Season 2 soon

Season 2 soon

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How did she do it?

I'm wondering if the TV version will modify the plot. Because it is unlikely that there will be a third season. Season 2 will be the end

Many readers are angry to the extreme because the author did not choose Yusa Emi. If it follows the original, the ratings and sales will be terrible.

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cute winner

>Giri-Giri Saegiru Katagirisan AXED
>Spill It Cocktail Nights AXED
>Emi lost
>Saya lost to Hotaru
Why does Japan hate DFC?

I heard that Chiho was chosen as the main character for the ending of the novel.
Just because the author liked the TV version Chiho.
He forced to change the arranged story outline and let Chiho win.

It enraged the fans.

Make yourself happy masturbating

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New manga chapter when

Nao Toyotaromaru is very likeable

Seethe chestlet oppai is love oppai is life

who cares, worst girl won

not watching this shit

back in the 2000's DFC always won

>best girl is so best she gets another season
Can't stop winning

I hope the anime does Chiho justice, truly best grill

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I hope season 2 explores her passion for archery more.

One has big boobs and the other is a teenage single mom. Not really a hard choice, especially when Maou gave up his immortality to become fully human.

She is amazing.

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fat slut

I'm more surprised that the one who works at the fast food restaurant ISN'T fat.

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Just like Kubo and Bleach were finished when the manga ended.

how is this allowed

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>tsunfag tears

Chiho is an unlikable mary sue, and she's one of the shittiest and infuriating "love rivals" ever in a light novel. The author pulling true hack-level writing asspull win at the last second makes her deserving of the hate she rightfully earned.

On the bright side, S2 won't adapt the LN. The main focus will be on fan-favorite Maou x Emi.

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Emi lost

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>killed Wagahara writing career
Burgertits was a mistake.

Anime-only watchers who expect and hope for Emi end are likely to support the anime and buy merchandise. Until they learn about the ending through spoilers.

Anime fans preferred Chiho over Emi and were dismayed to see how the novels seemingly got derailed into forced tsunshit. They'll be happy about the Chiho end.

>Narrative set up the two main characters and their connection, their opposite view and how they have to reconcile with each other in this new world
>Nah let not let their arc end but shoehorn in someone else, undermining the whole narrative structure

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She actually won? Pretty based, Emi was a shit.

Kek. You better hope so, Burgertitsfag.

that doesn't address what that user was saying

Emi winning was always the logical choice

Chiho won and worst girl lost kek.

worst girl won

Pre or post-op?

Are Chihofags really prefer their girl to win over good story-telling?

I'm still upset and I will never forgive the author's unexpected betrayal to his readers. Maou and Emi were one of the best main couple OTP that made nice use of enemy to lovers trope. Yet the annoying and screeching human and deadweight Chiho who conveniently is bestowed deus ex usefulness so she could stick around won out of the blue for no rhythm or reason. Forcing Maou to become a mortal who'll die instead of remaining as the awesome Demon King made the whole thing worse.

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How exactly is a teenage girl who works at Mcdonald's a mary sue? Sounds average if you ask me. Also maou ending up with the hero girl is boring and what would be expected with this setup.

I honestly don't care about this series or either of the girls.
I just like seeing maingirlfags squirm every once in a while.

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>Are Chihofags really prefer their girl to win over good story-telling?
what do you expect from low iq subhumans?

Doing something unexpected =/= good. Doing so make the story feel unsatisfied because all the set up got wasted. It's the same shit with GoT final season

They're animeonlyplebs who don't read the LN. What do they know?

>THK is and will be all over this like a fat kid over cake

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Redpill me on why everyone is so butthurt.

I'm all for secondary girls winning, if it's written well

maou and emi spend multiple books raising a cute daughter then big tiddies wins out of nowhere

Emi (the red haired one) = Yukino
Chiho (the big-tittied one) = Yui

Yukino lost in this series.

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You mean the magical daughter out of nowhere forcing the two of them together? Yeah, it's a good thing that absolute hack writing didn't pan out.

Is he in the room with you right now?

comparing yui to fattits is insulting

if they adapt all the books then there will be more and more emifags who will all get mad

Wait a fucking minute Emi lost? What the fuck am I reading? This is probably one of the few shows I actually want the female lead to win in holy shit I'm pissed.

That's generous. There was only Chihofag around the time final volume spoilers dropped and he wasn't a LNfag.

The director just needs to adapt it the same way as the first season, focusing on Chiho while displaying Emi as the obnoxious ugly permanent tsunbitch she is.

hopefully they get a new director

>The main focus will be on fan-favorite Maou x Emi.
We can't change the ending, but I will still S2 for this and the occasional Lucifer and Ashiya hijinks.

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maybe I should finish season 1 in prep

I recommend reading the manga (up to around chapter 30 IIRC) instead of rewatching S1. It's better in terms of characterization and story than the anime.

Reminder Emifags and Chihofags are both retarded liars.

Kill yourself.

Emi will win in the anime.
Screencap this post.

She will in a technical sense because S2 should adapt vol. 3-5.

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Haven't you been buttfuck enough by the sales user with proofs that pushing chiho only lead a downward spiral of sales because no ones like her?
How are you this still delusional?

You sound like a schizo.

>THK will be schizoing out like this in every episode threads
Have fun with your s2 niggas

There are no chihofag other than the one user who was angry that she won in the most shit way possible (not even a confession from her lmao)

The one going muh chiho muh tsun in those threadd is a schizo named THK who doesn't even know jack shit about the series