Fun fact!

Fun fact!

Did you know about Hitori Bocchi!

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>So... I has this autistic clingy friend, she was bothering me a lot, but I didn't want to deal with all the crying, so I made this hilariously lie that she needs to get over her shyness and make friends with the whole class for 3 years before she is worth of talking to me again.
>I'm a genius

Is this how you make friends in school?

Your friend Bochi.


I tried to witch this last week but it was too painful.

Is it a question? Or a statement?

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Bocchi is about to be remembered for a long time on this board

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Infiltrating a group of kids talking about something and sharing an interesting fact was my method. But this works too.


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S2 never


I forgot

Care to elaborate?

I recently read the entire manga. It was honestly pretty forgettable.

the look the same size

If Bocchi has 1000 friends, I am one of them
If Bocchi has 10 friends, I am one of them
If Bocchi has 1 friend, that is me
If Bocchi has 0 friends, that means I no longer walk the earth
If the world is against Bocchi, I am against the World
Wa ha ha

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I will never forget Bocchi

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That's not how you write a fun fact, silly gero

The fuck is she holding on the right?

Jrink var

Aru, aluminum can, so on, so forth.

Big misfortune.


This fact, it is indead fun!

A calamity.

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I know all about The Bocc

Now she’s the world’s biggest class vice president.

nobody here?

Hohori hocchi

what flavor of mountain dew is that?

A Tableton, surely is bread.

what if sotoka stinks?

I don't know but if mexicans can turn chili powder into candy then maybe they also made a spicy soft drink for that same reason.

I expected a light comedy about a slightly autistic shy girl. Instead I got a chronicle of a viscerally repulsive bonafide retard who's one step from drooling, twitching and soiling herself.

women are petty

and then you saw Bocchi?

>a viscerally repulsive bonafide retard who's one step from drooling, twitching and soiling herself.

user, do you have anything more to say?

she actually grows as a character across the series in a satisfying way without losing her personality

Tableton,a famous cookie in Chile(the long mexico)


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Bocchi has no friends...

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Aru's Arus are.


The right Hitori in the wrong place can make all the difference in the Bocchi.

Lose, Aru
Don’t shine, Aru
Aru stuck inside an aluminum can

It’s all about the Bocc
And how to approach her
It’s all about the attempt
If you can befriend her

bocchi is always crying and complaining like a little baby and her friends are always saving her

what a fucking baby

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Posting Sotoka and her cute forehead once again!

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I only know about Bocchi the Rock.

I agree she is significantly more autistic than I originally expected but come on m8, it's not THAT bad.

Sotoka has a lewd body.