>Mahoyo movie
>Post credits scene
>Aoko roaming around the country
>Ends up in Souya
>Empty field
>Sees small child in the distance
>Ends on this shot
true kino
Mahoyo movie
Kino is German for movie. Yes, you did watch a movie.
Some trustworthy people are talking about a Tsukhime anime by Ufotable
Remake was a huge success so its only a matter of Time. And if that would be popular in turn it would push Nasu to go through with Localization instead of just agonizing about it.
Who are these "trustworthy" people?
Yeah they're pushing remake hard, it's only a matter of time until Arcueid gets into FGO, and we're 100% getting an anime one day, but it might take a long fucking time considering we don't even know when far side is releasing
Just trust me bro
Are peple hoping for a Tsukihime anime because they're too lazy to read the original VN and the remake?
Someone from twitter
i'm hoping to actually be able to read the remake in its entirety
>true kino
Anime would raise the chances of remake localization. If nasu would just stop his console autism and just greenlight a steam port. No1 gives a fuck if the translations work perfectly, just fucking give it to us you fucking hack.
Oh man, here it comes.
Fucking hell.
And here comes the gatekeeper.
I dont care how many anime onlies you have to shit your pants about. If it gives us the remake translated its all fucking worth it.
Would read it in fucking nip otherwise but Nasu floods his text with Kanji all the time.
>Would read it in fucking nip otherwise but Nasu floods his text with Kanji all the time.
Literally ngmi.
Not really. Ufotable rose to prominence with the KnK movies by virtue of making the first TYPE-MOON adaptation that didn't take a huge shit on the source material, and both have been tightly linked ever since
Like literally every single loreful page is so chock full of bizarre Kanji that you need a dictionary for. I would be able to understand the gist of it just fine, but anything indepth and the reading speed plummets to a crawl.
If it only was on fucking steam I could at least have a dictionary for weird shit close by.
But Stay Night STILL isn’t in English but shit like Extella is
Why is "guy looks up wide-eyed at girl" such a powerful image?
I guess they are well aware of the fan translation since they didnt even release the mobile version in the west. Its pretty weird to be honest. Nasu has already expressed that he wants to see multilanguage support so its a matter of time, but will see if we get it on steam or just consoles.
>b-but those kanji are t-too hard
As I already said
I dig her design. Just some plain white shirt with jeans and long red hair. Sometimes the simplest designs are the most appealing.
how do you hook text from steam? I'm trying to read utaware
This coming from someone who never even tried to learn is extremely cheap.
I never even said its too hard, its a fucking hassle.
You could try textractor. Never tried on steam games. Id play it from steam in runes just because Id have quick access to Jisho when met with weird combination.
Reading this thread as a JOP is hillarious.
It was revealed to me in a dream
ah damn you look up radicals then huh?
>as a JOP
Why are you here and not in japanese reddit though? Maybe you are just a poser/pseud?
>This coming from someone who never even tried to learn is extremely cheap.
Why are you assuming this?
I just finished Kohaku's route today, I need to read the epilogue though (fucking Akiha with her bad ending) and I want an anime. Even if is just Arcueid route if ufo were to do a good job we could have some good shit. I don't know how different the remake is but I guess they would adapt it instead of the original.
>retarded Yea Forums buzzword
go back
You know it just means a person consumes all jp media in the original language. Why wouldn't I talk about it with you amerifats about it.
Bitch please, as if ESL shitstain like this would ever bother learning a 3rd language when they can barely talk English. Also would know about how bullshit Kanji get when writer is chuuni.
Basically first villain of Arc route is different but it plays out more or less the same. Ciel route is COMPLETELY rewritten with new characters, villains and bigger stakes at end.
go back to 2016 faggot
What you meant to say. "Yes I'm in fact a poser".
There's a whole lot of us on the Jay. Come visit when you grow up from texthooking and anki.
>Bitch please, as if ESL shitstain like this would ever bother learning a 3rd language when they can barely talk English. Also would know about how bullshit Kanji get when writer is chuuni.
Faggot I know 3 languages besides english and my native one. Japanese is one of them. Maybe you'd have time to look up chuuni chinese scribbles in the dicitionary if you spent less time whining about how some kanji are impossible.
melty blood is my favourite fighting game, and warachia is my favourite character
I hope they do a melty blood anime
because people love blond white women.
it's in russian that movie is kino
Wasn't there supposed to be more than 1 Mahoyo game originally
half wrong.
The Russian word is directly borrowed from German.
Experts say they are trustworthy.
Those tits are smaller than I remember.
Touko is the hot one.
>one has universe hacks that blueshifts her own personal timestream
>this means she's more attractive, apparently
who's coping here?
Aoko is pretty hot too.
How would you know that user?
we've literally never seen Touko's actual body
Her copies are specifically stated to be identical to the original body.
>Mahoyo movie
>Post credits scene
>Aoko roaming around the country
>Sees a poster
>It looks like this "Chaldea" organization is recruiting mages huh
>It looks too much of a Grand Order for me though
>Mahoyo X FGO collab event coming soon! Play the game to find out what happens next!
Ufotable deserves to die for adapting Demon Slayer.
So why does she look different every time we see her?
this is sneak peak of that collab. God damn it all.
How good of mages are the sisters?
I know Touko btfo'd Prelati offscreen for calling her dirty red
Blue hair one isn't canon anymore, the rest are of different age. And even then that's mostly just different hairstyles and clothes.
>new Tsukihime anime
>there's a scene of Zelretch visiting Merlin's tower
Can Kaleido go to Avalon?