Despite being a well-known trope, there are surprisingly few trap love interests in anime/manga, and even fewer that actually win. Why is that?
japs are insecure about their sexuality so trap stuff doesn't perform well outside of its niche
Too gay for the average male otaku, not enough for fujoshis.
Because that's gay.
Too gay for average people, too femine for fujo
Traps only work if the love interest is of the opposite sex, else it's just faggotry.
Traps are a joke, just like in real life. It's meant to be funny not serious.
Just right for people of culture.
Almost as if they are supposed to be joke characters.
>muh joke characters
>Draw a girl
>Say it's a boy
Honestly the stupidest thing to ever come out of that country
There's nothing amusing about it, it's just retarded
It's hot though.
Fan service is already annoying and retarded. Fan service for fetishes which don't even exist in real life is even worse.
All traps do is invite ironic weebs who are insecure about their sexuality and actual trannies.
>Fan service is already annoying and retarded
>ironic weebs
The only ironic weeb here is you.
Ironic weebs pretend to hate fan service when really they love it. My fake friends post big tit scenes all the time on facebook even though they claim to hate anything to do with it.
Because they'd eventually have to explore a gay relationship rather than recycle the same ten jokes about crossdressers. They can't breed, either.
Why don't they just pair them with female characters
straight traps is an even more niche market
I don't think I've ever watched anything with it. Do you have any recommendations?
They are disgusting freakazoids of nature, why do you want them as something more than gags? Are you gay?
so your audience is the odd lesbian and people who self-insert as straight traps. Sounds like something better suited to the realm of niche porn.
straight traps deserve a shot to the head lmao
at least with gay traps they are being dominated by ugly bastards and not fucking real girls lmao
Traps are not niche. Ironic weebs are obsessed with them.
I am gonna kill that thing by beheading it, Taliban style.
because its gay
straight traps are dominated by disgusting land whales so its fine either way, no sane woman would wanna be with smt like that
it's a pretty retarded hook for a story. At least feminine gays have roots in reality. Unless the character is actually trans, I guess, but that's a small audience and I'm pretty sure close to 100% of japs find trans issues laughable.
Because you watch harems and the plainest lowest-common-denominator one is typically the “main girl” for obvious reasons.
dicked straight by a trap is a hilarious trope.
>i hate boys, they are the worst
>I remember being in love with a girl when I was younger who protected me from these evil bully boys
>Could it be... this transfer student is this girl I was in love with?
>Oh no, he's actually a boy and worse than al the bullies, and he blackmails me into kissing him every day
>I hate him so much, but... why does kissing him have to feel so good, BOYS ARE THE WORST
they just don't process them because of their history of fucking twinks in edo period , kinda like Greeks
reading comprehension off the charts here
>Because you watch harems
Even in stories where the trap is the only love interest (of which there are very few mind you) the trap baffling doesn't always win. Nobody else wins either, but the ending can either be vague, inconclusive or an actual bad end.
if you win with a trap you get AIDS
nobody wins in a trap ending faggot
Fuck off /pol/tard, and take your brain rot elsewhere.
I don't get the appeal of traps. That is a lot of steps with very low gain after their expiration date in their early 20s, compared to finding a normal woman.
You tranniss should stop seething and go back to your board.
Traps are only good from ages 10 to 15. After that they become too manly.
Because traps are gay.
You're completely confused
perhaps you meant this guy?
What anime is going to turn a trap into a normal 25-30 year old man. If there is a timeskip they'll either look almost exactly the same or maybe a bit older and slightly more boyish. Drawings don't have to deal with real-world problems.
this but with futanari
There are some good titles that actually deal realistically with human development or the prospect thereof.
The aptly named Bokurano Hentai dealt with it very well that most of them grew out of it and couldn't pul it off any more when they were 17 when they still could at 15.
in Japan you are expected to grow out of this phase after your teens otherwise you become an ugly okama
>too femine for fujo
It's like that everywhere except for third world countries where it's just a death sentence.
>Fan service for fetishes which don't even exist in real life is even worse.
No, fan service for fetishes which don't even exist in real life is the best.
sadly worse girl cause no feet
Lio wasn't really a trap honestly. He has a male voice, has somewhat of a personality that isn't being "owo". While he's draw pretty thin it's not outside the bounds for a twink.
Well, yeah. No-one stays young and pretty forever. What happens when he starts getting muscles, chest hair and has to shave? Isn't that why there's the saying "There are no old trannies?"
The effeminate-looking dude is still a dude, and he's going to look like a dude pretty soon.
>no sane woman is attracted to human features
Straight women are just zoophiles then.
yes, even dogs or horses are more desirable than traps for them, just look at blacked for an example
It's because it's a fetish, first and foremost. The inherent sexual connotation isn't a good foundation for actual romance but is well-suited for comedy or porn. How do you write a believable romance when one half's appeal lies in their ability to deceive the other?
being a straight trap / lesbian is a one way sure ticket for ruin...
There's no longevity to a romance like that. Think about it, what happens when the trap hits puberty and becomes another dude? It's like how in Oreimo, it's clear the relationship had no future.
>How do you write a believable romance when one half's appeal lies in their ability to deceive the other?
Doesn't sound like a problem to me.
lots of relationships are built on delusion or deceit
Fuck traps
It's no less realistic than an eternal loli or elven love interest. In real life it's obviously not possible, but in the realm of 2D these problems are easily hand-waved away.
>Why is that?
Most people aren't fags, it is a deviancy from proper mental health.
In Japan, your parents also get to choose your job for you. Except not really or anymore.
Get off of my board you homos. Anime and manga.