Chainsaw Man

CSM anime will be an unwatchabke CGI fuckfest where every character will looks like shit and the MAPPA desaturated filter will kill whatever atmosphere is left. Start coping now

>t.underage snk fan

>SpyxFamily turns out to be a terrible adaptation filled with CGI
>It's already flopping all over the place and people are staring to turn on studio WIT

Guess it's up to Chainsaw Man to save the industry now. Turns out Mappa was the better animation studio all along.

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>No one cares about the new Bleach anime
>Over 20mil views
>Year long art exhibition to hype up the return
>The hell arc one-shot being a hit and everyone asking Kubo to continue
>Burn the witch
>No one cares
Bleach pretty much got resurrected in the last 2 years and is one of the most anticipated anime.

Attached: Teaser_PV.jpg (1920x1890, 428.72K)

Is mappa's silence is a good news?

I've never seen such a promotion for an anime. All leaks are talking about October and we don't know anything

Chainsawfags are the new huntards

>Go back to twitter, faggot

Attached: 1646405348436.jpg (400x246, 32.92K)

Stuff happening outside of Yea Forums literally does not matter.

Nobody cares shounentard

>Posting in a shounen thread
CSMfags are the new huntards.