
>season is subtitled #FFFFFF
I know it's a reference to the hex code for white, but I can't help but associate it with "press F".

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user is a sensitive boy, but I love that about him.


Then you are new.
If anything it would remind me of the old way of saying fuck with Ffffffffffffff-

Is the card game any fun

Kikka my wife

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If you like rng then yes

>Rating is consistently high
What went so right?

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The tag duel is gonna be a two parter, isn't it?

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To play? Fuck no
Anime is great though

Why the fuck was this deleted?

Seems to have been a request post

Are we REALLY starting the episode's thread with this OP?

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Fun things are fun

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Episode 16 - To The Other Me
Hiyori notices that Kikka is missing when she awakens in the morning. When Hiyori goes to find her, Kikka is sleeping in alone in another room. Moreover, there are tears in her eyes and dirt on her feet. Despite Hiyori's worry, she couldn't talk to Kikka for some reason. Even as Kikka stumbles during work, she's one step too slow to reach out. Then, Hiyori is asked by Ishinome how things are with Kikka. She is caught off guard and replies that it is "okay", but then she points out that she can see "petals" between the two of them...

Script: Dai Masuyama/Yoriko Tomita
Storyboard: Shinji Itadaki
Director: Fumio Maezono

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tears in her eyes dirt on her feet signs sakura is assuming direct control at night

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My wife, Kikka, a cute. Even when making a dork face.

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It looks like fun but there're no way to test it. No official/fanmade game yet and no import on sight.


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>sakuras grown too
this anime just keeps delivering

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>tag duel is carried over to next week
Nice. I was worried they'd rush through it.

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I hope this is bait, I don't want this bitch back.

Any wannabe japanese here know what did sakura said about the iris card?

Fuck-off card professor

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>played the random unit on 2nd turn instead of rushing the dino the exact second she can
Suspension of disbelief ruined.

Cute birb

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Wait an hour for subs

>Hiyori recognized Naomitsu is not running Lionel anymore

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>an episode dedicated to the fight
Fuck, I would cum

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>two cute girls as the MC
>one of them being the comic relief character from the previous season teaming up with the yandere imouto final boss of the previous season
>all the set up has already happened so you can jump straight into crazy shit happening

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If she will get wasted on a duo duel only and won't appear solo later, I swear to god.

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Mystery nigga

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