Paripi Koumei

How comes he is he so likeable?

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All according to the keikaku

>he fell for it

Maybe you will like the Chinese tv version

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Just finished the 2010 adaptaion, still worth going back for the older one?

【《三国演义》 第1集 桃园三结义-哔哩哔哩电视剧】

Chinese TV series, generally old TV series are better.

Because it's the same story

In a new adaptation, the director always wants to add shit content to show himself.

lead to departure from the original

This is the 1994 version, a better version, closer to the original.

I want a docudrama on the three kingdoms on Netflix.

I wish that you would have linked a subbed version.

Sorry, I don't know either. Because I don't speak English.

Maybe you can consider reading the English version of the original novel.

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Man I almost gay for him. So close.

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I hate Kongmeme so much bros

Kong is precious. I wish I could protect him, but he needs no protection, for he has it all planned out.

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how did no one point out OP stuttering like an autist

Sima Yi when?

Never. Why would he want to live another life?

Was this scene really necessary?

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maybe you protecting him was all according to his plan...

how come you engrish

This episode wasn't quite as good as the first three. I hope next week gets back on track.

>tall handsome dark stranger
>blue eye blondie

It perfectly on track.

An American diplomat once observed that foreigners in China often found the Chinese agreeable to be around because they were so talkative among other social traits. He however hated Chinese people for all the other things like their universal lying. He also said Americans found the Japanese disagreeable at the time because they were not talkative and certainly not submissive like Chinese and they actually had pride.

It's the wholesomness of chasing your dreams and friends helping friends chase their dreams.

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Sounds honestly like a shitty diplomat.

German flag shirt
Also the Nigerrian Mafia

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tfw no Eiko gf...

It's impossible to be a good one in China

why doesn't Japan deport these Nigerians back to where they came from?

Angers the americans

Sorry, I completely, missread that post.
I thought the diplomat didn't like the Japanese for said reason. My bad.
A disagree with the Japanese not being talkative though. Maybe it's a cultural difference.

Just passing by to remind everyone that a girl like Eiko doesn't exist and Oni Eiko will never make a comeback.

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Eiko supports trans.
down the drain she goes

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I want to fondle her horns

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by not being a commie

Wait a second is that an apartment building as in modern-day Japan where the guy from the Three Kingdoms is?

he was sent to the present

Who and why?

Kongming. Sent to the present after his death.
why? for the story. he got hooked on the blondie's music and wants to help her career.

Go watch the first episode. The entirety of the answer is in the first five minutes.

>Oni Eiko will never make a comeback.
The biggest mistake in the anime. The songmistress of hell would have been a hell of a gimmick for a new singer.

Where do you literal retards even come from?

What the anime
Who Kongming?

Heh assuming American opinions matter. Don't they have some poison water to drink or kids to shoot?


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>Japs racebaiting now

This is what happens when you make a thread when there's nothing to talk about.

>Sweet voice
>Permanent half smile
>Smart enough for war but prefers using his braint for peace
>Understands what the blockchain is
>Sick moves
>Looks good in anything
Why wouldn't he be likeable?

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>An American diplomat once observed that foreigners
What he means is other Americans.
Seppos have no conception of cultures outside of their own and make universal declarations based on their own values

Go away, Kongmin is too pure for your perversions.

Stop mixing up Hungary flag with trans flag


I just want him to deflower Eiko for the sake of unlocking her true power, because girls are the most powerful when they're in love.

Are three kingdoms nerds the japanese equivalent of ancient Rome nerds?


No they're the equivalent of retards

Because its his family that won the war.

Chinese, but yeah pretty much.
This is a new group doing accurate, high quality subs that started this year