No panty shots

>no panty shots
fucking dropped

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kakkou no Iinazuke - 01 (1080p) [46444F07].mkv_snapshot_01.37.497.jpg (1920x1080, 108.84K)

these dang magical skirts man

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kakkou no Iinazuke - 01 (1080p) [46444F07].mkv_snapshot_01.39.200.jpg (1920x1080, 119.27K)

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kakkou no Iinazuke - 01 (1080p) [46444F07].mkv_snapshot_01.40.971.jpg (1920x1080, 115.92K)

There's always the manga.

Why can't they give us pantyshots anymore? Who the fuck are they afraid of?


>skirt pressing directly onto cunny

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Nice deflection off of you know the nips who make it for nips.

Only Hiro should be censored, why are the 2 sisters censored?

>Implying this won't make people horny
Jokes on them, they've just gave more publicity to another obscure fetish.

is she nopan?

that would make her best girl is tru

No, she and Ai never get pantyshots

>Why can't they give us pantyshots anymore?
>he hasn't watched Summer Time Rendering

Shots like this are far more explicit than panty shots. Because my first thought is that this character isn't wearing anything.

Wait until pic related gets animated. It's one of the early chapters too so unless they cut it out it should be in the anime very soon.

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that's why it's annoying. They have to warp physics to avoid panty shots just makes the lack of n panties more jarring

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show bobs and vegene

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Show the manga panels.

Picked up.

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Does his phone's camera have 3D capabilities or something?

I wonder why pantyshots in anime have dropped off nowadays, yet are fine in manga. Fucking ethics departments.

There's still Kao, though.

Jesus christ and I thought the magical skirt in that one panel of the Raye manga was bad

There are at least two shows this season with gratuitous pantyshots. Maybe don't watch stuff aimed at westerners.

This would've never happened 15 years ago.

Looking up the studios involved they've never done pantyshots before or haven't in a while (in the case of doraemon).

Still angers me we keep getting these bog standard harem series then the anime cuts out the only reason (fanservice) to tolerate Mc. Ken Doll taking forever to say "I wan da chizuru clone #26748".

A Disney anime series has more fanservice than this.

prefer boobs

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honk honk

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Who cares? Unless you're a teenager, seeing / not seeing a panty flash shouldn't matter. You'll see just as much on the inevitable beach episode anyway.

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>wait until the anime op posted gets animated


This is some blu-ray bait shit, isn't it? Otherwise why even animate this angle.

Most weebs are inceks user



If it's not a big deal then why do they have to censor it?

>If it's not a big deal then why do they have to censor it?
If it's not a big deal then why do they have to show it?

Are you a woman?

Always blaming everyone but the people reasonable aren't you? Japanese censorship laws are to blame, not some boogeyman.

Because most of the time it's in the source material (not OP though), and there's no technical reasons to cut it (i.e. changing it to fit the anime screen etc). Also, that's not how skirts should be animated. If you don't want to show them then don't shoot the "camera-eye" from the bottom up.

Now, it's your turn to answer my prior question.

Those scenes are from the OP so they're not in the manga.

Not that user but you do know that women can draw pantyshots too, right? Heck, Miki (the mangaka of this series) is a woman and she's drawn multiple pantyshots in Cuckoo already.

>(not OP though)
So it's not censored, but you're still whining.
>Now, it's your turn to answer my prior question.
Never demand what you cannot compel.

That's not what you're talking about. You were talking about panty shots in general, not just the OP.

Now, answer my question.

This is absolute tragedy.
How OP gonna recover from this?

Because that's how physics work. Don't aim the camera like that if you don't want to show what that shows.

name them then

>Don't aim the camera like that if you don't want to show what that shows.
This is a legit complaint. I would point out that what they make you think about is more powerful than what they show you, though.

It could just be they don't want to include pantyshots in the opening. It's just being hopeful.

This has always been my opinion on the matter. If you don't want to show panties, put your characters in pants or don't show them from low angles while wearing skirts.

>Meanwhile at Disney

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give me the censorship apologist bingo

This should be illegal

why do americans ruin and destroy everything?

>Disney will save anime
I live to see it.

when you go out of your way to hide something, it just brings more attention to what your trying to hide

I'm complaining because magical skirts look retarded

if you don't wanna show panties, there are more creative ways to hide them. look at dance dance danseur

>Because that's how physics work. Don't aim the camera like that if you don't want to show what that shows.

I hate that Shiroyasha logic. I don't want to imagine what her panties look like I just want to see her goddamn panties!

Japanese censorship laws that have remained completely unchanged? Can't have anything to do with tencent investing in Kadokawa or the massive amounts of chinese money being pumped into anime directly by companies like billibilli or the fact that the chinese are by a country mile the largest consumers of anime and their government is directly cracking down on sexual content? But I'm sure its just a boogeyman.

Don't blame the Chinese, user; blame the pin-dicks that cater to them for a few extra bucks.