Now that the dust has settle down... Why is he black??
Now that the dust has settle down... Why is he black??
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I expected him to be a lighter tone, not that dark.
Too much sun not enough sunscreen
Homos originate from Africa
Naked in the sun all day fighting dinosaurs.
Humans spent a lot of time under the sun user, jesus was not white either.
Pickle is pre-homo, being alive during the Cretaceous period. H'ed also be the first living mammal with seemingly no ancestry and his only contemporaries being shrews.
Oh my god user, you can't just ask people why they're black
I'm glad they made him a nigger
Exposes how r/a/cist this community is and always was
No room for coping now
he has slight long hair. he is latino
Hes confirmed to be a dinosaur doe. Literally evolved eras before monkeys were invented by god
I hope netflix goes under
>dark skin = black
american hands typed this post
>by god
I don't like niggers but I do like Pickle therefore Pickle cannot be a nigger. Ancestor of Egypt
The white man originate from the stars!
If he was black his hair would be nappy and shit.
Wow, Pickle is beautiful. And I'm a 100% straight male.
This made me laugh.
>Out of Africa theory
What are these? The 80's?
The educational system has been REALLY slow at changing it. The narrative that Africa is the birthplace of humanity makes the usual suspects in academia rock hard, it doesn't matter how many humanoid fossils are being discovered outside of Africa and how many paleonthologists say the Africa theory is outdated
Why wouldn't he be black ?
Human's earliest fossils are found in Africa, yes
It's ok, if you're high test enough it's straight.
You people are fucking delusional.
Pickle is not black. He’s a caveman ffs. Which means he’s.. native.
OP here, i am not saying this because i am a /Pol/tard but because in the Manga his colour skin is like Yujiro or even a little bit more clear
Even with the colour scans he looks more bleached
Another example of what i am saying when you can notice Yujiro is slightly darker
Cause his mommy's a coalburning whore
Your mom you mean
I guess they thought he didnt look caveman enough
He's about as tan as I expected him to be
How long before Itagaki becomes a pseudo Muslim and adapts Yakub into Baki?
is the pickle arc out already?
>by god
Its simply true you polbrains
not until September IIRC
What do you care for prood anyway? You'll just cry academia is biased and lying when it suits you.
You got a problem with God?
Forget six feet under, God will put you six one six dimensions under the spatiotemporal plane and that's a shoot brother. God put Yujiro in the Baki Earth.
Not that user that doesn't prove humans came out of africa it just means they were human in africa at that time.
I've seen studies placing the earliest human fossils in Siberia, sometimes in Native America, sometimes in Asia, etc.
Regardless Pickle is not exactly a human being.
>You got a problem with God?
I don't have a problem with people that don't exist, no.
Oh you're one of those posters how delightful
>i am not saying this because i am a /Pol/tard
Post them, let's see them so we can all read them and compare it and notice if you are reding them wrong on accident or on purpose.
Yes, I'm an adult.
Why should you be labeled a /pol/tard for pointing out a visual element that we are able to identify in the work itself?
>Homo sapiens appeared more than 100,000 years earlier than thought: most researchers have placed the origins of our species in East Africa about 200,000 years ago
At the end of the day, we are all black...
I'm not posting off topic drivel and getting banned for it. Search it and click on more than one link, you'll be surprised by the variance. But if you're going to linger on this and not on Baki, then by all means keep it to yourself
And you too
More like tanned. He's not even a proper Homo Sapiens to begin with.
What? This hasn't been true for decades. The oldest bones are from Northern Europe.
>no proof
>Having a out of africa argumentv because a fictional caveman has dark skin
user, variance means nothing if it comes from shitty sources. What sources are you using? Or do you just read titles and go "oh, cool"
Modern humans have been traced to Morocco. Are we only counting modern humans or common ancestors? How back are we going?
Pickle existed in the Age of the Dinosaurs. Wooly mammoths did not even exist when Pickle was alive. Pickle is not Homo Sapien.
>if it comes from shitty sources
Nigga your source is a literal Google search lmao
No Middle Paleolithic remains have ever been found on Europe or America.
Pickle is a man who fought fucking dinosaurs, why the fuck were we trying to bring scientific out of Africa theories into it?
This was proven a few years ago when a human tooth predating africans was found north of the mediterranean
pickle is so damn sexy wtf
>first thing he does is rape a woman
Pickle's neck bones are the same type of neck bones bulls and oxen have, something homo sapiens do not have.