ITT: female author self-inserts

ITT: female author self-inserts

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She wants a Manlet boyfriend?

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fyi this entire manga is basically Iruma getting groomed into becoming the perfect man, and Nishi is super obvious with her fetishes

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There's one in all of her series.

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You'd be surprised how many tall female x short male couples are written by women

i don't know, I don't read manga written by w*men

why though? I know nothing about woman but I thought they hated short guys. Why would they write tall girl x short guy stuff not complaining though I think it's cool

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These aren't average women

I bet you do without realizing

>main character is called Haru
>a gigantic whore
>literally used by men of all species to get fucked
>was content by it until she was sexually molested by a lion and saved a by a virgin whos 4 times her size
>name of the author is Paru

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If a girl loves tall guys but lacks the confidence/wiles to get tall guys she’ll settle for people her height or maybe shorter.

Now that’s a stretch. But not as stretched as Haru’a bunussy.

Normalfag women don't like short guys but a lot of otaku women like short guys since they're shota-adjacent. Much like how tons of male otaku are lolicons, tons of female otaku are shotacons.

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I think a lot of women, or at least kind of weird otaku women, like the idea of a short guy that they can take care of and dote on
the reality doesn't usually work out that way though

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That series got so much worse when she was introduced.

You'd be surprised at how many romance stories written by women have unattractive men as the male lead. Women love romance, and by having the male lead be unattractive it proves that the bond is something beyond mere lust.

Women in general prioritize hygiene/grooming, confidence/leadership potential, poise, and personality when it comes to mate selection.

Manga like Mairimashita! Iruma-kun and Bokuyaba are for female self-inserters.
There is no way a cute, kind, intelligent boy like Iruma or Ichi would ever love you, especially if you were some huge weirdo Amazon like Ameri or Yamada.
But girls can imagine what it would be like as the manga sells them this blatantly unrealistic female fantasy. The mangaka being women should be a tip off.

man, I wish I had a tall otaku gf

lol since when. Most of these female mangaka have probably never touched a guy in their lives, most woman want a handsome tall guy, even if he's stupid

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>Women in general prioritize hygiene
a number of romance stories written by women i read emphasize how special the man is because he washes his hands after using the bathroom

it's weird to me

Prevents her getting a yeast infection when he finger blasts her.

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ngl I've played a few otome games out of curiosity and the range of types that women are attracted to would blow your mind

There’s only so many handsome tall men, and once a woman realizes she hasn’t got what it takes to lock down one she gets more realistic.

Just imagined
>romance novel
>the interest (only) is a self insert
Now give me a example NOW (Thermea Romea doesn't count)

I never knew FMA was written by a woman till I got to to the scene where winry talks about how broad Ed's back became. Just didn't seem like something a guy would write or even notice

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Doesn't Iida pochi have a manga in the works that's literally about a girl with all the same medical conditions as her

>Stepmother and tutor to her main characters.
>Could go full hax at any time but dials it back for the sake of the story.
>Gives herself a complimentary GigaChad husbando.

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iruma's author is a girl? good for her, she sure can write good

I was reading an LN written by a woman and this struck me as well

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someone have that page where arakawa talks about making sure her characters are fed well, or something like that?

>makes a faustian bargain giving up some of her vitals organs
>the remaining organs pick up the slack of the missing ones for some reason
i wonder how her heart started producing insulin or her lungs digested her food

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Why did she set her self insert to get ntr’d and up with a furry

More reason to train deadlift + rows since they give you a big, manly back

>Grown woman fujoshi who loves dolls.

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the back thing is real
bitches love backs

I mean, Armstrong should've given you a clue as to what type of men arakawa likes. All those comedy scenes of him were really just here shoving her fetish in, kind of based honestly

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Why though? I don't get women.

big back = big man
big man = big strong
big strong = big protection
big protection = big offspring

Everyone loves a strong, muscular back

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Cause it actually looks good, this is a more extreme example but you should get it.

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big hands>big back

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ngl the women I've met who like big muscular men are usually way cooler than the average woman. Women who like the typical skinny pretty boy type are usually pretty shallow

not written by a guy but I'm pretty sure woman are suppose to self insert for yor

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>Women are usually pretty shallow
FTFY, never trust 3D user

Dangerously based

basado ay un nivel peligroso
arakawa is great

seriously though, what did she mean by this?

according to /a / bitches love: muscular back, wide collarbones, big hands and big feet
so bitches are attracted to manly appearance

awooga bawooga

Given how many women I've seen lusting after Loid it wouldn't surprise me if Yor was meant as a self-insert character

you have a peen, user, so you're not supposed to "get" women
you know how the saying goes, men are from mars, women are from venus

>women love manly men
Truly a mystery only Yea Forums can solve

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he is pretty handsome no homo

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The most shameless I've ever seen.

Not sure about big feet but the rest are pretty accurate, hands and collarbones for women are like breasts and hips for men

>so bitches are attracted to manly appearance
gentlemen, we figured it out

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Pic related was written by a married woman. Admittedly despite being a manlet he's an ikemen and not a faggy shota.

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Voluptuous, curvy, with an hourglass figure. Classically feminine and sexy