Ufotable changes name pronunciation. No more ユーフォーテーブル

Ufotable changes name pronunciation. No more ユーフォーテーブル.

Attached: 1567193448481.png (368x256, 17.04K)

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Based. Fuck smarmy yufootble faggots

Actually, its u-fote-able

U-F-O-TABLE??? What? It's not "Yufo"-table?

SJWs won again

but ufo table sounds so lame

>needing to know the pronunciation of a word you have no reason to ever say aloud

Attached: 406CAF82-F0BF-493C-9F36-4389DCE3CCB2.png (720x735, 595.75K)

>no UFO table in any of their anime
What did they mean by this


Personally, i prefer oofohtahbull


I'm an anime youtuber.

"UFO Table" *is* the correct way to say it.

Google their name individually, and it is clear beyond reasonable doubt.
ユーフォー (UFO)
テーブル (Table)

My condolences

This is how I’ve always said it therefore it is the correct way. This isn’t even an official account plus it’s in english. This is just some retard fan that runs some shop for them

"you fuckable"

is that supposed to be yuufoh table or u f o table?

but UFO is pronounced in nip as a word, everyone else says the individual letters

It’s clearly written “yuufo”. That other user is a retard

What's a UFO table anyway?

What was going through their heads when they decided on that name?

How do you pronounce Yea Forums?


I already mentally pronounced it as "U-F-O Table" in the first place.

Slash Ayy Slash


bracket ayy slash

a, like in anime

How fat are you?

it's pronounced ho-looks

I always say it this way in my head

I've always pronounced it ユーフォーターブル


I'm going to keep pronouncing it oofohtahblay

Retards detected


fuck you

U as in understand, fo as in focus, ta as in taco bleh.
No wonder no one knew what studio I was talking about, I always had to reffer to them as the studio that made the Fate adaptation.

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>Changes name pronounciation
That was always how it was pronounced


I always called them that

Don't care, I will keep pronouncing it as oofohtabl

does the new lady in this video have it wrong?

Japs pronounce UFO as "youfoe"

Are you a cynic as well?

Don't listen to them user. I hope you can make a living out of it.

that lady looks stressed

Ufo is a word in quite a few languages



The official account made no mention of a change and still uses ユーフォーテーブル.

Attached: Capture.png (370x373, 123.84K)

I thought it was obvious it was UFO all this time

Are you guys really panicking over a pronunciation

>namefag comforting a jewtuber
like pottery

that's pretty similar to how I was already doing it, just blurring the ufo together instead of saying it as separate letters

What are you thoughts on the upcoming weekly shonen jump series awesome smartphone



Anime and Manga


The jews won

more like Tax Avoidable lmao


I hate how English speakers pronounce UFO as a sequence of letters instead of as a word. So obnoxious.

Only burgers would get this wrong in the first place.

and yet you tell me it's pronounced as U F O-TABLE? Then why isn't it stylized as UFOTable?


Changing the name to get out of it. Clever, but irrelevant.


What the fuck
English people say Yuu eff oh, it’s esl countries that say ufo

that's what he said

I'm trans btw
