Based, single women should get made fun of and pressured by the society to get married.
Based, single women should get made fun of and pressured by the society to get married
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It's 2022, the idea that women should get married when they're around 20 (and still mentally immature) is outdated
I find that men and women who get tied up the earliest are also the happiest
When either of you start getting close to dirty thirty, you start getting together out of desperation rather than compatibility
And look how well that's worked out, Mr. Current Year. Native birthrates have gone into freefall, and immigrants outpace them in their own countries.
Evil blonde gaijin woman
But women don’t mentally mature past their teenage years anyway, their mental state is pretty much stuck at the level of a 14 year old boy
Marriage isn't cool.
Okay rabbi
Women aren't mentally mature until they're like 40, and still not truly mature until 60
>It's 2022
Can we make oocytes from adult stem cells that won't create a baby with seven birth defects? Do we already have artificial wombs for human use? Did we already genetically engineer our women to produce healthy children well into their 40s and fixed that bug where oxytocin signalling is fucked up and pair bonding becomes impossible after they screwed around?
Even if all women were forced to be married, you'd still manage to be single OP.
What are we up to? Current year + 7 or something? Jesus.
shut up r9k incel, put some effort in
maturity isn't reached with age, and is a false metric
Brain maturity isn't even useful. All it measures is how flexible you are at learning, then it's all downhill from there.
Maturity consists of the ability to think long term, to delay gratification, invest early, and understand the different perspectives of people at different stages of their lives.
It has little to do with age, and more to do with upbringing.
At least people who aren't mature and get married on time are getting a head start against people who are mature and get married late.
>yor is only 27
I actually forgot she's that young
You will... marry? But a woman?
What did you mean by this post?
It's the only way they can at this point. By the time they want to settle down, they're already broken
>Based, single women should get made fun of and pressured by the society to get married.
pretty sure the problem is the male side who doesn't want to be caged with responsibilities
Getting married at 27 is perfectly reasonable. You should have a kid between 26-36.
chances drop significantly after 30
If you married and had a kid you can't consume the latest video game user. You won't have time to consume our new shows.
You might not afford the latest trend. Don't do it.
jokes on you, i pirate all digital products
Who cares?
>he doesn't play Venus Vacation with his wife and kids
>he doesn't watch his isekai harem with his wife and kids
you talking about yourself?
You can't pirate time though.
it's mine to waste
I hated this bitch so much
Anya sex is fun of and you should be pressured by the society to do it.
Yeah but it's not completely unreasonable
>will never have a telepathic retard daughter
why even try...
>Venus Vacation
Based DOAXVV family man.
so does dangerous birth for the mother and development issues for the child
Actually wrong
Women are the most mature and smart at their prime, when they're 18-35 yrs old.
They kinda start devolving in intellect backwards into a childlike state after 35.
Most men mature only when they're like 40
>t. simp
there will always be a risk of developmental issues when it's a child of an user
luckily having children is a rare occurrence in these parts
If men don't want to be caged with responsibilities, they'll just go out to buy milk
women are experts at entrapping men
if men aren't being tied to a ball and chain, clearly there's no desire to
>childbirth is dangerous and risky
No shit but it's the only way. If you are older you should be more than financially stable by 35 and ready to have a child to raise them properly.
>Japanese women are hyper-aggressive
>Men in general do not like masculine women
>Hyper-aggressive people typically excel in work and get promoted faster
>Women do not like men that earn less than them
It's over.
>If men don't want to be caged with responsibilities, they'll just go out to buy milk
The western equivalent of christmas cake is spinster, and Yor is one
If the setting is roughly similar to ours (maybe set in the mid 60s when the spy stuff was really taking off) these women would be making much sharper jokes than this
It's really the being accused of being a foreign spy thing that's kind of a problem.
Amazing bait.
Even without the spy thing Yor's coworkers were clearly making fun of her for being an adult single woman.
bro are you retarded? As is genuinely fucking dumb?
Do you know how much kids cost to raise and buy shit for?
Is yor virgin?
>keeps making the same thread over and over again
What mental illness is this
Even desperate women still wont choose you, user.
google it, ESL-kun
I don't think Yuri is so deranged as to cross the line with his sister
>responding seriously to a shitposter
>implying he wouldn't do it if she let him
I've been seeing the same shit on Yea Forums. It's just incels and /pol/tards trying to use the latest anime in any OP they make to get as many people talking about their incel views or racebaiting as much as possible.
They did the same thing with last season's FOTM (Dress Up Darling) across multiple boards.
unironically based
It is indeed outdated. There is no need to wait until 20, getting married at 18 while in high school is the safest bet.
My grandma married when she was 16
My mom when she was 20
I married my wife when she was 19 (I was 25)
What's with westoids and getting married after 30?