Spy x family: new episode

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>almost shed a tear during the ED
I can't do this anymore.

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Dude... WTF

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what is this?

Attached: Spy x Family - 03.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

it's watchable but the characters are very one-note

Seeder:Leacher Ratio

Now realize their last name comes from forgery


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Can someone check on the Gosling posters, getting worried they might've killed themselves.

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So mangafags, when will get another good chapter to adapt? This episode was mediocre.

>what should we eat tonight
>Here's what happened today
> a comedy with you

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I'm st-still here.

I can make it.

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Attached: [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 03 (1080p) [369CC4DE].webm (640x360, 2.91M)

I like the school chapters

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The interview chapters were good


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Full animation

when will the show get good?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 03 (1080p) [369CC4DE].webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

>no spy shit
>just retards pretending to be a family

This episode was boring and you should feel bad for watching it.

Nips love these 2

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The lyrics.

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>repeating ip
Can you fuck off already, you autistic shit?

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>All this fanart already and he hasn't even appeared
Good, good.

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>seething this hard
Your fault for falling for bait

Why does it hurt?
I' m married and have 2 kids for gods sake

Yuri introduction

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Attached: [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 03 (1080p) [369CC4DE].webm (1920x1080, 415.54K)

i will admit that i shed a tear at the ending

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Have more.

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god this is comfy

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Homewrecker soon

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Fuuka and Yor?
two dork?


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best girl

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I like how her voice fades out from Loid and Anya's perspective


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damn brat

Tights x Wife

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Damn, a lot of this episode was pretty good anime original content.

Damn, they are spoiling us.

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wife style > the others

What was that dumb bitch going to do?

Murder someone for stealing a purse?


how do i get a woman to look at me the way yor looks at guillotines

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Attached: [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 03 (1080p) [369CC4DE].webm (1920x1080, 373.06K)

episode was great, dont know why tards are complaining.

entire episode of family bonding > action orientated episodes

... She was literally having an orgasm from a painting of guillotines and holding kitchen knives, what did you expect?

>They each have their own cup color



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>This could have been us
>Why did you abandon us?

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I kinda feel it was a little lacking, but this episode is basically set-up for the next one, so I am not complaining.

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>Anya enjoyed Yor's coco
Biggest plot hole of the show


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this ED is so good

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It's filtering retards user. Once they realize that most of the show is going to be SoL, they'll thankfully fully fuck off

Reminder if you are unironically married, let alone have children, you should fuck off from Yea Forums, you faker.

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>supposed to be an action-comedy.
>it's actually just a boring slice-of-life snorefest.


To be fair, she probably knows how to cook it for assasinations, so she needs to get it perfect.

but zyzz didn't even make it to 23...

fuck off

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Yor made cocoa during Fiona's visit, so I assume you can add cocoa to the list of dishes she can make

>bend over user

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Made me chuckle, thanks user.

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This series is too good!

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More like Hype x Family

I hope the door hits you on the way out

I'm not gay but...

ED spoiled everything!
Now i know that she will get the place at the school and we see the brother!

Jk, good episode!

Looks like Abe's plan is working

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i'm alive
but at what cost

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What did everyone think about the anime original stuff? I really liked it and it was a nice change of pace from how crammed the first two episodes were.

Lol why so mad user

What was anime original? Been a while since I read the first couple of chapters

This scene is so good, next week can't come soon enough.

Normalfags don't belong here.

i liked it

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Will Anya get a younger sibling?

I liked it, was comfy. Was pretty perfectly added in.

>Loid is in the lead and carries Anya
>Yor pushes both of them

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She'll lose a father if she does, unless they adopt again

Right is best

I loved it

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love it!
One episode one chapter is a great pace, hopefully this series will have a long run

>chichi! tsuponpon, tsuponpon!
doesn't this literally just mean "completely naked / bare"
why even mention boobs at all instead of just going for
>Papa! She's naked, she's naked!

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Next episode is 2 chapters

Great, if I garent read the manga I wouldn’t even notice

Mangafags please fill me in.

Are we going to get more spy shit or is it just dumb family garbage from here on out?


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I think its just supposed to be things prepared from scratch where she can probably microwave water and cocoa powder.

They just adapted one chapter and put the anime original content as well. The next episode just looks like one episode as well? Feels like they're slowing down now. Don't remember if the interview process was just one chapter so I could be wrong

>Called Spy x FAMILY
>Is it just dumb family garbage

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Nah. Next episode is 2 chapters.

How could Yor even fuck up cocoa?

Interview was two chapters, the cow rampage and the actual interview. Both are very elegant.

Next episode should adapt chapters 4 and 5 based on the preview.

>>that part when Loid looked at the kids right before the robber scene
>>he just thought about his dead friends

I really don't like the color palette/lighting of this anime, it just doesn't fit the time period in my opinion. Especially indoors like pic related.

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There's the chapter with the cow and the interview proper IIRC.

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Really? How do you know? Two chapters is good pacing though


Put your head in the guillotine? Seeing it in action might even impress her even more.

Neither, you'll get school shenanigans and you're going to like it no matter what

>That giant smile when Yor joins the walk

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> 3 eps in and there is already a crowd scene about how hatespeech is baad against commie scum

Yor finds a way

it's mostly SoL with some spying shit dropped in every now and then

I'd rather have proper colors than a beige filter like SnK

Thanks. Forgot that those two things were separate. Felt like they were all one chapter

Anya's reactions are so childish but they make me laugh.

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Someone post the cg crowd

Because I remember one chapter being the whole test to weed out the unelegant families and another chapter being the interview. From the preview of the next episode we're getting both at the same.


This anime is AOTD because it caused a mass suicide of gosling posters on Yea Forums

More importantly, did Loid go on a dangerous trip to get the finest cocoa?

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If Yor can mix poisons, making good cocoa should be easy

Then how come she can't cook almost anything else?

Its just mixing cocoa powder with hot milk, not even Yor can fuck that up

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not to mention its looks like not Germany wasnt bombed to shit??

>chichi tsundere
>subs: papa is a softie

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>open back dress

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I will have my grandkid in a couple of months. too late.

How can yor breathe in a mouthful of poison and not be affected, but can still get drunk off wine?

It's already some years after the war
If the country still looks bombed then it's gonna be very bad for propaganda effort user