Should I read the Manga?

Should I read the Manga?

S1 of the Anime has me interested

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Other urls found in this thread:彼女借我一下

Run away as far as you can.



the girls are so messed up they really deserve to be part of kazuya's paid harem

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Sumi is a QT

Take this advice from a stubborn person who refuses to leave the sinking ship that is the manga. Don’t waste your time. The anime will cover all the Sumi moments before she’s never seen again due to her spin-off. Everyone else stinks.

>200+ chapters of mc being a faggot
Just stick to the anime

Don't. The whole plot revolves around the MC being spineless faggot simping for his "gf" rinse and repeat

5ch leaks??
Tokyo Revengers already got spoilers.

no,Don't read this cartoon unless you like to be a woman's dog.

The late stages of the comic are slow boring to the point of disaster.

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Considering mc's fantasies where he is the protagonist involves statutory sex with underages or unconsensual sex with the ex, how can 218 come as surprising/shocking??

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I don't want ruka to die during sex

The girl looks really cute I think I'll watch this series.

Due to her malfunctioning heart condition, her fate is set.
unless it's the sauce of her heartbeats who destroys her 4 holes.

she should have raped him and die in his arms
kazuya commits suicide
kazuya doesn't die a virgin
the end

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Why is chizuru so cute?

She is not, she is a gold digger and a cunt.

It baits you with some good moments and then drags itself out the next 50 chapters, only for the characters' relationships to return to status quo, even if it makes them look like they have the social intelligence of a five year old.
The dragging out has made most of the characters come across as either total retards or simply assholes to the point where it's hard to fault MC for all the stupid shit he does when he's surrounded by these people. Even the one girl who's supposed to truly love him constantly gives him the cold shoulder.
If you're gonna read it, do it when it finally finishes. A month ago I also got baited into binging the full thing for the first time from start to finish and not seeing any resolution in 230+ chapters left a bad taste in my mouth.

Heed the warnings in this thread, however I can't say it's not fun posting.

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Nothing happens and every character in the manga who points that out is portrayed as evil.

Posting is half the fun.

MC is an unironic cuck who fantasized about Chizuru fucking Umi while crying and popping a boner in the public pool

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If you liked it you have brain damage.

Kano 233

The best thing about this ch is the cover page, skateboard girl chizuru
Kaz after hearing the sound goes back and tries again to no avail, inside chizuru is literally crawling on the ground and being lovesick af
Then a bunch of rather meaningless shit
Kaz had wrote chizuru on line and towards the end of the ch, she lays down staring at his message for a long long time and blushes
3 month timeskip (i think)
Kaz grew a beard and looks like shit, then he meets mini and she says long time no see

Not like this... kazuyabros. I fear that leak may indeed be true.

Kazuya enduring being left on read for 3 months without hanging himself? No way.

Sneaky says he looks like shit.
As in example: Abyss' Reiji levels of shit post timeskip.
So, he may be both mental and physically damaged.

Honestly, if the leaks are true, I don't mind them. I want to see Kaz away from everyone for a while. You'd expect a longer setup towards it, though.

3 months timeskip Kazuya.
So he really may end up knocking Ruka down soon and possibly out of feeling destroyed inside

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Hopefully the 3 months is just a mistranslation or something. Chizuru acting this way is downright sadistic.

Not only sadistic, but utter and absolutely cowardly.
At least Kazuya has the guts to have the initiative. Color me surprised if Chizuru just accepts her feelings after realizing she "lost" Kazuya in Ruka's hands.
Reminder: with the timeskip it's implied he couldn't break up with her.

You'll regret it.



it falls apart around chapter 38

I think the Kazu/Chiz ship has sunk

And he is gonna jump to other ship...
Only to return to Chizuru bc she will pull her strings.

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If so then good. That was one ship that needed a torpedo fired at it.

Too bad the ship Kazuya may be jumping now is, most likely, a dangerous one (Ruka/Mami).
He'd better jump to the smaller and silent, yet nice Sumi boat.

The problem with that, user, is that it makes too much sense.

I hold out the dismal hope he picks Sumi.

Follow up on my other comment. Here’s how the story should end. Chizuru runs into Kazuya and Sumi now dating. Sumi has also begun to talk more. Chizuru stares at her bank account with all the money she’s received from Kaz’s renting and cries. Knowing it won’t bring her the joy she had with Kaz and that he’s moved on to a girl who actually cares for him.

prostitute lol

But the chances are he is gonna accept ruka, possibly in a pic related (but possibly R18 version) fashion, "admitting" his shortcomings, and Chzizuru will realize her feelings when the Kazuya emergency boat sails to the Ruka nuke battleship (or the Mami nuke fleet...) At least until Chizuru's armored fleet gets repaired and powered up (AKA, accept her feelings and fight to not lose what she has built with Kazuya).

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Yeah it’s basically pick Sumi or watch an even bigger shitshow. Which by this manga’s standards is already massive.

It's the kind of manga/anime where any fan story is better than the original product.

The destroyer of the Rukafags.

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what happened to the other thread?

Nuked due to having a pixiv leak.

Btw, it was bc of an image

no lmao
>t. has read all of it

only read if you hate yourself and your time is worthless

yes, so you can see the many cute Chizurus

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Yes, I agree.

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No. You can see on the Korean leaks website. Kazuya's hair is now Umi length past his ears. There are more pictures. It's been three months.彼女借我一下

Scroll down a bit until you see Umizuya.

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sumi is too pure for him

Is he going to detox from this rental relationship?

More like Reijizuya lmao

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>Kaz grew a beard and looks like shit
Punished Kazuya... A "man" denied his gf

He is aimlessly going to an even worse abyss: Ruka's abyss

but he's already rejected her like five times already

Jesus. Chizuru is just irredeemable at that point. She knows how badly Kaz took being cut off from Mami out of nowhere.

Looking forward to how Reiji ends up turning this depressing ass development into a gag in 234 after Mini shows up.

But she ain't giving up.
231 made it clear he forgot about his intentions to break up and also made clear Ruka ain't givin up.
Btw, i saw Umizuya's pic