> monsters endanger society
> protagonist has to fight said monsters
> protagonist just happens to be half-said monster!!
>protagonist states belief
>antagonist makes an argument against said belief that is so surface level/shallow that it could be refuted by someone who is brain dead
>protagonist winces like their beliefs just got completely destroyed
>someone does something
>someone goes “Aaah, as expected of X”
>owari da
>it's never owari da
This is actually an extremely old concept. Go look up dhampyrs. Or having demigods mediate between humans and gods. Essentially that's the root of it, you have something between both things mediate the outcome.
>i don't want to kill the demons!
>he was nice to me once
>I now want to have his babies
such unrealistic exchanges, no wonder people who grow up watching anime end up as virgins, they are never prepared to deal with actual people
>it's old so it's good
people getting robbed at the last sec of a fight
>"That's X for you"
>someone moves fast
>eat food
>anime has animation
>villain is completely ruining society from the shadows
Yeah, hate it when people enjoy their food
The answer is always Investment Finance.
>character acts like he has a plan
>sets up confrontation with opponent
>they finally end up face to face
>suddenly it's like character never had any plan whatsoever, but it's not acknowledged by the story in any way
>protagonist has multiple girls after his dick
>most of these relationships are one dimentional
>he marries them all in the end, putting them on equals terms with the girls that he actually had chemistry with
Isekai authors need to grow a spine.
>a small-breasted female character who doesn't seem to care about her own chest size exists as a part of the main cast
>boob envy/complex comes up out of nowhere with no prior personal thoughts or buildup that don't get bought up again
>acts out of character at the time of said scene
>"I see, so this is MC-san's true power"
>protag is in love with love intrest
>entire series is will they won't they confess
>Protag has to fight strongest final bad guy
>instead of other characters getting stronger too
>sick of all simple character archetypes
>Long flash backs.
>boobs too big
>thighs too thick
I want to see the opposite, where a cow tits skank is jealous of a DFC
Eats plain rice, eyes light up like its christmas.
>main character wishes to get stronger
>"1 year later" time card/narration
>"wow I completed my training and now I'm very strong and can move faster than sound and punch boulders in half"
Wow, what compelling character growth
It indeed does happen but is mostly played comically. Personally I prefer my girls to not really care about their own chest size (small or big).
>obligatory isekai mention
>MC has power
>side characters have powers
>MC gets powerup after powerup after asspull after super secret training
>keep adding more side characters or friends
>show down with big bad who is insanely strong
>MC is the only one even on their level and everyone else is Yamcha-tier but with a weak x-men power
Just makes the world feel so shallow. Happens in a lot of shounens
>amnesia/memory lost
>progress gets reset because status quo and its not an episodic series
it makes me mallet.
>The bad guys aren't that bad because someone hurt them when they were kids
>Power up in the middle of the battle
>We're good top secret organization who helps people but nobody knows about us and no fucking way we're gonna cooperate with simple cops
>New character that was introduced as a powerful or even dangerous jobs in every fucking fight
>character loses
>sad flashback right before their depth to make fake depth and sympathy
It’s what made me almost drop demon slayer because they did it every fucking time.
>story with a neat concept and characters
>oh it's actually an isekai
>oh it's following the basic sol or generic fantasy isekai plot line
>oh they dropped any plot progression for generic formulaic content
>dropped after a few chapters / episodes
>take a drink
>girl is a tsukkomi and has problems with her weight
very interested
>the episode where she gains one pound and freaks out trying to lose it
This. I hate the trope in general but in demon slayer they do it way too often
>The story starts with the MC effortlessly defeating a big dumb thug.
Usually, these scenes just exist to show off how "cool" the protagonist is while failing to show off anything about the world, show off what if anything actually makes the characters noteworthy, and failing to be an actually interesting fight to see.
>series ends up with like 200 good guys because the adventure is so fucking long and the MC keeps making allies and the author never has the balls to cull the herd a bit
>also these 200 friends never do anything noteworthy in the story after being introduced. Usually used for mundane dialogue if they ever show up again or to be a giant cheerleading squad for MC
Yeah not only is this the worse way to do this it is better to convey this information beforehand.
>Villain becomes ally in later arc even though he has literally no reason nor benefit in doing so
>villains joins hero to team-up against big bad
>big-bad is defeated
>villain just sort of...hangs around the hero squad for the rest of time
>Looks like i gotta use the move that will literally kill me the second i use it.
>Oh cool i survived somehow.
>Original villain comes back to life after being defeated multiple times throughout the story and becomes less serious and less enjoyable each time
This image hurts my eyes
>ultimate killer move only kills one character at the beginning of the series
>every other character can use it in any situation they want with no backlash
>characters have to train to get stronger
>they do
>fights look exactly the same except we have to take their word that it's different
needs rape correcting
i really hate msgk and would really hate if somebody posted some! damn it would make me so angry!!!
>has a male character
Instant drop for me
There's a reason kings had favorite members of their harems, user. You'll never get along with everyone the same as everyone else. Sometimes you just get people and don't get others.
> monsters endanger society
> protagonist has to fight said monsters
> monsters were actually humans all along
I hate the nips's retarded obsession with twists and ruining shit for cheap shock value.
>Character does literally anything
>5 minutes of inner monologuing follows
>boy and girl are friends
>each has their own romantic interest
>they help each other pursue their love interests but end up falling in love with each other instead
I fucking hate it with a passion.
>we're just friends!
>neither of us would ever consider being more than just friends!
>both are constantly considering being more than just friends
I actually hate it more when they're actually just friends instead of being hot for each other from the start. I just want cool male-female friendships, dammit.
I just any love story that goes on more than 12 episodes/chapters. There should be a law against the "Will they or won't they" genre going on for years and years with no end in sight.
Toradora is the greatest love story ever told.
No, fuck you. And yes, Toradora is the one that made me hate that trope, but far from only one.
>"It can't be helped..."
boy, you must have hated bleach a lot
you must be lost, this is the tropes you hate thread, we had the tropes you love thread the other day
>villain gets redeemed
literally pic related
I love that trope, especially if a lot of the protagonist's struggle revolves around taming the monster side. Extra points if they come up with a reason for why the human side makes the monster side stronger, no matter how contrived it is.
>"Looks like I'll have to use "THAT" "
>Side character: "T-that?! Does he mean..."
>"No way he's using THAT"
>ultimate attack has some norse name for no reason
Yes, and?
They did not get redeemed they just showed that they are still human and worthy of a good death.
>If you kill the bad guy you will be just as evil as the bad guy because killing the one responsible for genocide rape extortion etc means you stooped to his level to defeat him
>mc gets wanked by the populace for introducing crop rotation.
>"fight" is just different lights bumping into eachother
>hero uses last resort attack that costs their lifespan
nothing actually happens during the story as it turns out it's a non-consequence.
>villain does absolute heinous things
>forgiven at the end because le sad backstory
>MC has a weak or ineffectual power.
>They quickly find an extremely effective workaround making themselves overpowered.
Maybe even worse
>MC has a supposedly useless power
>MC is bullied and ridiculed for how poor their ability is
>MC is treated like a genius when they find some effective use for their power
>Their power is actually something anyone with half a brain could've found good uses for.
>story starts as isekai
>evolves to fantasy and the fact the MC came from another world is never brought up again
>the MC is just overpowered because some divine power chose him rather than his og world knowledge
I hate this so much.
>protagonist ignores harem of women who worship the ground he walks on to go seek some revenge bullshit
Did this shit ever actually affect anyone and made them die way before their friends and family?
>humans are the true monsters after all...
>villian watches MC destroy some greater evil than himself
>realizes he stands no chance and sides with the MC to save his own ass
Makes sense right?
How often does this happen?
Considering HxH will never be finished, Gon really went sicko mode absolutely rent free.
This trope is kino
>first 5 minutes of anime is some backstory and 2 minute OP
>does this every episode
>MC never had friends before
>MC suddenly starts making lots of friends
>MC constantly in doubt whether they even deserve friends
>MC tries to abandon friends
>"It's better this way, trust me"
No, typically it's used very poorly or superficially. But it is a trope older than dirt.