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Spy x Family
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What do you think Loid will do with Anya and Yor once Op. Strix is completed?
Divorce each other and send Anya back to the orphanage where she belongs.
I want to headpat her so bad.
Axeman. Meds. Now.
Suggest a new Operation to groom the future dictator of Ostania into his daughter's pussywhipped femdom slave
Politician Damian with a telepath wife
Does Yor get drunk? Would an aphrodisiac work on her? If you want to kill Loid just put it on her drink.
and with Bond's puppies they will be able to control the future itself
How did these two get shipped so much? Is there really that much shipping going on in the manga? And why are they depicted as adults more than they are as kids?
Read the series.
You mean divorce and Loid keep Anya as she's his daughterwife now. Yor herself isn't needed.
Disgusting, I hope he never ends up with Anya. Shota x loli is a trash tier ship.
They aren't going to be shota and loli forever.
Good punctuation, solid opener and engaging retarded take. I predict you'll get a few replies, unless this post negates that.
Damian has a puppy crush on her, but since he's a tsundere he's also in denial., and Anya wants to befriend him for the sake of the mission. That's most of it.
>And why are they depicted as adults more than they are as kids?
People think they're cute but feel it's weird to have them lovey-dovey when they're 5-6 years old is m guess.
having them grow up as childhood friends would be cute, dunno if the story will carry on for that long though
is this good or just lolibait? Modern Shonen Jump isn't for me.
it's genuinely amazing and deserves all the hype it's getting
I'm non-ironic.
>anya reads user's mind while he's seeing that pic
Forger. Lloyd Forger.
it's ok, people are overhyping it for some reason. the premise is interesting but the plot never advances
Why would she be afraid of me thinking I want to put some blankets on her and pat her head?
>First season of Manga
ended with Yor and Loid reveal each others and married for real, op.strix completed
>second season of manga
took place a few years later, it's about Anya and Damian and more politic to break the border of not-Berlin wall
Because you're not the only user in the room.
Not everyone in this board is a faggot who had his testicles removed like a male dog.
I like how her powers seem to be more of a hindrance than a bonus to her even more so in the anime
Yor is a bad influence on her.
Have all the goslinfags killed themselves yet?
You know when you're a kid, and there's someone you're crushing on hard, but it's embarrassing because boys and girls are tribal factions. And so you kill two birds with one stone by bullying them three times as hard to make everyone think you hate them while simultaneously pursuing their attention? That's Damian.
Also she's a dirty commoner and punched him in the face even though everybody else kneels to him. Which made his heart go WakuWaku, and makes the mission hard for Loid and Anya because neither of them understand this fact about young boys.
I will not rest until this mommy has been inseminated by any means necessary
>two hot adults live together pretending to be married
>sex never ever
no wonder Japan is out of babies
The card game one is really, really cute. You can see a boy falling even harder in love.
New operation:
Give Anya a little brother or sister.
Jeez, you don’t need to announce you’re gay.
It's very wholesome has zero sleaze I like it a lot. The biggest surprise for me was tho that the magaka isn't a woman
You're LITERALLY gay nigga
Anime Anya>Manga Anya
Manga Anya is cute too, but sometimes she literally looks like Stewie from Family Guy.
Anya is hot.
Stop lewding this housewife
She should stop being lewd then.
New Sakura/Shaoran
Keep Anya obviously. ESP is overpowered af for a spy.
Yor probably not so much, you don't really want to be leaving behind a trail of dead bodies in an espionage job.
>DamiAnya art
Good thread
Love the dancing part in the OP. Really fun show.
Here's the translation of this page (I only have this one)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Take responsibility