Where is the dishwasher?

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Other urls found in this thread:

alicegordenker.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/recycling-bath-water-for-laundry-風呂水ポンプ /

You wash in the sink, poshie.

Probably doesn't even have a basic bathroom let alone a dishwasher

On the left-hand side of the image, standing in the doorway.

Did you just timeslip from the 1920s or something?

I see you

microwave is just a glorified meal heater. I don't get why every apartment has it instead of an oven.

It's all just as planned

ovens are too slow, I just want to fucking eat

>ovens are too slow
not if you got a combi

Dishwashers are a fraud.

asia people don't use a dishwasher


You try and handwash dishes, cups, cuttlery, etc. for a family of 5, then look me and the eye and tell me you don't want a dishwasher.

Wait. Didn't you already do this?

japs are too poor to afford one.

yes, i was still having some problems, but they've been taken care of.....

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I see. Good.

I don't think those shithole apartments have good enough utilities to run a stove

You wash as you go and people shouldn't be niggers and leave it for others along with not be a disgusting pig that lets shit pile up. I only use dishwasher as a drying rack.

The most serious issue would be the oil spilling on the mats. Like seriously those mats are probably disgusting.

the mats can be easily replaced though

Maybe anywhere else but that close to the cooktop they would have to replace it way too often to be viable. The kitchen and bathroom are the two places you NEED materials that can get wet and be easily cleanable.

Most Asian families (which are usually 5+ people) use the dishwasher as a storage rack and never turn it on. You're just lazy.

jap poorfag apartments look so comfy honestly. wish we could build them here to rent out to weebs.

>had apartment with oven and dishwasher
>used neither
>only used dishwasher to store fruit in (fruit flies cannot get inside)
then again i also handwash all my clothing and rack dry it. you already have the bathwater, right? just throw your clothes in after you get out, drain them a while later. bam, free clean laundry. squeeze the water out and throw it on a drying rack. i've saved at least $200 from doing this instead of paying for washing machines.

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>reusing bath water to wash clothes
LatAm moment.

it's free water bro
its already there

its weird how 90% of the world is like
>"wtf is a dishwasher, are you talking about your hands?"
and that other 10% is all like
>"i'd literally DIE if I didn't have my precious dishwasher!, it's the most standard appliance in any house!"
yeah i never saw one until i was like 20

You wash the dishes twice, at morning and afternoon, and you can also divide the work between the 5 people.

that's why americans are fat

bro this is so true wtf

we don't do this in brazil, fuck off

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you serious?

>only used dishwasher to store fruit in (fruit flies cannot get inside)

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okay, what exactly is wrong with using bathwater to wash my clothes? i have an office job, i dont roll in hog shit all day.

>electric heat
absolutely disgusting

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If you have a dishwasher you don't suffer
t. Sufferer

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Bathwater is full of your bodily wastes you absolute fucking retard.

What's up with burgers and not being able to use the dishwasher properly? I hear horror stories of retards presoaking everything they put in there, wasting tons of water, or dishwasher salmon, and so on

Why even wash the clothes then?

how do you even collect your bath water? also why go through this if water is literally free?

what body waste? i shower once or twice a day.

i put the clothes in the bathtub when i'm done. soak overnight and then wring in the morning and set to dry on the balcony

oh no no no

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alicegordenker.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/recycling-bath-water-for-laundry-風呂水ポンプ /

look, i'm not crazy, fuck you, other people do this

imagine the smell

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>visit my granny
>she has no dishwasher because everything after the fall of socialism is evil alien technology
>every dish is dirty as fuck, with obvious food still sticking to it

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and now there are dishwashers so efficient you actually will use more water on average washing dishes by hand than just shoving it all into the dishwasher

I would find it hilarious if there are people so contrarian they'd rather waste their time washing by hand, that's real commitment



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What the fuck is a dishwasher?

That has been the case for decades

fuck you, look, this is common

They at least pump the water into a washing machine, and not just have their clothes sit in lukewarm water all night.

How have you not been evicted from the smell complaints?

wtf lol

thirdies don't have dishwashers

she's leaving the kids at school

I bet you heathens don't use your toilet water for your toothbrushing needs either. How does it feel to waste so needlessly??

yes but japanese people don't sweat

what smell. what is the fucking difference. all the machine does is spin around. look, half of japan does this.

no no no no no no no NO
what they are doing there and you are describing is EXTREMELY different

what you are describing is analogous to not having a wash cycle, and replacing the rinse cycle water on your washing machine with your filthy bathwater

There's nothing wrong with what's going on in the Instagram post, they are still using detergent and still washing their clothes.

>washing machine notices that its full of water
>drains it away before wash and fills up with clean water
>schizo who does not understand how washing machines work is happily ignorant and doesnt realize that he just waster 30 minutes of his life on something retarded

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do japs really?

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>all the machine does is spin around
It's not 1930 anymore user, washing machines are more than simple centrifuges

i've been doing this for an entire year and my clothes smell perfectly clean. why does it have to rinse, what does that do, it's already sitting in water

The difference is that a washing machine is a vehicle for using the water and draining it. How do you not have mildew or mold

I can guarantee that your white clothes now look beige