Kemono Girls

Post your favorite Kemono girls!

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She cute!

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my waifu4laifu

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>no one posted her yet

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Too humanlike but you do you.


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Hitomi tongues my angus.

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you again

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anime when

I'm not a furry... BUT...

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Why is she so pretty?

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Imagine going to town with these two.

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please stop with the cope

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Well I did go to anthrocon in 2004. I just liked the art. Too many homosexuals and pedophiles though. Afterparties had cubs and ecstacy/mdma. So kemono is ok, furry is not.

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picture dumps belong on the picture-dumps board, like, I dunno, /c/ or /e/ or somewhere else.

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You can't stop someone from dumping pictures. Plus, you decided to not discuss the topic and just disrupt so... best leave.

The things I would do. My hips would be sore as hell.

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>Too humanlike
Bitch has multiple pair of tits

Her face looks too human. I have not read that comic book. Could be a xeno down there for all I know.


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Hopefully one day

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Far left

Disgusting creatures. Would you fuck your cat if she turned into a cat girl?

I mean maybe? It would be pretty weird at first but if we both end up developing feelings for eachother and she wants to take things to the next level then it could happen if she was old enough. My main concern though would be trying to find a way she could live safely in general.

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You haven't seen dressercat video have you?

>Too many homosexuals and pedophiles though
my guy
have you ever looked at the kemono tag?

there's plenty of kemonomimi doujins with that exact premise user.
this one's just a bit further on the scale.


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what's with the absolutely massive amount of barashit the japs make
it's like they're gayer than the west in that regard.

Yoshifumi Kondo is way too good.

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Where? E621?

though the therianthrope tag is more appropriate.
it seems to have the worse art for some reason.

The striped one is mine back off.

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Oh, yeah I am sure I have. Not too often though.

The west(america) is so mired in sexual shame and layers of delusion and cope over what they can or should be attracted to thanks to puritan sexual repression, which somehow got absorbed by the zeitgeist as a moral imperative rather than the misguided views of literal religious extremists. Japan as always is way more up front with their sexual kinks and doesn't shy away from making products to appeal to them.

First from the right

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This fat fox.

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She looks like she fucks human men

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MAPs are popular in Japan and MAPs in general are leading the way to acceptance and equality.

The fuck is a map?

is made for this chad

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Remember to feed your catgirls real raw milk not the fake processed milk like shit.

Politically correct term for pedophile

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Minor attracted person.

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/pol/ lingo.

Rent free considering that's what groomers use

There will come a day. Sooner rather than later.

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if you thought the thread was shit and wanted to derail it, you could have just posted
and the janitors would have probably cleaned up.

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That's furshit!

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user, I made the thread. I was just answering a question.

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A guide to help you navigate areas

remember when being furry meant being an autistic attention whore faggot with a victim complex who though dressing up in a carpet suit make them a spirit animal.

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Yeah, and it's still around actually.

Human male on female anthro isnt furry

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well, there's an idiot in the thread right now shitposting.

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it is.
and that's okay.

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I told you, I posted that to respond to a question.

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I'll just have to take her from you, then

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>OOOshitai no?
What does the ooo represent?

My brother from another mother.

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if kemono is furry then anime is just cartoons, manga is just comics and Yea Forums and Yea Forums should be merged but we all know that is not the case.

I hope the guy inquiring about the beautiful life of a MAP has had his question answered.

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I just want a human girl with anthro feet

anime is cartoons yes.
kemono is shorthand for eastern furry art
and anime is shorthand for eastern cartoons.
western furry and cartoons are different culturally, but semantically, they're the same.

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If you want more information, instructional videos and related media on the subject. Go here:

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i didn't know it was even possible to have sameface for anthros.

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Stop being so bigoted against MAPs