>abandons his fathers dying wish as well as the ideals and dream he inherited from him for some worm infested pussy
what did nasu mean by this?
>abandons his fathers dying wish as well as the ideals and dream he inherited from him for some worm infested pussy
what did nasu mean by this?
Your father doesn't own you
Guess how I know you didn't read? Hell even if you just paid attention to Archer's lines in UBW you would have gotten it. Maybe Nasu's writing is just too complicated for some people.
It's the world's oldest lesson - don't stick your dick in crazy
his father's dying wish and his ideals would only bring him eternal suffering, literally. a worm infested pussy is still an infinitely better alternative than that, though Rin is obviously best girl
The series beats people over the head how Kiritsugu is stark raving mad and sees things how a teenager would see them.
Nasu is a terrible writer, who cares.
We all know HF Shirou is worst Shirou, you don't need to remind us.
Kerry did nothing wrong
Wizards, no sense of right and wrong.
Why do retarded Sakurafags post that image like it helps their case? That image confirms that Zouken's worm was inside her body that whole time. Which means Zouken was inside her while she was fucking Shirou.
Every time Shirou and Sakura fucked, Shirou was basically cumming on Zouken's face that whole week.
Sakura's life is so fucked up saving her is like saving a million people
Cringe. Keep it up white knight.
Somehow, I don't think Shirou was sticking his dick inside Sakura's heart. Also, Nasu confirmed that Zouken can't actually perceive anything through the worms in Sakura until all of his other worms are dead.
Yeah but the price for doing that good deed in particular is having to live with the canonically most boring person in the universe.
Cope harder. The fact is Shirou was indeed fucking a chick with a worm infection. And Zouken not being able to perceive it is like Shirou and Sakura fucking right next to him when he's alseep. That really isn't any better.
It must be difficult being a Sakurafag when she's so fucking disgusting in personality and in body.
Sakurafag defense force should be rolling in any minute now
I got a conspiracy theory it's all in fact Rinfags who want to be violently humiliated.
>The fact is Shirou was indeed fucking a chick with a worm infection
So you're saying he gave Sakura a heartfuck? Because otherwise, she was worm-free for all intents and purposes.
>what did nasu mean by this?
You're thinking too hard.
I was joking, but honestly speaking as an honorfag both routes are morally correct, I don't see the problem
>as an honorfag both routes are morally correct
>some worm infested pussy
needs more mollusks
I don't think you even know what an infection is
idealism is a dead end
That's a fucking good worm pussy.
? Saving Sakura is something that only he can do, and loyalty is one of the highest virtues
>muh worms
I don't think you ever read the VN.
Prillya had the right idea:
doing it for your little sister > doing it for wormpussy
loyalty is a spook
I finally get to say it in context. Drown in your ideals and die!
>he wants to waste his life trying to fulfill a dead man's desires
Funny how Ilya lost to Sakura in the poll of her own movie.
A movie in which Illya only had a tiny appearance at the end, you wormsucking faggot.
Its funny because secondaries legit think this, but if you read Zero novel and the final monologue from Kiritsugu's perspective, and he knew Shirou was an autistic retard and he was deathly worried about Shirou going down the same path as himself. He didn't want him to do it, the only relief he had at the end was thinking Shirou probably would turn out better and go down a different path than himself. His final words really were just a whim; entire theme of Kiritsugu in Zero is that he fucks up everything in his life just by existing, whether its intentional or not. Everything is just a bit worse just by him being there, because his origin is binding and severing.
Mind of Steel is the thing that terrified Kiritsugu the most for Shirou. Kiritsugu would hate it a lot more than Shirou giving up on the ideals that he didn't even want him to have in the first place.
Remember all the fish sakura ate
Do we have a femanon in the thread to vocaroo this right now?
Jesus fucking christ, it's been almost two decades. When is this discussion gonna stop?
also Rider best girl and Sakura deserves to get cucked by her
I just realized that Shirou's ideal is just Spiderman.
heaven's feel is not canon mkay?
Let's just say Miyu did even worse.
So? Miyu was a plot device in that entire arc. Sakura got to be a real character now that she was free of her shitty backstory.
Only because Shirou managed to survive and win. Archer, Gil, and Medea can also save her but she either ate or wanted to eat them.
Oh don't explain further me, you know exactly why I want to hear it.
His father solved all the problems in his life by literally killing them. He wasn't a very smart man.
Archer can't save her, and Gil and Medea wouldn't want to.
Gil wants her dead and Medea would experiment on her (far more successfully than Zouken).
I really don’t
You can argue about Gil and it's in his character to just laugh at her misery, but Archer definitely has the means to save her and while difficult, We know Medea's actually the most soft-hearted servant in that war, so things definitely can be negotiated depending on your persuasion. Well, it's probably impossible regardless considering Gil and Medea's death became the opening of Heaven's Feel.
Best Shirou, also impeccable taste with Angelica
Did you forget the whole point about Fate/Zero is that Kiritsugu´s ideals brought him nothing but endless pain and regret?
I want you to insult me hard and put all your hate into it like you really mean it. If it wasn't obvious from the start which it was.
Ideals aren't as important as supporting the people close to you.
>if you just paid attention to Archer's lines in UBW
what do you mean?
Every time Archer is on screen he's breaking the fourth wall in some capacity and acting like he's trying to say, well yes I read the VN how can you tell.
I don’t think it was that obvious, but at least you’re making sense now.
I want to hear a fate-specific one and wormsucking faggot sounds like it could sound usable.
His father's ideals and dreams were retarded.
He became human instead of living the life of a machine cleaning up messes.
>Archer can't save her
He can do exactly what Shirou did in the cave, only far more easily.
>Kills Kohaku's poison
Could Shiki Tohno kill the crest worms and save Sakura?