Girl lost her virgnity

>girl lost her virgnity
>her value goes to negative
i'm glad i wasn't a slutguya fag and i feel sad for them, sorry anons the last thing we want for other waifu is see her doing shameful things.

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it's fine because it was to her husband

no it wasn't

I will never understand you fucking purity fetishists.
You pathologize sex as some kind of dirty awful taint on one hand while semi-religiously elevating the virginity women up to this untouchable inhuman pedestal on the other.
Why? What do you get out of it? It's certainly not because it makes you happy, that much is fucking obvious, so why wallow in such unhealthy obsessions?

>somehow I believe my refusal to have sex with a non-virgin woman should deeply sadden them as I'm high quality partner material

no, virgin girls statistically end up being more loyal and better mothers than used goods. the more a woman have sex the higher the chances of having a shitty partner and becoming a shitty mother, also higher chances of getting cucked so no worth.
yes, because is true.

It's cartoons.

So long as she only fucks Prez literally what is the issue? Willingness to have sex is actually a plus SO LONG AS it's only with you, and past sexual activity only becomes a minus when it wasn't with you.
Imagine your gf fucks you and suddenly you think less of her, like what are you a fag?

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its sour grapes

she did it without marriage contract thus she's retarded impulsive weak whore.
now prez has the total power to left her as a single mother because kaguya couldn't close her legs and is now a used cheap whore.

As said, there is legitimately statistical data that shows women with less sexual experience are just straight up better partners. If a woman had sex with, say, 10 other dudes in her past, clearly she's willing to give her pussy to people without requiring them to prove themselves to be good partners worthy of the sex. Plus, I just don't wanna stick my dick where other dicks have been.

That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard, clearly she was only willing to do it with the prez because she knows he won't ditch her right after. If someone like, say, YOU were to date her, you can bet your ass she wouldn't be as willing to have sex since clearly you're so mentally deranged that you lose respect for a woman when they have sex with you, to appease YOU, like jesus. Not that you could ever land a woman like Kaguya to begin with of course.

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Why do you even care, you’re never gonna stick your dick in a woman in the 1st place

True, except for the part where I have been in a loving relationship with a woman (who lost her virginity to me) for just over 2 and a half years now.

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Alright, let's see
-It is an statistical fact that women with more than 1 partner (aka, any woman who lost her virginity to someone that isn't her husband) are EXTREMELY more likely to divorce you
-It is an statistical fact that DNA of other man can stay in her
-Any woman who is willing to act like a whore is going to be a horrible mother
Simply put, only a retarded subhuman cuck or a manwhore would touch a slut.

>I will never understand you fucking purity fetishists.
>You pathologize sex as some kind of dirty awful taint on one hand while semi-religiously elevating the virginity women up to this untouchable inhuman pedestal on the other.
>Why? What do you get out of it? It's certainly not because it makes you happy, that much is fucking obvious, so why wallow in such unhealthy obsessions?
kys prostitute

>True, except for the part where I have been in a loving relationship with a woman (who lost her virginity to me) for just over 2 and a half years now.

Get the fuck out and kill yourself, retard.

that's typical roastie answer before they turn single mother "this time he's not gonna left me"

chad preferred younger virgin for wife instead of you.



Kaguya did nothing wrong

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I don't know, I think it's something about penis germs and I don't want her to transfer other penis germs on to my penis. Because that's kinda gay, you feel me?

You're just a retarded moralfaggot tourist with no rebuttal to and you shit would guaranteed bitch about porn manga or VN no differently despite the world of difference from sleeping around and your only shitty response is muh mad roastie. Get the fuck out and kill yourself.

It's all a matter of judgement really, if you're a woman then choosing to have sex with a guy is basically a gamble, sure he'll be happy then, but if he decides to leave in the future your value is now that much less in the eyes of most guys. 1 or 2 fuck ups like that isn't too bad, but 5+ and suddenly your pool of guys willing to date you has become quite shallow. That's why it's way safer to wait till marriage, but truth is if the judgement pays off and the guy genuinely ends up being the one you stay with it really doesn't matter whether she put out on day one or after marriage.

That's our feminist Aka for you.

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holy cringe Aka you faggot

that's literally how roasties start and suddnely when they turn 35+ "i want to be submissive wife i hate this world"

>underage couples having sex is anything to do with feminism when bitching about muh age of consent is mostly asshurt over men caring more about younger women especially 2D
Go back.

Empowering young women by giving them permission to fuck around? So progressive.

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lol, this is so shit

Bump because I love watching purity flame wars

>Kaguya and the Prez are in love
>Its a fucking romcom so they clearly are endgame and will never breakup and date other people
>They have sex
>Kaguya is a whore and the anime promotes feminism
I will never understand incels

Kill yourself.


>You pathologize sex as some kind of dirty awful taint on one hand while semi-religiously elevating the virginity women up to this untouchable inhuman pedestal on the other.
Yes. It's a complex socio economic phenomenon that is caused by false beliefs and principles that is too complicated to describe in an anonymous image board post and in my opinion is not understood fully and more thorough scientific reproducible research is needed by independent parties.

it is about power having a virgin. for you to be the first one to take her you probably unable to understand because of feminist brainwashing that happen to you when you were a kid. you probably also think that men are pigs and women are goddesses.

mens in the past were without a shame craving power they hated being called losers . fuck you all faggots if i ever married it will be at my 40 and the wife is a virgin


>ITT: /r9k/ seething about women not being virgins and going on about muh purity when said virgins wouldn't even deal with the subhumans in this thread because of how deranged they are
You fags pretty much act like the women you despise

your a fucking retard every civilization loved women who are pure and innocent

yes, they praised them and even took them for the strongest women

that's definitely not the reason she's a shit waifu and character in general but keep larping

they had sex with you becouse they want to keep using you . or they are tired of fucking and now they want to settle.

anyway fuck all women it doesnt matter . marry a whore if you liked do what you can with what you have.

if were a successful man then you won't have to settle to the first girl who fucked you.

Id rather seethe about Chika becoming Yuribait

>I can be piece of shit and shit on other men and women because I'm a man and it's fine
>Woman decides to reciprocate or ditch you entirely for being unpleasant fuck

woman moment
If you can't even keep your cunt clean till you're married you certainly haven't got the responsibility to be a good wife and raise kids well.

This is anime. This logic doesn't apply. She could have been been a whore for 25 dudes and then find the one and be loyal.

It's common knowledge the the divorce fucked Aka's mental state up and he went full retard with several plotlines.

There's a certain level of realism in fantasy that's expected of the way people act and that clearly crosses the line.

then dont fuck arond with men. you can find a guy who is looking for a permanent relationship

Are you fags really seething about this and women in general like retards or are you just shitposting cause bored?

It'd somehow be less pathetic if it was the latter

I take every opportunity to insult women. Don't even particularly hate them.

It's literally just retarded tourists. Since I first came here, Yea Forums has wanted couples to actually fuck before the end. None of these retards belong here and it shows with every shitty Yea Forums or any other shit board quality post, especially when not taking.

>Since I first came here

>Yea Forums, /pol/ and /r9k/ coming here as a shitting ground

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She's not going to be a whore user.

Only I'm allowed to have sex with anime girls.

I was referring to the described scenario. For my own part I really don't give a shit about kaguya banging the president. The series is crap though.

Kill yourself, retard. If anyone's the cancer election tourist, it's you and not even subtle.

You're really epic with your assumed seniority on the internet

I found her a husband.

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>basing your preferences on what other people think