Why did the rebuilds suck so badly?
Why did the rebuilds suck so badly?
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Why do you retards never move on?
Enter CHADsader
Don't care, they made babies.
Anno made it shit on purpose as thanks for all the death threats
Because theyre souless.
Fuck off back to Yea Forums.
did they??????
No clear direction is the biggest cause. First they were a remake of the series, then they started going their own route, but then the third movie threw all of the established plot points into the trash and picked a much less interesting direction. Then the fourth once again changed lanes by trying to be some weird sequel to the th series but without fully commiting to it.
There was clearly some behind-scenes drama or discontent from Anno's part, which lead to the constant development hell, such that by the final movie he simply wanted it all to be over with it.
>There was clearly some behind-scenes drama or discontent from Anno's part
I felt there was something off about how upset he'd get when people would interview him about the rebuilds.
4.44 was okay, the rest were unnecessary.
Meant for
you're talking like OG series didn't suck
>Why do you retards never move on?
This unironically. It was time to move on from Eva. The story was finished with EoE. Asking why a nostalgia cashgrab failed to deliver is already answering your own question.
It is a masterpiece so yeah.
i'm 14 and this is deep
Kek. Based.
They were not needed
To be fair, the shit they're trying to rebuild from is even worse.
Me personally I liked it. It pushed the limits of what we could do to a fandom.
Anno Hideaki is the Hideo Kojima of anime
>The moment his shitty taste was called out.
>He refers to posting wojaks.
Like a fucking clockwork.
i can use arguments to describe in detail why i find EVA to be bad but you fags won't listen and won't change your opinion the same way i won't so it's all pointless
posting wojaks is faster and more convenient way of arguing in that case
>Anno Hideaki is the Hideo Kojima of anime
Wack as fuck analogy something only a new fag would say.
>uhhh I could make an epic post destroying eva but I just choose not to
Did you really think anyone would believe this?
It was obvious from the end of the first Rebuild that they were really sequels to the original series.
the fags that don't like EVA neither would
the fags that find it to be 10/10 masterpiece wouldn't
like i said, it's all pointless
But they shouldn't have been. It does nothing but destroy the integrity of both the original and the Rebuilds.
I personally didn't want to believe the sequel theory, precisely because it felt like such a dumb fan theory that breaks the established lore with time travel and world resetting bullshit. And lo and behold, that's exactly what happened.
Based "i'm pleb and proud" poster.
I liked them. I always expected the Rebuilds to diverge from the plot of the original series, so I like that in the first three there's this entropic process of things flying more and more off the rails, with the first Rebuild being very close to the series and the third one being radically different. The fourth movie was a step backward in that regard; I approved of the ending trying to tie everything up into a nice little bow, but the the confrontation between Gendo and Shinji placed undue emphasis on the relationships between those two characters in that particular timeline, not to mention it felt like a video game boss battle. I expected the final entry in a franchise like Neon Genesis Evangelion to deal with Gendo's loneliness in more abstract and general terms. It seemed that Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 was less ambitious than the ending of the original series or The End of Evangelion at times, and it doesn't even try to address the original ending and explain why it was inadequate. We already have the world without Evangelions, which 3.0 + 1.0 suddenly decides is the solution to the characters' problems; in the series, Shinji imagines a scenario where all the characters are living in a slice-of-life anime, and that's pretty much the happy ending that 3.0 + 1.0 offers to the kids.
Arguably, the original series has a better solution than the Rebuilds, because in the former Gendo, Yui, and Misato are saved too.
1-2 are okay, 3 sucks, but 4 was kino enough to make the other three worthwhile. Original series + EoE is still way better though.
You can't step into the same river twice.
I think making the Rebuilds sequels rather protects the integrity of the original. Without the factual connection to the original series, the Rebuilds would have been marketed as a replacement for the original and a lot of people wouldn't even bother watching the Series or The End of Evangelion. And making the Rebuilds a sequel allowed Anno to take the movies in a different direction; a lot of people are already mad at 3.0, but the backlash would have been a lot worse if people had thought that the movie was meant to replace the TV show.
what limits? EVA threads are dreadful and there is no more carrot on the stick with 4.0 to help move things along
Because the franchise is shit in general
Its fundamentally a story about characters, but all of the characters were already fully explored in the original. The central crux of the story lacks any weight because any time they actually tried to do something with the characters they ended up retreading the original.
Also goddamn this thread is shit, but thats on op for trying to have a discussion on Yea Forums.
Anno kept putting in ideas and never going back to them
Eva never had integrity. its a masterpiece, sure, but not one with integrity
a lot of things went wrong but it ultimately comes down to a failure to plan
If I had a dollar for every time some faggot misapplied anno’s quote about exploding crosses I would have enough money to build an evangelion.
a lot of people confuse the "looking cool" bit with having no deeper meaning at all. you can do both. one of your favorite songs is probably the spawn of a hook first and lyrics finished a day before deadline.
it's not even an anno quote it's tsurumaki
Simply referencing mythology that normalfags wouldn't be aware of isn't "depth", and as far as I can tell that's all Evangelion does.
A mild point of interest for the easily impressed, sure, but does Evangelion contain any metaphor or allegory? Any worthwhile insight?
No, it's all style.
>Captcha: 2ARMS
Kensuke didn't get the eva that rightfully belongs to him.
Indeed. I still can't get beyond Thunderdome.
Because it should have been 26 episodes anime series, all done the same year. And they always could make EoE equivalent for Rebuild tv series if they wanted more money.
3.0 was the only bad one.
More like the only good one.
The piano scene prevents it from being completely worthless but that's about it.
I found it to be the only interesting one. Interesting atmosphere of despair.
despair is boring
Evangelion is boring.
>dispair is boring
>in a fucking EVA thread
>I found it to be the only interesting one
It was by far the most boring of the bunch though.
4 was decent except for the CGI and random eva 1 billion and SMT plot ripoff
I find (You) boring.
Because they were Anno cynically milking the idiots that still couldn't let go of EVA.
I think they are fine for what they are. They are effectively an attempt to get a new generation of fans that were either too young or missed the golden age.