Shippo is cute

Shippo is cute

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Is he fox up to the waist or only ankles down + tail?

Maybe only his feet

You should take a look, I bet there is research material available.


I've always enjoyed his adorable design

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literal rapemeat

I thought that that was a girl when I first watched the show.

I'm sure many people did. He's so cute that people are bound to have that misconception

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Is it gay if he takes a female shape?

Fucking Yashahime, why they had to use a inferior mascot for 90% of the show.

Inuyasha's cute.

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I haven't seen Yashahime. Did they not give us a cute Shippo replacement?

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It's like bad fanfiction, I stopped watching when they turned Sesshomaru into a groomer pedo.

If she takes the form of Sango then no.

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>It's like bad fanfiction
It is, quite literally, Sumisawa's bad fanfiction. Not even written by RT.

You get adult Shippo for a bit (and honestly I've always wanted to see his adult form)

I hope it gets cancelled then.

Not even his adult form is good or interesting there, though.

The anime already got cancelled after bombing.
Manga will probably get the mighty axe soon too.

The anime naturally ended with season 2.
Manga is ongoing but the story is a bit different. Better than the anime for sure.

Thankfully it already crashed and burned spectacularly.

What about discount Shippo?

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Glad to hear the anime got cancelled, won't bother reading the manga.

But it wasn't cancelled user, that's straight up false information. The second season wrapped up a story that got already too many fillers and should have ended in season 1. It couldn't be stretched any more.
Also stop talking of it, this is an Inuyasha thread. And you'll attract the sperging retard, if you aren't her yourself.

Yeah I know about the schizo, I just haven't look looked up Yashahime after the groomer episode.

I'll post a beautiful Yura before it degenerates again.

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Yeah, that's a good call.
Ignore the other user btw, that's our resident schizo. She convinced herself that the sequel did amazing even though you can literally just check how much it sold in DVD/BDs (spoiler, not much) and she thinks everyone who dislikes Yashahime is one user. We either make fun of her in these threads or largely ignore her.

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She needed more episodes.

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>Groomer episode.

OP made a thread with a cute shota in it, it was doomed from the start.

She's got some good fanart at least because the Inu fandom is productive, but I don't know how to find all of them on fucking twatter

I can't tell sometimes, seems she's always here to derail threads though.

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I wasn't talking about it, but about the old habit of certain anons to start shitstorms.
I'd rather not post on Inuyasha generals, there are too many lately.

It's pretty easy to tell, she's literally the only one who will tell you Yashahime "naturally ended" and didnt bomb to oblivioun due to the controversy of making Sesshomaru a pedo and overall bad writing.
Why she still comes to these threads is a mystery. I suspect she had a humiliation fetish.

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It's a tragedy that there aren't any doujins of him getting fucked like an onahole

Yeah, but it would've been good to see her in just about two episodes.

I will keep that in mind.

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Someone should make a Yashahime SessRin schizo bingo.
That’s gonna be funny.

Kill yourself pedo

Christ you're obsessed lad, let it go
Stop ruining another thread to chase an user that doesn't exist or isn't probably here
>inb4 it's you!
I've come here to post about my wife Sango, post Inuyasha-related content or get out

Just ignore the Yashahime schizo.

Is Sango ultimately the most waifued girl (at least here)?

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Oh yeah she also falseflags a lot, like 236968008 for exmaple.
But the schizophrenia is always easy to identify.

quick someone get deren in here

kill yourselves lumfaggot spammers, stay in your shithole

Certainly my waifu.

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Remember when she spammed SessRin porn and got her posts nuked then tried acting like it was all “a falseflagger” pretending to be her? Lmao.

Yeah where is he at? He should slap his wife a little, beat the schizo out of her.

>Remember when she spammed SessRin porn and got her posts nuked then tried acting like it was all “a falseflagger” pretending to be her? Lmao.
That was hands down one of the most unhinged and funniest things I've seen on Yea Forums and I've been here for years. But she always provides entertainment, at the very least.

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Kagome is generally hated but has fans.
Kikyo I see mixed opinions, certainly has more fans than Kagome around here.
Sango is not only beautiful but is a lawful good, strong gal with a yokai as her sidekick. How can you not like her.

Also unrelated but plase alert the mods for all the anons who are still meta-posting. It's off-topic and spamming.

Isn't this an Inuyasha thread?

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>Inuyasha thread.
>Menhera femanon gossiping and shittalking back and forth like mean girls in a clique.
Who could have fucking guessed? Shit fanbase only reflects the shit franchise.

Post about Inuyasha, ignore the meta-posting shitters and the eventual raiding attempts from the lumtards.

>Kikyo I see mixed opinions
Only by tasteless plebs

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Sango is better, how dare you.

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When there's nothing left to discuss but idiots keep making generals this is the best you get. Mods should wake up and do their "job".
I like her to be honest, just reporting what I see and have seen during the years.

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Sango is good as well, they're both my favorites.

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>just reporting what I see and have seen during the years.
On Yea Forums the majority has pretty good taste. It's largely Kikyo and Sango preference, Kagome is our general punching bag.

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I like both as well.

Wasn't it doing One Piece-numbers in the ratings?
Like, so popular it was competing with the mainstay, primetime cartoons instead of any anime that Yea Forums watches?

First time I think the concept of waifu even entered my brain as a small child
I remember one of my earlier memories climbing on the monkey bars I would do difficult challenges for myself, like one hand only, because I wanted to impress her in my imagination

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And Inuyasha was Kagome's punching bag, which is why she's our punching bag.

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Yashahime sales until now:
Season 1 part 1 : 1068 copies
Season 1 part 2: less than 1k
Season 2 part 1: less than 1k

It's what it deserves.

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Oh wow that’s embarrassing.
Also you accidentally gave it extra 3 copies there, kek

>First time I think the concept of waifu even entered my brain as a small child

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My bad.

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