What happened to her
Is nobody watching this show. I thought it is fairly popular on Yea Forums
Walked into a bad neiborhood.
She is a figment of Raidou's lonely imagination
wow he's literally me
loli + that hairstyle + pantyhose = perfect
It's really weird. The first two episodes had threads that hit bump limit under 3 hours after the episode airs, but now the threads are barren outside of the episode thread (and even the latest episode thread barely reached bump limit)
I don't know if it's because other shows are getting anons' attention so they side this one off, or they just lost interest over time (I did see some that admit this), but it's certainly a weird thing.
To be fair, I almost dropped it because of that giantess blond airhead because I hate characters like this
Nvm she isn't blond, she has pink hair
The premise isn't strong enough. Even in the manga, people were getting a bit bored as early as chapter 10-15
If you mean Ooshiro-san, she's a redhead and not a blonde. And she's only a focus in that one episode. Do you really drop a show just because one side character annoys you?
Yes, this is why I said "almost", she was gone in episode 4
If she was in every sketch after she was introduced or even 50% of them, it would be a drop
She feels like she belongs in Komi-san.
I was thinking of that actually, I hate half the side characters in Komi, probably why I hate her too
The way they just glow when they smile is making me smile too. They're radiating happiness.
>komi-san but more boring
>komi-san but it's just the main two most of the time and it's comfy
Unironic sasuga
Is it weird that it's this scene that made me realize "Oh, the joke is that they are both autistic."
This followed by both of them starting to rap is what made me realize that the MC was autistic too
>people were getting a bit bored as early as chapter 10-15
that is every manga
this word has no meaning
New episode threads always follow the same boring patterns these days. I don't even bother if the OP doesn't have a discussion topic anymore.
All 4 scenes
Interesting since episodes 3 and 4 were far better than 1 and 2, havent seen 5 yet
That's what I think, too. Each episode just keeps getting better but the threads keep getting slower. And episode 5 is really good, especially the rap parts.
Episode 5 also had rap? Havent seen it yet
Or am I confusing episode 4 with 5?
If this show doesn't get a season 2, showing best gir,l I'm going to kill myself
My bad, I was talking about episode 4. Episode 5 hasn't even aired yet.
i'd like this show better if it was just a standard SoL. the gimmick of "raido overthinks up ridiculous scenarios in his head" has kinda already gotten old to me.
best ED of the season, though.
This is getting English and Spanish simuldubs and I feel like they might fuck the rapping part up really badly
It didn't pass 3 episode rule. Simple as that.
Most of us lolicons can't deal with the pain of seeing somebody else score with a loli gf. It's just too hurtful.
Probably too hard to shitpost.
This brat is in dire need of some rape correction.
I hope Akkun can correct her properly.
You can't expect a boy to do a middle aged man's job, user.
aharen... easy on the meatballs!
It saddens me to think that we won't even get one doujin of Futaba. I hope I'm mistaken, though, because I need it badly.
Aharen goes to America.
Most of the jokes are the male lead's insane fantasies and the extents he goes to keep misunderstandings going. They're both pretty stupid in their own ways which is why it's more fun than similar romcoms.
Good job Aharen-san!
You may not like it, but this is what peak female physical form looks like.
Why she no smile?
Episode 4 had multiple threads.
Aharen airs same day as Kaguya S3 but it started earlier.
This damn brat shows no respect.
At least she gave an apology rap
rap correction clearly works.
underrated post
>The first two episodes had threads that hit bump limit under 3 hours after the episode airs, but now the threads are barren outside of the episode thread (and even the latest episode thread barely reached bump limit)
Does any of that matters? What's wrong with simply talking about an anime?
wtf, that is not my stoic wife Chino
it does
i really want to fuck that brat
This happens with almost every show of a new season though
For me it's Booba-sensei.
Scum like you report lolicons irl for scoring a loli. (Jealousy)
Fortunately the smart ones will never let anyone find out.