Why is she like this?
Why is she like this?
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Looking at this, ,could do that to anyone.
She got horny
everyone embraces ryona in the end
>conditioned herself into becoming gay for her boyfriend turned girl
What zero dick does to a bitch.
Yup. This also explains why Chibi Suzu is done staying inside her: She's done keeping Suzu's horniness at bay, and is backing out.
Yeah, genderbent yuri is getting delicious since the move to Jump+.
Japs really hate lesbians or women with a sex drive, don't they?
wtf are you on about fag
suzu's preference changes too often. it's almost like that's this manga's main selling point. a girl with rikkas's thighs that can't tell if she wants cock or cunt
chapter felt really different. not necessarily in a good way imo
>suzu's preference changes too often
No? Before she never liked Matsuri for his feminine attributes, and was annoyed by stuff like him wearing girly clothes and panties. She was attracted to him only because in the end he was still a male.
She a hoe
Yabuki is going all out with the loli isnt he
Probably, she was most likely given her own body to act as a non Russian replacement for rochka
she knew what was coming with the move and bailed instantly
Nobody actually cares about that.
Her loliself is pretty much telling her "I love dicks, stop being gay already"
What do you think loli Suzu will do? Probably trying to get the dick she can ride back.
Fake loli
The "loli" is literally a soul that lived for hundreds if not thousands of years and has been through tens, if not hundreds of lifetimes. She is the living trope of the "thousand-year-old loli"
Yes they do.
This isn't like past propoganda campaigns, Russia isn't just getting canceled, it's getting erased. You won't see Rochka for a long while outside of big group shots.
We saw her just last week.
Speaking of which, I hope Suzu will force Matsuri to wear cute clothes from now on.
>thread hit bump limit in less than five hours
Was that the fastest AT thread ever?
The plus makes us faster.
New magazine debut.
It being a good chapter made it go by faster?
Discussion isn’t divided between release and leak anymore
Run is Grandpa's favorite idol. Lu has all of Rito's dad's manga. There's going to be some potentially planet wrecking cross over with TLR eventually, isn't there?
For the record, AT is still being published in Korean, but just at the same time as the English.
Korean AT89 (caution: new added captcha):
Didnt she appear last week? Also most of the east countries are not falling for the us bait, japan sanctions are minimal to non existent.
2nd futaba AT thread filling up fast:
>It's leaking out
>Suzu checks her legs to see if her pussy juice went out
That was way too lewd
This is the first time the thread was archived before I woke up so maybe. I'm gonna miss the leak threads but Yabuki removing his limiters is worth the cost.
Will loli Suzu become gay too or will she win the Maletsuri bowl?
Why is Matsuri so cute?
It's scarier than that, Suzu's so thirsty she expanded her appetite by brute force.
If Matsuri turns into a washing machine now, Suzu will try to fuck it.
Pretty sure she will try to transform him back since right now none of characters care and the main plot of the manga is "lets turn him back"
>>They're simply referring to Suzu as the "Lust Monster" or "Lust Incarnate"
is it possible to learn this power?
Huh, so this is foreshadowing Loli Suzu leaving Suzu. I swear, what kind of girl is Yabuki's daughter for liking something that got raunchy at a modest pace?
"Not from an Ayakashi medium!"
>japan sanctions are minimal to non existent
what's the extent and how does it compare to western sanctions?
Not anime. Fuck off.
This discussion is absolutely relevant to speculation on future chapters, understanding the extent of Japanese reactions compared to western helps us to better judge this matter
I love that Yabuki actually gives Suzu heart eyes multiple times.
This was a big development.
All 3 medium/medium-adjacent girls will fall for Matsuri eventually.
why is the bobcut always the worst girl in his manga?
The loli is Suzu's desire to help Matsuri.
By abandoning Matsuri while he's being attacked and starting to give up on making him a guy again, that part of her forcibly excised itself.
Spirit medium soul already likes Matsuri, that's why she sealed all of the bad memories of the tragic past and let Suzu grow up as Suzu. The problem is that she likes guy Matsuri and is clearly not gay at the moment.
Mei will probably be classic tsundere who slowly starts falling for Matsuri after Matsuri saves her from her crazy mom.
>Why is she like this?
This was explicitly answered sixty chapters ago.
Not true
Not to mention the spirit mediums always died young, so most of them died as virgins and never got laid. Suzu unconsciously has thousands of years of pent-up sexual frustration bursting onto Matsuri.
Besides maybe the real early ones that were more shitposting about the concept than the actual content.
Genderebending is gay, that is not shitposting but true.
This girl is so horny its starting to remind me of Anna
>Suzu's desire to help Matsuri
More like her desire to have Matsuri stay the way he was when they first met.
Suzu and Tsuzu are both selfish, just in different ways.
>Worst girl
Literal faggot
Oh she was leaking alright.