What happened to her series? seems like translators have abandoned her.
I need more imouto craving onii-chan's baby.
What happened to her series? seems like translators have abandoned her.
I need more imouto craving onii-chan's baby.
There's only 3 chapters
4 chapters, it's still ongoing.
>fucks her brother one time
>immediately goes out and gets a pregnancy test
I mean, that's not how biology works.
It takes time for semen to reach and inseminate the egg, and even longer before it attaches to the uterine wall, and even longer than that before the body starts producing hormones that show up in the urine.
She might be cute, but clearly she's retarded.
Maybe there was a little delay?
One month, is a speed reader.
to be fair there's not a whole lot of chapters to read.
Hano should never be introduced to r/inbreeding or related reddit subs
It never really had translators. Just one guy paying someone to translate it.
what will it take for a proper group to pick this up?
Damn you user. Went to see if that sub actually existed. For research purposes of course. It does not exist sadly.
spam threads every day
not just once a day though, you need to post enough threads to compete with the DBS/DBZ/ AoT/SNK/BNHA/HXH shonentards.
create a thread demanding "translations when?" roughly every two hours and keep bumping them all.
good luck and godspeed.
or you could just learn nip and do it yourself
Yeah, I made it up, sorry.
*Did you at least catch the pun?
Why would she know that?
Slow release
>It does not exist sadly.
Are you using the mobile app or something that censors/hides those subs?
Fuck that. Only anons should be trusted, not any filthy normalfaggots.
She also didn't use the test right away, she waited a while.
>seems like translators have abandoned her.
We don't. Give us little more time. Chapter 3 has A LOT of redrawing right in time when redrawers are burned with exams. Here you have some teaser for now.
Hopefully chapter 4 looks FAR easier. So it should be done quicky hopefully.
This is Shishishiko, right?
Or am I retarded?
Yes, it's Shishishiko.
I don't understand how this manga got so popular on Yea Forums. It's the only currently-running Dengeki Daioh manga other than Railgun or Yotsuba to get bump limit threads here on a regular basis, which is impressive when you consider how new the manga is. By contrast, threads for the magazine's other manga tend to die quickly even when they get translations.
keep up the good work and don't lose heart. I'll wait for as long as it takes
>creator of Siscon Ani
>dearth of incest manga
>Bokutachi wa Hanshoku wo Yamete left everyone unhappy
I haven't been following this, is this some kind of sequel to the previous one or are these new characters? Those tits are way too big to be Uta's, right? Bit of sameface going on here so I can't really tell.
>are these new characters?
Imoutits not getting sucked drives me fucking CRAZY.
Do it.
>too big to be Uta's
Uta is pretty much growing. This is one of latest arts that Hano did with her.
How very ugly.
Preparing to breed.
when's the new chapter, again?
Next few days?
The imouto in this one is even more thirsty than the one in SisBro.
You could have learned enough Japanese to read it if you started back in December when the first chapter came out.
Here is the (You) you desire.
take your time user. I don't think anons here really care so much as long we're getting or imouto kino
not only this series
this is something that happens every time
>scanlation group TLs 5 chapters
>last updated 2 years ago
I'm just gonna learn moon
is right, it does exist. It's a quarantined subreddit so it may not have shown up in wherever you're using to search. For the record, I just googled the subreddit's name.
inbreeding is fine
I keep telling (You) dekinai-chan
So it's popular because of the artist and subject matter and not because of its magazine?
OK so I found this pedigree somewhere and was trying to deconstruct it to get the relatedness and inbreeding coefficients but it's a bit convoluted so it's giving me a headache..
brother(A) and sister(B) have son(C),
C breeds B to produce daughter(D),
C breeds D to produce daughter(E),
C breeds E to produce son(F) and daughter(G),
F and G breed to produce daughter H
It's giving me a headache.
I just tried this calculator but it seems to have crashed...
God she needs a child asap, get on it aniki!
Most of Yea Forums is completely ignorant about manga and magazines. They literally think a series got cancelled because the translations stopped. People don't even realize what magazines series they read are published in.
>seems like translators have abandoned her
Yes. It's judged for its content rather than its cover. Why do you autistically ask in every incest thread why no one cares about Dengeki Daioh?
Does DD have any other incest manga we should actually care about?
Depends on how you count The Skill of Paternity, Let's have a meal together or Saraba, Yoki Hi.
How would you count them?
No, but it does have ecchi stuff
What do you read in the magazine?
Hinako, Shirogane, Honoka, Fathercon, and a bunch of others whose names are escaping me right now.