Kaguya-Sama Manga

Where is 261 Spoil???

Attached: Kaguy 260.png (855x650, 1.15M)

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Reminder Hayasaka doesn't love Prez and Prez only loves Kaguya.

slut used girl

this is shit


I would've liked this scene if the jump made any sense.

Attached: d6e58b004c086e06b915ad9e47087bf40bd1cb20.jpg (1430x1080, 1.15M)

You don't see it but he set up a net so she could jump, then they grabbed the ladder and the helicopter rose into the sky.

Is it coming every monday right now?

It seems to be the usual now, right before the korean scans.

thank you user

t. anime to manga-fag

I hope Kaguya gets upset at Hayasaker staying at Prez's place

>inbefore Kaguya planned it with Unyo
>then Kaguya tells Prez that she hopes Hayasaka didn't cause too many problems

which is the better for anime sub on torrent? there are couple of groups that share the same stuff, kinda curious what's the difference

Independent translation that doesn't stick to the terminology used in other releases. Good but slow.
>delete aniplex
CR edit.
>Anime Chap
CR edit to add honorifics and song translation, but almost none of the mistakes are fixed.
>LostYears, Bunny-Apocalypse
GJM's release but with the English dub added.
>everything else
Rips or reencodes of the official subs. Don't waste your time; they're all bad.

Literally only the first two options are worth considering, or the third if you absolutely must have honorifics and don't care about translation accuracy at all.

I got GJM S1, but NH on S2. S3 got erai-raws. Is erai raw any good compared to other such as subsplease etc?

Erai and SubsPlease are both untouched rips of official subs, which are very bad.

Is official sub really that bad?

Yes. They're for one region for a reason.

this "save kaguya from arranged mariage Avengers-style team up" is kind of out of place guess we really are aproaching the end of the manga, I want more Ishigami x Iino, I overall love this manga

How much screentime is Tsubame getting in S3?

Too much.

how much of the manga will be covered in s3?

Hopefully not much.

Somehwere between Volume 10 and near the end of Volume 14.

I'd say at least 3 episodes, depends when they stop.

Seems that 261 was a nothing burger because not even leakers care about it anymore, we already got leaks for golden kamuy and onk and both publish in the same magazine. I truly lost hope in this manga, I was too inocent to believe 261 may fix this arc from shit to not-that-shit but well. Fuck hacka

They killed 92 (kaguprez chapter) in exchange for her chapters, what do you think?

104, 105, 115, 116, 120, 122, 124, 127, 130, 133, 137.
There's a lot of kainashit on the horizon.

So when does this finish? I'm like 20 chapters behind

It's in the "final part" but how long this final part can be only the author and editors know, stop asking,

5 more minutes.


Attached: Hairholdingsaka.jpg (639x1200, 95.57K)

...a shit!

At least the anime has been good.

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>main girls only

I want Kaguya to slap Shirogane for putting her friends in danger.

Considering in theory he had a target on his back for a while and in the end they agreed to help for her.

Spoiler pics are out. You thought last week was bad? It gets worse.

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For you
Papagane is Life

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>fujiwara metaphorically wanking off herself and the rest of her group
>nonsensical cliff jump at the end
I'll pretend this chapter doesn't exist

Papagane on the up!

Japanese kamikaze photographed in his final moments

Eh, moments like this can be good if they were foreshadowed. But Aka just asspulls whatever he wants.

Yeah but there should be some inkling. Like if Kaguya is finally free from her family or whatever

>that pic
Papagane piloting and helicopter is kino, fuck you.

Attached: erika.jpg (183x286, 21.9K)

What happened to Aka's "nuu this isn't a cliche romcom" stance

Don't care, where are my weekly Kana spoilers?

sure why not at this point. none of this matters anymore

Attached: dump it.png (1185x1009, 623.5K)


>it gets worse
What? It's kinda based actually.

But that's Kose.

you just know the discord bros will defend this too

I have a better question. Where the fuck is Chika in Mahjong Soul?

Attached: chika2.jpg (498x685, 40.16K)

Imagine being Fujiwara, beaten out by two side characters

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>having a casual conversation while hanging from a rope ladder hanging off of a loud helicopter


Silly, this is the magical media helicopter that doesn't make a sound when it would be inconvenient to the characters

Maybe he actually gave up on the main couple. He seems to be still working with that for IshiMiko.


>still be working with that for IshiMiko
He built up IshiMiko for hundreds of chapters of interesting interactions, foreshadowing, and multiple character arcs but the best way he could think of getting them alone in her house together is through a generic romcom stalker plot device.