this hard, it's really quite something. It was fascinating to see everyone turn on the last page of last chapter, when many were enjoying it up to that point.

I feel like you give Ohma like a beard or hell even some fucking stubble, some sort of visual change, and some people would withhold judgment simply because they anticipate some sort of change for his character, but to see Ohma just look exactly like he always has just seemed like a visual manifestation of dread, like he's here to steamroll people's hopes.

Literally impossible to tell so far. His superman syndrome is described to be only double the average, but is portrayed like way more. He's called this amazing martial arts prodigy, but so is half the cast.
Okubo, like the other user said? He was able to cope with the weight of Agito's hits before, so even though he's outmuscled he won't be immediately overwhelmed, and is pretty skilled himself.
Though with Xia's mental state right now, not sure if he'd be smart enough to not get put to sleep in a hold relatively fast.

>I can't think of another series where people dread a main character this hard
I think Hajime no Ippo came close around the time people stopped regularly storytiming it, and so did the end of Shokugeki no Soma. The thing is, those mangas ended RIGHT as the MC reached peak retardation, whereas Omega is just doubling down on it.

Wouldn't Xia just UNGA BUNGA his way out of hold just like he tored Inaba's hair?

Koga will MURDER Xia Ji. Screenshot this.

I mean with Souma the villains starting with the evil dad were what set people off, and I think less Souma himself though people were tired of bullshit victories for sure. The insanity of the end just overwhelmed everything else. From what I remember with Ippo threads around the time leading up to Ippo's retirement and the aftermath where the threads were full of bitterness people were shitting on the coach the hardest and the writing around Ippo's development and fighting style.

Omega is just fucking hate, hate, hate for Ohma and Raian now, it's night and day.

Yeah, the fact that it's just Ohma exactly the same as ever, same design as ever, still acting the same as ever, just makes it worse.
Though for me personally, the worst part is the implication of Raian lurking nearby. One of them is bad enough.

Koga will take Xia Ji as his lawful wife

Why are you guys doomposting?
This looks like perfect setup for Ohma to job to show how threatening these new dudes are.

>Ryuki desperately trying to lie to Koga
>Koga walks up with Xia's head
>the two have a long laugh and hug
>walk off to get something to eat
>"Kengan Omega is filmed before a live studio audience"

>This looks like perfect setup for Ohma to job to show how awesome Raian is

Possibly, also depends on what position they're in, if Okubo can lock down an arm like he did with Terashi for example. A plain sleeper hold he might just be able to pry off by force like Akoya did to Cosmo if he reacts properly in time, yeah.

>See you next time in Kengan Alpha: son of Ohma

If Raian killed him and there's a shot of him somewhere after smirking with him looking towards the reader regardless of context, I would start kneeling and applaud then and there

Baki. For the record I don't hate Ohma and it's not like he's itching for a win right now

Unironically, if by some absolute fucking miracle Ohma isn't talking about Raian, Koga feels like the most likely candidate since he has a bit of a grudge to settle here, short of Zombie Fei or something off the wall.

>a grudge to settle here
What if Xia Ji decimates Raian for the previous punch?

Oh please people by and large don't hate Baki, it's more they find him a bit bland or dull. He isn't murdering his opponents or sending them to the irrelevance dungeon.

Xia is surrounded by Kengan faction characters and he's currently being beaten with the flanderization stick which is why all of his dialogue is him screeching like a retard. I'd be amazed if he gets out of this alive.

>Ohma walking
>shot of Raian's back in alley
>he looks back smiling
>Karla is choking Xia Ji out with her thighs

>I'd be amazed if he gets out of this alive
>Xia Ji kills everyone, fixes his hair and becomes THE DRAGON

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Xia Ji has discarded all of his knives, he can't lose now.

LOL good one user

Xia Ji should kill both Raian and Ohma so Koga can become the MC again

>Fei removes his shirt
>Lolong removes his shirt
>was awesome
>Eddie removes his shirt
>never stood a chance
>Xia removes his shirt
>you are here

What if the time skip happened so we can get a "Koga and Xia Ji trained together to slaughter Nikoshits and Kureniggers" type twist. Ohma was talking about Raian, however Koga will ambush them once they gang up on Xia Ji, maybe with the help of Waka and other notorious Kure/Niko haters