Buyfag thread

iie senpai, it's our CAKE

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Other urls found in this thread:

read the guide

should I buy now or will the yen keep getting more worthless

chink shite

Japan is weak. WEAK!

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Why are you fuckers so weird?

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stop being an attention whore.

wont go down by much, if you know why its being pushed down by japan themselves.

Where can I purchase platforms so I can elevate figures on the back of the shelf?

I could sell you a few of mine when I get them. For a price.

Attached: order.png (646x511, 102.93K)
This and the other ones in the description. Other than that, you have 9001 variations of acrylic risers on Amazon, Ebay, or whatever.

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On amiami she's ~$31. I found her on an import American store for ~$44 (shipping & tax included).
Would it be cheaper to get her from amiami and combine her with a scale I have pre-ordered that same month, or go for the import store? Would adding a PUP to the box with a scale figure increase the shipping cost more than the $13 extra from the import site? Not sure if I'm gonna DHL or boat the scale, just depends on how much DHL will be for it. For context, the scale is listed as "Size: Approx. H235mm" (this one

Attached: FIGURE-139201_05.jpg (600x800, 77.21K)

if you're lucky to have a daiso near you, you can try looking there

use that american store


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Oh shit I do, thanks user.

I look into these if the Daiso thing is a bust. Thanks to both you anons.

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Will bunnies ever go out of style?

no. thanks hugh hefner

Honestly? No.

Why is Solaris Japan advertising on item pages that they offer regular shipping but when I go to checkout its only showing saver and express? It shows an American flag next to the 3 shipping prices on the item page, so I don't think it's a regional thing.

Finally got myself a Detolf. I really need another one but I have no space in my room for one unfortunately.

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Ah, found this after some searching:
"Service Restrictions (only seamail packages)
United States (no Regular)"
So, why do they advertise that regular is available on the item page?

I had mine made to order so they'd fit perfectly in my display. They were like $4 each.

because they serve more countries than just the USA?

grats, next you should try to get
>risers for figures
>riser for detolf
>dustproofing optional

I know. But I'm singed into my account and they have a little american flag next to the shipping prices. Naturally, you'd assume that's the shipping available for it for the US. The prices are accurate on the checkout page, its just the regular option isn't available.

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Why are there never figures of girls in natural poses?

Attached: [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 02 [85F02B34].mkv_snapshot_20.06.497.jpg (1920x1080, 816.91K)

I envy those that can dust proof their collections. I have no floor space for a display cabinet.

define natural

pizza pizza

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Holy shit if Little Caesars commissioned a figure like this...

>/r/animefigures has 107k members
so this hobby actually went full mainstream, no wonder those increasing prices and scalpers everywhere, fuck normalfags ruining everything.

needs a fidget spinner

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go there and stay go

>I have no floor space for a display cabinet
just buy a wide/large acrylic display case box and put it in your desk or a shelf on the wall.

oh no, its .001% of the world population, so mainstream


fuck off

Like they'd behave in their natural habitat, and not in a terrarium.

again, define natural habital

No one wants natural 3DPD bitches here, broski

Controlling banks is so mainstream


user, they are anime girls, this is natural, not your pic.

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Cute autist

How is that relevant again? Should you bitch about /r/billionarybankers going mainstream or what?

>user, they are anime girls, this is natural, not your pic.
That pose and outfit look fake as heck.

no way

Why are you replying to a crypto-tard?

I can't decide if I want to get her or wait for the new one (
I like her normal school outfit more (I'm not super into booba figures). But I feel like the new one is too reliant on putting it next to the other one and would look weird standalone.
I definitely only want to get one or the other.

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>posting image links

Most figures fall into three categories:
>standing upright and posing
>not standing upright, but basically posing/looking at the "viewer"
>caught in the act of doing something in a seemingly candid way, but it's so forced that it's not really candid

There are basically no figures where the girl is just in a neutral body position, not posing, not caught in the act of doing something--just like how normal people sometimes lay on a bed the wrong way like in , or if there were some otaku girl just browsing 2chan at her computer. Those would be natural.

Too bad , they are anime girls in their natural anime habitat doing natural poses

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Yes? You can only post a single image reply. How else would you show more than one image?

You could have attached an image to a second post, retardo.

>Yes? You can only post a single image reply. How else would you show more than one image?
you could put those two into a single image, thus getting more feedback.

Why would I take up two posts when a single one conveys the exact same information?

>>There are basically no figures where the girl is just in a neutral body position

>that retard lying like a red on a bed

Thats no neutral position, the fuck are you smoking? Also, sugoi generalizations

Stitch two images together, retard

Was tempted by this shamiko as well user. The school uniform set is cuter gonna wait for those and for most of the show is what they wear.

>Most figures fall into three categories:
Ah , here comes a retard who hasn't lurked long enough.

I've been here since 2013, retard.

>neutral body position
Define neutral, because a neutral position would be a shitty action figure as it comes from the pack, no substance, no soul

Just to illustrate, I'll summarize my perspective of some of the figures posted in this thread. I'm not going to continue doing this for every photo.
>posing, looking at viewer
>caught in the act of jumping/flying, looking at viewer
>literally looks like she's posing for a photo shoot, very common pose for a model
>just standing there, very boring
>posing for porn, looking at viewer
>posing, looking at viewer
>posing, looking at viewer
>caught in the act of walking(?) with a mixing pan of cake frosting, fake candid, looking at viewer

You're so conditioned to seeing figures of girls posing, you probably don't know that there could be another way.

Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
Don't samefag, either.

I'm thinking about doing the same thing.
May pick up the succubus one down the line if I see it on a good sale or pre-owned for a good price and good condition.

relax, fellas

I don't know. Why have you posted three times now when you could have just posted twice, including both images, and not needing to follow up extensively now to defend your cancerous ignorance of how image boards work?

don't reply to bait posts

kotobukiya isn't even an option, such mediocre quality

>someone is trying to have a conversation about (gasp) FIGURES
>it must be bait!
>don't reply to it!!!!

I kind of see what you're getting at but, you're putting it in a nonsensical way. How is being "in the act of doing something" not "natural?" You're talking nonsense.
u mad

Posing, looking at phone

>natural pose
Funnily enough, this is an oxymoron.

not for a figure which has to be posed anyway

I seen her preowned in amico a couple times with her bonus face for a little less than retail. Also don't listen to the koto hater they do good stuff for their price ranges.

Posing, being a slob

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It still is. Seriously, just look up the definition of pose.

pig assault in his natural habitat

Attached: Not looking at (You).jpg (800x600, 112.56K)

>How is being "in the act of doing something" not "natural?"
Because it looks like a photoshoot. For example, pic related. Caught in the act of flying/falling. The idea is that such poses *can't* be natural because they are by definition fleeting. A girl laying across her bed is not fleeting and no one would normally stage a photo shoot where the girl is just lying on her bed like that.

Now you are nitpicking. You know exactly what I'm trying to say.

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natural pose is not an oxymoron. if you had a posable figure of a giraffe and made its neck a spiral and its legs splayed out riding a motorcycle, that is not a natural pose. if you pose it eating grass or whatever. that is

Thanks for posting my wife user.

>The idea is that such poses *can't* be natural because they are by definition fleeting

what definition? , a pose is never, by definition fleeting.

Are you fucking blind? Look at the figure I posted.

Natural pose: young juvenile girl looks if she has grown hair

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