Baki dou 2018 ch. 123

I don't see another fight happening already.

By that logic the next arc should be Jesus, since he spread his asshole for everybody
"spread the other cheeks" and all

>By that logic the next arc should be Jesus, since he spread his asshole for everybody
>"spread the other cheeks" and all

Attached: aalst.jpg (1080x610, 373.78K)


Jesus as a fighter would be kino.
>fights Yujiro
>loses predictably
>comes back for a rematch completely fine three days later
>repeat until Yujiro gives up


its waaay to early for a fight, i suspect at least another 3 weeks at the very least

Should we be worried about Netflix cancelling Baki?

I highly doubt they will cancel the current series before finishing the father son fight. Don't know if we will get Musashi though.

Jack will spread his freshly shaved asshole wide and take a giant steaming demon shit.
All for the sake of winning.

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