What would you have done in this situation?

What would you have done in this situation?

Attached: video_twimg_com-tLkLqomuJRtReE6f.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

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I would say sex, but then realisticly she is 17 years old, so i have to say no



Pic related Marin

Legal in Japan

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>tfw your thread about the series without bait or shit like this get killed by jannies in 30 minutes but this type of shit will hit bump limit

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but i just masturbated

>Taking off the panties


Its much creepier to be so focused on it that you only want to fuck her the day she turns 18 like you mark it on your fucking calendar and shit


full video please

Have your head examined.

>implying I'd ever get this far

I would be on the SOR the next day.

>Fake tail
I'd ask her to leave.

The same thing that people in the next room would do; SEX.

There a patreon leak?


party's importer is out so not yet

desu I would have shot in my pants.

Picked up

Wait where does the tail come from? She clearly doesn't have a tail and then she removed the panties and voila there's a tail.

There's only one option. SEXO

Yeah, she's way too old.

Legal in most of the world (including most of the US)

it was up her ass

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~~live~~ eat ~~love~~ shit ~~laugh~~ die

your bitch's dead!

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What would you have done in this situation?

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What is wrong with you incels lmao.

curse, close the door, and tell them I'm sorry I didn't know they were in there.

Get myself bankrupt and extend the time on the love hotel and my dong to smash the everloving hell out of Marin's vagina. (only correct answer)

Legal on my country.
Even if it isn't, I would

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>being attracted to a legal female is pedo
Do Americans really?

A pedophile is attracted to a prepubescent child. Does she look prepubescent to you?

stop falling for bait user

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might as well double down like a monkey

kill myself then her

You're also 17 in this situation


Where is the full video?

Pay that 5 bucks user.

Marin is 15, so much better age for sex

> あのね、マリンさん。エッチしないか?
See? It's not exactly hard.

holy based king

Based as fuck. Pedos get the rope.

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Twitter gaslighters working overtime

Ask her to apply the condom she pointed out earlier. See if she's all talk, or really ready to be rid of her virginity.


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It always feels organized

Damn son the continuation is out as well?

If you’re a guy and you answer anything other than fuck, then you are a guy no longer.

Has there ever been an anime with a girl having her 18th birthday in the middle of the story?
So people have to get into rage and bait wars if a piece of NSFW fanart is okay because it's pre- or post-birthday chapter?

Reach out to her as she's falling, slip as well and land on top of her with my left hand on her breast and right hand fingers inside her vagina with my lips on her mouth. Basically what she was expecting to happen.

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Nobody besides yanks cares whether a character is slightly above or below 18.



Penis in vagina

nothing because im 10 years older than her and its clearly a sting op

theres some where the character is 17 at the start and turns 18 at one point

17 is legal

u gay?


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I don't think fictional characters have real human rights. Only some retards protest about characters.

However, realistically speaking, if i were in the position with a real life underaged girl, i would never do anything sexual, no matter if she is super consented and super horny. Outside world is better than decades in jail.

give her a real one then


I know, but I wanna read some yank forum shitflinging