It's all so tiresome.
Spy x Family
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Post the raw.
plz user think on the weeb jews
Yor's shoulders, nape and collarbone are so erotic. I can't believe Loid didn't outright rape her on the spot.
>nitpicking every little thing from a comedy manga because MALfags are sucking the anime's dick like the bandwagons that they are
I laugh at all of you each day and go to sleep worn out from laughing.
It's an expression that often means something like "early bird gets the worm" or "victory goes to the bold", literally kanji are "first move certain victory". Although I think blitzkrieg is a pretty cool translation too, it's not any kind of censorship.
Although I'm sure she still said exactly what was said in the manga, the joke seems to have been lost in tl in both cases.
Blitzkrieg is clearly a much better translation here to convey the mantra of "strike first" because everything she listed previously related to killing and battle strategies.
bottom is better. top one makes no sense since their world doesn't have the concept for blitzkrieg. it's like if she said something out of the bible
Blitzkrieg sounds too nazi and we can't have that in NOT germany. How are you this stupid Yea Forums?
Yeah. They should have called it Blitzkriegt instead.
>it sounds nazi because it's German word, even though it was adopted by the rest of the world
thinly veiled prejudice
>I like better a localization is better than a literal translation so it's censorship
>thinly veiled prejudice
Can't have a wholesome family anime saying nazi words ok?
This is the kind of things that make you famous
Absolutely retarded
A literal translation is better than retards that just discard the original text and make shit up. But the absolute best translation is the one that can take the spirit of the text and convey the meaning of it in a way that maintains that spirit. In this case the spirit of it is that it's a joke about how she can only list concepts that relate to her work as an assassin. A direct translation isn't nearly as funny as Blitzkrieg.
>Blitzkrieg is clearly a much better translation
Your opinion isn't a fact.
My opinion is objectively better than yours.
Cant blame the translator since the world now is too sensitive for words that sounds german-ish as it will immediately get associated with Nazi by those retarded normalfags in twitter and reddits.
In a CQC fight blitzkrieg doesn't even make sense, because you say "first strike"
That was my point yes.
daddy is a softie
The term “Blitzkrieg” was invented in English, it wasn’t the actual name of any German military doctrine. It was adopted and popularized by British propaganda.
It is associated with nazis and always will be.
It's amusing how some faggots have been so utterly mindbroken by translators making shit up they now make threads crying about accurate translations.
Literal fanfiction
Blitzkrieg doesn't even really mean "strike first", it's more like "strike fast". Something like "pre-emptive strike" would be a better fit in regards to both "killing/battle" and "first move certain victory"
Yes, you are indeed OP. Quite the dummy.
No it's not, she never said blitzkrieg how is it a better translation?
He's just digging in defensively after getting blown out instantly by the moon runes translator, he doesn't actually believe that.
I really need to rewatch Shin Sekai Yori
Never thought I'd see people supporting localizations over an accurate translation here, this board has really gone to shit.
If you're looking to be pointlessly angry at something Yea Forums is that way
To be fair a good translation also has to be a good localization, on some measure. Still, I think this example is not that bad, although maybe translating an idiomatic expression with a similarly concise equivalent (such as "blitzkrieg") might have been slightly better for delivering the punchline.
Thanks for the clarification.
There are expressions that just don't make much sense once directly translated to a different language or they're kind of awkward or there is already a different expression for it that conveys the same concept.
So for example, "Tim took delight in another person's misery" if directly translated to German would be "Tim hat sich erfreut an dem Leiden einer anderen Person". It's a direct translation but there is an expression in German called "Schadenfreude" which conveys the meaning of the original sentence more concisely and doesn't sound awkward. If I were an English-German translator and would translate the sentence above to a German audience I would sound autistic as fuck if I used the direct translation instead of "Tim empfindet Schadenfreude", "Tim experiences "Schadenfreude".
It's the job of the translator to maintain the substance of the text instead of the meaning of words detached from their context. If they are too literal then the text sounds weird or the actual meaning of it gets lost. If they're not literal enough then they just make shit up and the translation has nothing to do with the original idea which you can often see in modern videogame localizations where the translators basically just rewrite parts of the story.
In both cases meaning is lost in translation which is why the best translations are done by people that have a keen understanding of the culture from which and the culture to which it is translated because they can also translate concepts instead of individual words.
I already destroyed every response to my post. Sorry that you're upset about me just being better at this.
bottom one is obviously better because it's more direct
>an entire sentence that could be conveyed in one word
>more direct
Is this what passes as an intelligent post on Yea Forums nowadays?
>takes place in europe
>the strongest woman is an autistic japanese girl
Why do japs keep doing it
how much of a stupid cunt do you have to be to favor making a joke nonfunctional though shit TL instead of funny
>tries to fictionalize Germany by only using vague names like "Westalis" and "Ostalis"
>calls its fictional city Berlint
Agreed! The localizer should make any changes they feel necessary in order to make the script funnier.
this stupid of a cunt apparently
They should make sure that something that was supposed to be funny in the source material is also funny once translated.
No, they should translate. They aren't the fucking authors of the story, if a joke only works in japanese so be it, they should not add their input.
Here's the Viz version, for extra comparison.
Is that from the previous translation?
>yor talking about his former wife
But he doesn’t have one
this is better at retaining the joke than the fan TL
Holy shit you're fucking retarded.
>Discussions of the theory and practice of translation reach back into antiquity and show remarkable continuities. The ancient Greeks distinguished between metaphrase (literal translation) and paraphrase. This distinction was adopted by English poet and translator John Dryden (1631–1700), who described translation as the judicious blending of these two modes of phrasing when selecting, in the target language, "counterparts," or equivalents, for the expressions used in the source language:
>Despite occasional theoretical diversity, the actual practice of translation has hardly changed since antiquity. Except for some extreme metaphrasers in the early Christian period and the Middle Ages, and adapters in various periods (especially pre-Classical Rome, and the 18th century), translators have generally shown prudent flexibility in seeking equivalents—"literal" where possible, paraphrastic where necessary—for the original meaning and other crucial "values" (e.g., style, verse form, concordance with musical accompaniment or, in films, with speech articulatory movements) as determined from context.[10]
>The translator's role as a bridge for "carrying across" values between cultures has been discussed at least since Terence, the 2nd-century-BCE Roman adapter of Greek comedies. The translator's role is, however, by no means a passive, mechanical one, and so has also been compared to that of an artist. The main ground seems to be the concept of parallel creation found in critics such as Cicero. Dryden observed that "Translation is a type of drawing after life..." Comparison of the translator with a musician or actor goes back at least to Samuel Johnson's remark about Alexander Pope playing Homer on a flageolet, while Homer himself used a bassoon.[15]
The bottom one is the correct one schizo.
Are you serious?
The level of retardadion in this thread makes me believe you are.
/pol/baby fuming
I'm not reading an wikipedia article and I'm not supporting translators changing the source material. Cry me a fucking river.
papa's a liar
Berlaint. Berlisnt. Clearly not Berlin, it says so in the name.
I wonder how the show will handle more ridiculous moments. I have a hard time imagining it with the style they have going now.
You're disagreeing with the consensus in the field of translation studies which makes you a moron.
None of the main school of thoughts favor direct translation.
Based! Localization is always better, rub a dub dub thanks for the grub!
>attacked by truck-kun
If this anime isn’t a comedy it becomes a tragedy
I don't give a shit
I know. If you did you wouldn't advocate for direct translations.
Seeing how the anime always wants to take a more realistic side when it comes to recreating some scenes, I want to know how they will handle the scenes where Yor does these things.
Yor is more like a battle shonen character in a comedy series.
She won't die even if the show isn't comedic.
no, it's a more direct translation not a direct sentence you retarded fucking autist. the top translation is loose fanfic tier
The top translation conveys the same idea you absolute sperg.
literally obsessed
dumb Yea Forums nigger, I'm just telling you why they did it. Not that I agree with it.
I think striking first and striking fast and intensely could affect an opponent in the same way(surprise them), but they mean different things.