Attached: 8EE1C11C-BB1F-4911-9E42-852BA5FAB1DA.jpg (640x480, 55.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

psychosuka never won

Attached: kaede_is_full_of_happy_feelings_-_THE_POT_IS_EMPTY.jpg (250x250, 18.07K)

Kinda homosexual. Don’t you mean the guy won? She’s the prize in your head right? Not the guy.

Yeah she won a stalker in a dress.

yeah, she won alright.

Attached: 1620736151067.jpg (1846x2120, 1.28M)

Attached: 7060d999b57ab5fcd5f2d4c4075d05e.jpg (450x542, 132.76K)

the kensukebowl that is

Based the cucks and some retard made a bait thread

>seething over Asuka again

Won what?

>bumping a bait thread


I don't speak underage

>Another shit thread

Is this the eva thread?

Attached: ENTER.gif (720x306, 2.18M)

I know it was the /snk/ retard who made this thread. LMAO you have issues

Why the fuck do you keep bumping bait threads

>screen caps his on post
That's pretty gay ngl

>snk retard found

>/snk/ retardsshitting up
I always new

You speak bitch, bitch.

What's that? Can anyone translate zoomer?

yeah, she did. and, dear asuka, you can't do anything about it.

>and, dear asuka, you can't do anything about it.
You need meds my friend because you're talking to yourself

>/snk/ shits up the threads
Not even surprised


Attached: 1649623905923.png (705x737, 575.62K)

Sorry I didn't mean to post that. I'm not a cuck

Reminder Kaworu canonically penetrated Rei with his massive angel dong.

I want good Eva threads again

Doesn't work when I can go into tje archive and see your schizo shit

Rebuilds were so shit, I don't think Eva deserves good threads anymore. Eva is artistically in the gutter as an IP, its only use is raking in billions from retired salarymen with pachinko.

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>snk retards


Attached: 1650722151692.jpg (300x168, 8.21K)

Black man, in a white man's town
He's got trouuuuuuble
Get in his way he's gonna, cut you down
Takin' ooooooooover
He can ride, he can shoot
Don't take nothin, from nobody
For he's black, bad, scared of nothing, YEEEEEEAAAHHHHH
He's so bad, they call him boss, he's a boss, Boss Nigger
He's so bad, they call him boss, he's a boss, Boss Nigger

Bad, they call him boss, they call him boss, Boss Nigger
He's so Bad, they call him boss, they call him boss, Boss Nigger
Bad, they call him boss, they call him boss, Boss Nigger
He's so bad

Attached: MV5BZDk1NjJiMzUtMjFkMS00N2YyLWJhNWEtOTNkZmFiMTVjOWVhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@._V1_.jpg (1600x900, 159.13K)

Evangelion 14.0 You Ken (Not) Undo

>Ken fix her
>Ken save her
>Ken accept her
>Ken love her

Attached: Kensuke_Aida_Shin_Front.png (297x977, 230.79K)

What is with ESL shit where people spam dumb shit

He look a schizo

I found it funny hoe hard and cringe these retards are

This is what happens when you seethe on Yea Forums

Never going to happen. The Eva community is full of easy targets.

>easy targets
We have good threads all the time. The issue is when the same retards keeps spamming the threads

>Reibro defends asukafags the post.

Yo, what the fuck is with this ESL shit you posted?

>calling someone a ESL means you're defending Asukfags

People here can't btfo. I'll leave a thread and come back to see the same shitposter doing the same trick for several hours.

Its a reifag, he loses it if you post kensuke. He has been doing it since 3+1

I think you're a fucking retard. Also what the fuck is with that ESL you posted?

Sorry, I only know about a schizo who lokes to talk anbout cucking and Shinji's dick. Are you him? He's been doing it since 3+1


Look how easy it is to make em seethe

Attached: 1650724773908.jpg (554x554, 35.77K)

Are you referring to pic related?

Attached: w.jpg (1096x604, 83.2K)

it's "them" ESL

Boy I wonder who's samefagging

Just accept it, this man is the one she takes to bed now.

Attached: 1650724935418.png (650x350, 147.94K)

>Just accept
that you're crying? I mean I don't understand schizo talk

Who the fuck is seething? You mean

Maybe you should stop taking in schizo and come back down to earth.

Attached: 1650725086083.jpg (480x700, 43.96K)

Are you okay, user? I think you should take some meds

Dude. He isn't a reifag. He's an asushinfag.

>he's a Reifag
>He's a Asushinfag
My good how fucking mindborken are you?

Boy, is everyone you don't like a Asushinfag because you retards call everyone that

Still the same /pol/fagging lmao
Should've seen him break down 3 weeks after the movie drop
>i wanted rei to be with shinji and now know every doesn't care. They only give a shit about kensuke and asuka.
It was fucking priceless.

do you have proof?