Can’t wait for the school kino
Spy x family
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So does this show stay consistently good, or does it turn into Anya doing stuff at school for 99% of the time?
I'd probably still be okay with that d e s u
Anya school stuff is like 40% of the manga.
Missed the first three episodes, anyone know if I can watch on TV Tokyo on demand?
I just want more Anya and Damian
Finally a Spy Family anime thread not started by an autist who pretends to hate it
please I need a good shot of the drill loli
been waiting since 2019 Axeman
>anticipating a squiggle
I admire your passion user
I've been patiently waiting
but why
The direction is failing at comedic delivery. I don't think you would even need to reanimate some scenes, an user could fix this in editing by adding some pauses.
>So does this show stay consistently good
So far only one arc in the manga has seemed boring to me, but it all depends on how well you like some of the characters.
Fat legs!
The school chapters are the best ones
time to be ELEGANT
is it even possible to grow facial hair like that?
I can't wait for more doujins.
I always liked the School Director. When Anya cried over being asked about her "real" mom by the bastard teacher, the old guy straight up decked the fat bastard no hesitation whatsoever.
WHY don't you have this yet, user?
Im a repulsive loser who watches anime and posts here on Saturday nights.
I can't stop watching the ED. It just makes me happy.
i vowed to take care of my parents until they pass away and I can't spare the time for other things
I am too retarded to know how to establish or maintain a relationship.
I'm not a 6ft tall CIA agent
I'm gay.
>yor infects anya's eyes with chili juice
I wasted my life on Yea Forums as a recluse instead of going out and meeting people/maintaining friendships
I can't wait to see her smile. It's my favorite Anya's reaction
>the life I lost
>the society I lost
>won't stop hurting
>Not adding this part too
Would've been perfectly in character
Europe will never look like that again
That adds nothing to the punchline.
The punchile is Yor is retarded.
anya's voice has grown on me a bit
We get it already.
yor's dazed expression is enough
Wits/cloverW can't into comedy
>3-4 weeks till next chapter
She threw away the relationship to sleep with random men
school and family arcs are always kino, the weakest would be the Nightfall arc
It's just a mustache + muttonchops grown long as fuck, people have done wilder shit
the love of my heart died because of a motorcycle accident. always wear your helmet friends
>ywn be a happy peanut
I am deeply uncomfortable opening up to others and every woman in my life has been a terrible person except for maybe my aunts
Fuck your aunt.
first cour will end with yuri visit or pic related
>OP is them going out together
>ED is them coming home together
>Family is the focus for all of them
>anime already foreshadowing the edgekino
this series will be a 10/10 when it ends
Elegance chads rise up
>all the animeonlys that have no idea what this scene meant
Only if you're elegant enough
The ED lyrics for this scene
>On that day we exchanged
>Things that are thicker than blood
>A unified heart contract...
I almost crying
That Loid is a fucking pedo looking at underage boys?
yes, he wants that ostanian bussy
cute fake family
I hope at some point in the future Twilight gets called back to Westalis for an operation there, so we can see what that nation looks like now in comparison to Ostania.
nips thought it reminded them that loid do this for the sake of children
it should be about the same
>those peanuts
Cloverwork better not fucked up this man's ELEGANCE
Yor can break your dick with her ass
Bless Japanese autism.