Arknights anime PV2

Before retards start shitposting, this is animated by the japanese animators so it's an anime

Attached: Arknights TV Animation [PRELUDE TO DAWN] Official Trailer [5cwQeezbnWM].webm_snapshot_00.26.458.jpg (1920x1080, 124.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Actually looks good.

Attached: 1456781814504.png (840x708, 233.7K)

>no cunny
anything I missed?

It has cunny though? Hell, cunny ops are some of the most popular.

MAO even

Oh yeah? What about this?

Attached: 1630917166729.jpg (1140x1198, 271.32K)

Attached: Arknights TV Animation [PRELUDE TO DAWN] Official Trailer [5cwQeezbnWM].webm_snapshot_00.09.922.jpg (1920x1080, 106.9K)

Not in Prelude to Dawn, retards

Attached: Arknights TV Animation [PRELUDE TO DAWN] Official Trailer [5cwQeezbnWM].webm_snapshot_00.11.770.jpg (1920x1080, 105.32K)

He looks just like me...

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>no cunny
Uhhhh bro?

Attached: .png (2048x2048, 3.74M)

>6 ears

Since you want to make stupid and irrelevant arguments did you know most popular Western cartoons in the 80s and 90s were animated by Japanese animators? Stuff like Thundercats, Batman TAS, and The Animaniacs were drawn by Japanese animators.

Attached: char_017_huang.png (180x180, 39.24K)

Sorry I'm still kneeling after Capcom collab announcement


Stupid donkey!

Attached: Arknights TV Animation [PRELUDE TO DAWN] Official Trailer [5cwQeezbnWM].webm_snapshot_00.13.209.jpg (1920x1080, 122.15K)

I wonder how the pacing will be. That's probably what's gonna break it if it sucks


Sometime this year

Attached: Arknights TV Animation [PRELUDE TO DAWN] Official Trailer [5cwQeezbnWM].webm_snapshot_00.18.576.jpg (1920x1080, 104.2K)

This is just a furry version of Black Rock Shooter without the soul.

He sounds like Enkidu

Attached: 1621296986011.png (320x320, 128.36K)

Attached: Arknights TV Animation [PRELUDE TO DAWN] Official Trailer [5cwQeezbnWM].webm_snapshot_00.20.048.jpg (1920x1080, 108.77K)

>Looks like anime - doesn't count
>Made in Japan by the Japanese - doesn't count
>Voiced in Japanese - doesn't count
Then what is "anime"?


Attached: sexplate.png (768x768, 59.79K)

My dog wife.

Attached: Arknights TV Animation [PRELUDE TO DAWN] Official Trailer [5cwQeezbnWM].webm_snapshot_00.22.765.jpg (1920x1080, 136.75K)

>bad guys dress in white
>good guys dress in black
huh that's kinda weird

Japanese property made by Japanese people only. Not china trying to inject itself into Japan like a filthy weeaboorooh.

Attached: 1546744322178.jpg (1180x1400, 234.31K)

>Good guys
He doesn't know

>pre-animated PV
Don't get too cocky or you will end up like SnKucks and Redditsawman tards. The final product will be SHIT

> made by Japanese people only.
But.... then it turns out that the last anime was created about 15 years ago? Most animation is now outsourced to China and Vietnam.

>all this CGI
Soulless. As expect of Arknots

Not a single anime these days is made by japanese people only, secondary. They outsource all around the world. Space Dandy had a french guys as a lead animator, Drifters had an OP made by a french guy entirely, and ALL anime outsources to Korea, China, SEA.

Re-read the entire sentence again and stop eating glue. China made this IP and that makes it chinkaboo.

You should see actual Arknights CG trailers, I don't think any other studio actually can do CG as well, this is just from today.

>Rhodes island
>good guys
All we are doing is killing innocent infected people all over the world.

Reunion are just the puppets of the snake faggot though so he can start a war with Ursus and Yen.

Are you a ESL as well?
>Japanese property made by Japanese people only.
IP. These weebs make an IP and then hire jpn people to design some of their characters. Might as well call fucking Genshin an anime by that logic.

what are you smoking?

the threads will only have shitposters from /vg/ and fujos lusting after Ashe cock

It's treason. Die, CCP shitter.

Anime > games for the story now, it’s over

>Might as well call fucking Genshin an anime by that logic
If they ever make an actual anime and dub it into japanese, yes it will be. Just like RWBY.

Because it is the VA of Enkidu

>Gets destroyed and outed as a tourist
>"a-a-are you an ESL"
You are, insecure projecting tard

>RWBY is anime
Arknots I...

>Sickly bishounen twink
Who even wants this?

>Chinese gacha game
Don't care

Rent free.
Hope you die alone.

I hope they wrap up Misha's shit in half of the episode

>can't read
>proceeds to dig the hole even deeper
You are a insecure projecting retard indeed. A gacha nigger to boot!

It actually being great.

im just hoping my wife mousse will be in the anime

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It will just flop and die like the recent gunKEK anime

Attached: 1642198779647.webm (1280x720, 1009.52K)

The original source of NGNL was written by a brazilian dude, are you saying that NGNL is not an anime? what is it then?

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t. gunkek lol
>w-we didn't really expect it to be good anyway, guize!

I'm waiting for Queen's Orders. These edgy gacha adaptations are always trash. See GF, Kancolle and the AL the animation.

AK is 100x more popular than GFL ever was.

You said
>Japanese property made by Japanese people only.
To which I replied and destroyed you >Not a single anime these days is made by japanese people only, secondary. They outsource all around the world.
You got BTFO hard son

b-but he was in Japan with a Japanese penname so it's anime!!!

user despite being a CN game there was only JP voices for 2 full years

wait so doctor is a girl?

A guy that comes from JPN parents and that lived in JPN since age 8 is very different from you user.


>something has a story
>instantly labelled edgy by newfags who don't know what the word means
Also your taste a shit

Yelena, my beloved.

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I'm so sorry bro


Nyo, he looks like your average sickly boy

Wow you still can't read and continue to cry. Interesting. Perhaps you need to retake your English courses at your village's local hut to properly understand others?

Can you repeat the question?

Doctor is a granny

Doctor is a doctor

Attached: 95283678_p0.jpg (1408x2480, 1.44M)

Story is shit and the game is a crappy tower defense shit. Cope. Your threads will have nothing but shitposters and trolls.

Wrong picture, sorry.

Attached: .jpg (1500x1000, 440.89K)

tranny IP only seaniggers play.

>He got BTFO and still wants more

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user it is FURRY IP only seaniggers play. Get it right.

Oh right sorry.

Where is Jessica

Go back to /vg/

She's dead

>No Tomimi
I sleep.

He sounds like a dying man

dead thread
dead game

>What is Schwarz and Ceylon, Scavenger as a canon dyke
>Silverash, Thorns, Mr Nothingfurry

Is Doktah a girl?

Sorry I only care about Blue Archive now. Arknights is so 2019.

All they have to do is put Bondrewd's VA in it and yet they choose the tranny androgynous route

they did it because they know their fanbase

They ARE going to properly have Amiya as the main character and not ruin it like FGO did by trying to make Chaldea Master a main character instead of focusing properly on Mashu, right?

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Rabufags in 3 2 1...


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Please don’t tell me that mentally ill westerners are going to call doctor “they”.

>giving all of Amiya's dialogue to Doktah
That'd be so fucking retarded that I can see them doing it