ITT: Main characters in maid outfits

ITT: Main characters in maid outfits

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DanDaDan is so comfy. I'm happy to be in the comfy threads before they turn to shit with animefags like Spy x Family has.

How did she get less cute as a maid?

She has a sporty vibe; still cool for the gap moe, if you are into that.

That's fate user; forests will rot, water will flow; anime season will come and go. When we are left with one less general to enjoy, let us cope.

>less cute

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Main characters of my heart

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the main girl

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It's kinda weird, the guy that violently hated Dandadan and used to shitpost in every thread gave up or left Yea Forums around when the Jiji arc started and now it's a hugbox thread like SxF was a couple of months ago or CSM during the Reze arc.

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Well that's a serie I didn't expect to see in this thread.

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bump 4 maids

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maid themed Lingere is NOT a maid outfit. I HATE how somehow people got it into their heads that a bikini with frills is a maid outift. Pic related is a maid outfit
t. maid appreciator

Attached: maid.jpg (533x1000, 110.94K)

Based and truthpilled

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well excuse me but the impression I got from OP's pic is that overtly sexy maids were welcome here

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chika cute

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I like this outfit, would be better with stockings

the shorter the outfit, the better

>DanDaDan is so comfy
I tried reading it but dropped it when some new girl showed up.
Does it gets good? What I read was just "lol so randum xdxd" and made absolutely no sense.

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>Does it gets good?
no... it gets great :D

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Cute shitposting meido.

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Based and maidpilled

Attached: 61e02ad6bb3889f410c5edf48b532145--maid-outfit-nagisa-shiota.jpg (480x698, 41.59K)

Attached: - 174467 apron brown_hair haine headdress kneehighs logo long_hair maid myuseru_foaran pointed_ears purple_eyes third-party_edit twintails white.jpg (3500x2301, 551.78K)

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maid thread and no maid-sama posts!?! for shame


> Sees thread.

Attached: my.gif (136x135, 2.73K)

> Opens folder.

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kaichou no maid sama

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>I want to hire Hayasaka as a maid
>oh wait she's wealthier than I am
>tfw Hayasaka hires you as a maid

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My beautiful angel

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>was just "lol so randum xdxd"
they're sticking with this type of humor. if you don't like it, it's just not for you

Yuri switch, on...

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The best

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>wearing full blown trousers underneath

They're actually not if you know your clothing history...

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wer ist das Ponko

based mori mori appreciator

have a sex hair

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isn't that a dude?

Coal fired hot water radiator heating didn't start appearing in wealthy homes until the 1870's, and didn't go widespread until Sears realized that they could bundle whole house kits together to sell more furnaces.

Until then, if you wanted to be warm you wore more.

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Rarer genuine Mori short comic.

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The way this last pane goes I get the distinct impression this was literally a conversation Mori had with her assistant and decided to draw it.

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