The mother became a delusional schizo after her son got isekai'd

>the mother became a delusional schizo after her son got isekai'd
>the father cheated on her
This fells heavily than expected. I wonder how it would go from this. Do you guys think other isekai should also focus on what happens to people left behind?

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what are some isekai that have characters and a story?

I do think a Trapped in an MMO that focuses on the relatives and how society is dealing with thousands of people suddenly held hostage in the latest MMO would be neat.

I hate faggots posting unsauceble images with imagesearch and don't fucking show it
How i'm supposed to discuss and post about it IF I DON'T KNOW? YOU UGLY UTTERHUMAN GARBAGE

sounds like a you problem

Are you serious? They are doing it again??
Is he dumb?!

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How else do you deal with an immortal guy?

the mc is a massive symp

>mother goes insane
>father cheats on his estranged wife to keep some semblance of normality in his life
>son's busy teaching crop rotation to people who somehow don't already know this extreme basic principal of farming
>also banging elf girls

It already changed so much from the one shot, is it going to become a full blown romance?

Most of the unsearchable pages are garbage anyway. Why bother?

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It's not like it matters when the OP is often literal bait, ignore the OP and post about isekai.

works on my machine

Before they were doing it to experiment on him, now they have no other choice. He's way too powerful and functionally immortal.

She seems to regret the past a little to much.

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It gives me the feeling that she may get isekai'd for real, but instead of a fantasy land, she will go back to the past to undo her unhappy life.

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put babies in oneechan

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If the son is really sent to another world, then her deduction is true, how is she considered insane?

Impregnate goddess.

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She's still a whore

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>priest can solo almost any dnd 2.5 mod
>has the most variety of spells
>countered only by rouge in pvp
Yeah, that's bullshit.

Pick the sub bread, sub bread is the strongest oral

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I should check this one out, well at least I'll add it to my to-read list.

>unsauceble images
Have you even tried, faggot?

It has no tags for sex though.

Ok? I wasn't expecting it

>She's still a whore
It doesn't look like she has a relationship with anyone but her husband.

To me, picking up a harem series that goes nowhere seems pointless.
It's like picking up a plot-heavy story when you know the author abandoned that same plot and will never conclude it.

I don't give a shit about dnd faggot

If that's what you set as the goal then sure but for me if it has entertaining shenanigans and it's not repetive/stale it's good enough.

That's what has mostly led me to largely dismiss most nip Isekai and focus on cultivating

It Looks Like My Son Has Been Reincarnated into Another World

There are plenty of Japanese isekai that don't revolve around harem or that have sex.

It looks like I was caught spoonfeeding and was kicked out from the Yea Forums party, thus I decided to set out on a journey to fix Saucenao

Looks like saucenao is currently working again though.
We'll see how long it lasts.

My guess is ~2 weeks.

Before she married.

I don't get the western obsession with endings.
It's more the journey than the destination for me, I would still read something plot heavy even if I know the author will never finish it because it went on hiatus ages ago.

You really need to rethink your life choices if the only reason you pick something up is because it has sex or not.

Another reason why I largely dismiss them. Don't get me wrong, I am fine with monogamy, but 99% of so called monogamy series have harem bait so I just don't bother anymore, gooks do monogamy better anyway.

>I don't get the western obsession with endings.
Nigger, if your chink novel with 500+ chapters ends in less than a chapter you would or should be angry as well, sure the journey was fun but a shit ending makes you less likely to try and revisit the story or even think about it in a positive manner.

huggable hugsize kot

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To be fair we are specifically talking about haremstuff

standing-paizuri oppai tank

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I'm not talking about ending.
A harem series without sex, where all the characters are stuck in relationship limbo repeating the ever same lucky pervert moments for infiinity is not the same as Berserk ending.
It would be the same if Guts just settled down, and started farming, and forgot about healing Kasca or defeating Griffith.
Every chapter that you see Casca doing retarded things you wonder "why is nobody doing anything about this?"
And every time Guts is overcome with rage and shouts GRIFFFFITTTTTHH, you wonder, "why aren't you doing anything about this?"

Most of these stories about MC being a healer are boring. I just want to see a healer MC with Wolverine/Deadpool levels of regenerating and goes full beserk because of that.

'ate princes
'ate capture targets
'ate me family
'ate heroines (not sexist, just don't like 'em)

love revenge
love me Emi

simple as

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If you are reading Isekai for anything other than sex then you are the biggest fool around.

>if the only reason you pick something up is because it has sex
If you were quoting my previous post, your reply would make sense. But since you are quoting the post that clarifies that this is not the case, I wonder why you made that reply.

To be fair "harem" has become a buzzword to mean "it has a lot of girls".
Literally any female character that has ever talked to an MC gets called a "haremette" now.

>I hate women but I'm not sexist

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>if it doesn't revolve around harem, it's monogamyfaggotry

What story would you say has been generally mislabelled?

Reading comprehension?

Don't bother, this is all they live for now.
See the realist hero threads last season.
I mention he has sex with his harem and has kids then suddenly super 'fans' arrive and say how godly written it is because mc has sex.

>Literally any female character that has ever talked to an MC gets called a "haremette" now.
If she is single, yes, depending on the genre, not being single may not be an issue either.

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>I dislike protagonists that are women because they're women

>it's not my fault other people are using words correctly

>relationship limbo repeating the ever same lucky pervert moments for infiinity
I see this get referenced a lot but I rarely see it outside bottom of the barrel trash.
And even there it rarely lasts long, after 2 volumes at most they will at least enter a recognizable relationship, and at the bare minimum will autistically try to get close to each other in a cringy way.
Eternal limbo like lazy dungeon master that lasts for more than 15 volumes or magical explorer is rare, even series with no sex and no relationships end up dropping those comedy moments as the series progresses.

user spoke of heroines, not MCs.

>and say how godly written it is
Doubt, they probably said they like it and you misinterpreted it.

it's always has been like this, the fuck are you talking about

Google or saucenao ain't giving me shit, what's this from?

Don't you know already, you are not allowed to like anything that user doesn't approve of

>I-Is that my childhood friend that I loved since forever that developed a weird skill and has support spells critical to our party’s success and survival?
>F-Fuck imagine getting humiliated together with a dysfunctional team in the lowest level dungeon without him
>I-Imagine siding with the evil church and corrupted nobles to shit on my childhood friend for being useless and later be forgiven for all that!

saucenao did not work, nor yandex or lmao GOOGLE lol lmao hahaha. I also duckduck'd "grain tyros ruins isekai immortal" things like that. I am now ready for the plane to come in for a landing ahhhhhhh my mouth is open mommy plz spoonfeed ahhhhhhhh

>or lmao GOOGLE lol lmao hahaha
Are you sure you searched for the full image?
Because I got lots of positive results.
Like, several pages worth.

That's too much, maybe a couple at once are possible


I have seen all the following get thrown in the "harem" bucket.
>Autistic MCs that will never have sex and there's never any ecchi or true hints at a relationship outside one-sided thirst by the orbiters.
>MCs on an eternal routelet limbo with 1-2 girls.
>MC on an actual relationship with 2 girls, but no more than 2.
>MC on a relationship with 1 girl but has a ton of irrelevant thirsty orbiters.
>MCs on a relationship with plenty of sex with 3 or 3+ girls plus thirsty orbiters.
>MCs on routelet limbo with 3+ girls.
>MCs too autistic to care about getting a relationship and has no orbiters, but the series has a ton of girls by nature of being anime-styled.
"Harem" is too non-descriptive, making it a buzzword, especially when it only ever gets used to hate on "haremshit".