>mangaka tries to make a moral reversal (within the first chapter) of having the summoning humans being the bad guys in isekai
>they assaulted a town of nonhumans and slaughtered them until their leader tells the troops to spare some because they still had uses for them
>MC was then told to executed a little girl
>he's unsure which side he should take
Was he right or wrong to take time to consider his options?
Mangaka tries to make a moral reversal (within the first chapter) of having the summoning humans being the bad guys in...
He was considering which side would give him the most kotgirls
I mean, monster's a monster
Killing them all is the optimal approach
Moral reversal where BEASTMEN GOOD isn't fresh at all.
I like how beastmen are savages who eat humans in Reverend Insanity. The oppressed non-humans are assholes, just like the dominant humans.
If you're on the side doing the warcrimes and you started questioning things, there's a good chance you're gonna get warcrimed too.
So do you go for survival or morals in that case?
He witnessed that and had to consider which side to join? Is MC an idiot?
The one that let's me sleep at night.
>Monsters are on verge of ultimate defeat
>Enter MC
>He sees that humans are brutally killing off the monsters and since he's a retard he never considers that monsters may have been even worse in multitude of ways
Warcrimes are defined by the traditions and customs of war in the absence of internationally agreed treaties, they're contextual to the world.
Was it kino?
Isn't the summoners being bad guys pretty standard for isekai these days?
Anyways if I got summoned into a moral dilemma I'd be pretty confused too.
This isn't exactly a dilemma
I just checked it out, he gets summoned into a nice city with trains and shit and given a quick speech before being taken to raze a village by their intelligence officer with two assistants that are main force of their industrial age magitech army
Shit's retarded but the drawings during the intro are nice
>I mean, monster's a monster
>Killing them all is the optimal approach
The solution of course is to purge both sides of the conflict.
I actually can't tell if this is an index finger raised as vocal protest or a middle finger.
That's definitely the coolest rendition of Power Word Kill I've seen.
Thanks for the tip, Posadas
I think he realised she looked a bit too pirate last time and reverted her to ultra moeblob this time
that "stands in air stoically with stand pose" cliche is somewhat annoying, it triggers my autism
>princess is being sacrificed to summon gigademon for warlock.
>gigademon has fallen to conspiracy in hell.
>uses summon to escape
>rather then offer a deal to the warlock he offers one to the bleeding out princess.
>she can't tell anyone because covenants with demons are haram
>demon mostly wants to chill and heal
>she has to figure out who sold her out to the warlock
>demon aids her to prevent harm to his vessel, but his advice and methods are evil-ish
>theme is corrupting her into soft villainess over time
rate my premise
her ponytail, t-shirt and shorts look was the absolute best
Fuck you
Not everyone can be saved, happiness always comes at the expense of others. Besides, isn't the sight of humanity uniting to dominate another race so indescribably beautiful?
But there's no need to be cruel. Kill those that fight back quickly, and swiftly enslave their children, teach them their proper place. They only rebel because they remember a life outside of chains, we must gently guide them towards their natural role. Come a few generations, they'll find bliss in their subservience, under our kind and benevolent boot.
Beastkin, Elves, Dragons, all these exotic creatire exist only to service and provide for Humanity. If we can find no use to them, and should they refuse to submit, we shall purge them to the last. Such is our God-given duty.
Long Live Humanity, the superior race, true inheritors of this world and all others!
I think you misunderstood if you think I'm not a huge fan of the pirate look. It was obviously great.
After all, I posted that last time.
>happiness always comes at the expense of others.
Literal modern society brainwashing.
>Not this cholera again...
I have recently tried to come up with more natural poses in the air, but I had to give up because I had begun with the mistake of trying to do it generally, rather than making assumptions about the magic system.
It kinda depends on how exactly they are suspending themselves in the air.
If it's by the feet, you would see them employing footwork in the air. It would also make them want to rotate themselves to face attacks literally head-on.
If they are held up somewhere in the chest region, then their lower bodies are unshapely pendulums. They might swing their limbs about to balance out some other influence. I quickly dropped this idea because it wouldn't be cool at all.
Mercantilism is based on medieval economics. There is nothing modernist about it.
How is she marked that she can't return home?
>I have recently tried to come up with more natural poses in the air, but I had to give up because I had begun with the mistake of trying to do it generally, rather than making assumptions about the magic system.
That should have been an Isekai Title greentext, if you ask me
Upvoted XD
How come an isekai MC goes from based to cuck this easy?
So long as resources are limited and competition exists, this will be true. You cannot refute it.
>You WILL enter my dungeon
>You WILL love it
>You WILL beg me to take all your money
>You WILL be "gently" persuaded by my albino attaché to your Otherworld!UN to do anything I please
It's inevitable... humanity will succumb to the Slime.
woah wow #wowee
She killed billions.
Stop posting this...
Shit like this makes me feel so sick.
>Was he right or wrong to take time to consider his options?
He had no idea if the Nonhuman side was worser then the humans. For all he knew the Beastmen country was North Korea Furry edition.
On the other hand, would a human dressing up as Furry or kemonomimi be racist in a fantasy world with Beastman be considered racist?
She's not marked, she makes it back to the kingdom.
But she's forced to lie about some things, to cover up what exactly happened to her.
Hiding her demon secret comes down to hiding what happened and hiding when she uses the powers the demon grants her to deal with enemies.
Conceivably a high priest inspecting her closely would also discover her demon heart. But regular checkups can be cheated because gigademon is a gigademon rather then the expected garden variety imp.
Fucking gross.
I just find it hilarious. I can't take okamoto lynn's work seriously.
It's impossible to take seriously.
If you have a good explanation for why the demon would side with the princess in the summoning (why that is possible, and why summoners would generally assume that using sacrifices is a good idea even though it's possible for the demons to side with them), then I think the premise has potential.
You are courting death!
Lord of the mysteries seems over hyped. Why the hell do those two people that enter the mcs world just accept what’s going on and are like, “well let’s trade with each other!” How is that a normal thought after getting abducted?
Modern economics is about creating win-win deals.
>harvesting tree sap
Oh no.
>Why the hell do those two people that enter the mcs world just accept what’s going on
Because they had both been looking for something of that nature.
Audrey has been trying to join the beyonders for a while now, and Alger is looking for outside allies to strengthen his position.
Audrey is also a bit naive. Alger sees the danger of coming into contact with a high sequence mysterious entity, but ultimately he has no choice over the matter anyway. So he may as well make the best of it.
Slime was originally human, so this is acceptable.
>swiftly enslave their children, teach them their proper place.
You have never learned from history I take it. Don't enslave monster people and let them breed. Kill them all so future generations don't have to deal with their terrible attempts at music and send their kids to bad public schools.
No, modern economics is learning how to best offload negative externalities and co-opt governments into doing your shareholder's bidding.
I see. So the purpose of that mirror thing was to make contact with those people? I can accept that if thats the case.
Are they really talking about mages here or is this a mistranslation? Because it feels like she's describing a demon there.
My idea is that contract work is like burger flipper jobs for demons. They take a long time and gain them few souls.
Bigshot demons own parts of !stix and get souls that way or eat other demons.
Bigshot demon doesn't want dangerous work or souls, he wants to hide until he is healed and he doesn't want to be a servant to some guy who will get the church involved once he has gigademons powers on hand.
His contract with the princess is that they will not betray or lie to each other and that he will take the place of her heart (formerly destroyed by stabbing).
He also has leverage against her in getting her to contract, she'd dying (so is he, but she doesn't know).
Because the seaman suffers from overthinking shit so he assumes that if something bad was going to happen to him it would've already and that whoever is strong enough to drag him there is also strong enough to crush him if he doesn't just smile and nod while Audrey is a naive justicefag at that point so she's not really thinking too hard about it and Is more excited about being member of a super secret exclusive club and becoming superhuman. Basically they're not normal people so expecting normal reactions from them is stupid, normal people with normal reactions to things die in droves in LotM.
>hurr everything will work out and everyone will be happy because...um...capitalism!!!
Blithering retard, economics isn't some magical solution. No matter how far you progress, how much money you shuffle around, you will never escape the most basic and simple of facts: there's only so much of everything to go around.
Discount good old fashioned violence as a solution and see how quickly its used against you.
Klein is a fabulously lucky man.
I'm not sure how far you are, but Klein's steps are under strong influence of a dead god of fate. He is being prepped as a reincarnation for that said god, so things need to run smoothly for him until he's powerful enough for that god to take control of his body. Of course, you can write off this guidance as bad writing. But I enjoyed it.
There are oblivious luck-bullshitters like Cid and that can be kinda fun.
Klein is also a luck-bullshitter, but he actually appreciates the torrent of "holy shit, what did I get myself into this time" that is his entire life.
post the raw
How does she get away with it?
The story explains this well, I don't know what is there to be confused about.
Justice and Hanged are totally out of their depth compared to the power that pulls them.
Justice is naive and doesn't think it further, Hanged tried to counter and investigate but the power is beyond him.
Thus they both go along with the premise of the mysterynigga, because clearly he's too strong to care about their secrets or materials.
We know Klein is a chump, but from their perspective he's a high level mysterious entity of the spirit world. It looks like the whim of the strong, rather then the tricks of the weak.
You forgot the influence of mommy.
cutest MC I've ever seen
That comes later.
He is her blessed from the start.
Thus his awareness in dreams.
That's not cute
Heavenly Court banned his novel lmao
Star Constellation got the last laugh I guess
>He is her blessed from the start.
No, he isn't.
She becomes aware of him when he touches her artifact, an event that is connected with him becoming a clown.
What's this shitty art
Look at his brow. It's a middle finger.
No, it's a slime apple.
it's the fantasy equivalent of Steins;Gate slime banana.
So what's happening to Zero Believer Goddess?
Of my sperms
How dare you. She's incredibly cute.
She starved hundreds of thousands.
Ban was lifted. Author will finish it.
I don't think so, he is aware in his dreams before joining the nighthawks. Later it was explained he has that power due to her.
>Later it was explained he has that power due to her.
Do you have a chapter for me?
I've been under the assumption it's due to the castle.
LotM's plan got thwarted by mommy right away. Everything that happens afterward is not really related to Him apart from Sefirah Castle. He gets tons of help from mommy, obviously.
>tfw no dumb bird wife
Why is Korean murim stuff way more entertaining than chink cultivator shit? Nothing I've read in Chinese touches Volcanic Age.
Simply keep a tight leash on your slaves. Do not allow misguided ideas of mercy, or God forbid equality, to take root in the public consciousness, for they are like a cancer that will weaken the fabric of your society.
Like how the servant must be trained to properly service their master, likewise the master must learn to be competent, so his vassals and his empire may flourish. Little human children must from an early age understand that they're superior to other races, and act with this belief in mind until the day of their death. Always. Any who fail to understand this MUST be educated, and failing that...discarded.
All for the glory and the expansion of Humanity, every sacrifice essential. There is no greater or grander mission.
It more quality over quantity, but I don't like it that much given it takes ages for stories to go anywhere
Because you want to read wuxia but instead are forcing yourself through xianxia.
>LotM's plan got thwarted by mommy right away.
So he just *happens* to run into the exact right diary note telling him to become a seer?
Also, nothing's been thwarted. He still has those 3 reincarnations, and LotM is still set to take over his body.
She is aware of him immediately. She sends the curtain that had all the Seer sequence stuff inside of it to the end of the world in the first chapter. If she hadn't, Klein would have advanced to 2? (I can't remember if it had a Sequence 1 characteristic, it's been a while) and LotM would have immediately taken control of him.
Communists. Not even once.
does anyone have the chink cultivator isekai copypasta
>Ban was lifted. Author will finish it
Praise Heavenly Court, the true guardians of the righteous path
I don't. It was around the time he became aware of being her blessed, after he got erased by the artifact girl.
Or maybe it was when they talked close to the end.
I may be wrong, the series deserve a rereading. But I'm currently rereading something else.
If I know where to get raws I would have checked it myself.