Daily Time Paradox Ghostwriter Thread

Chapter 6: Stop!

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Which series has gotten an anime offer based on the very first fucking chapter?

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The only one I can think of is Yuru Camp. I can't think of any others.

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Hunter x Hunter

That is all for today

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Burn the witch

Thanks for the dump OP.

Whiteknightbros...our threads are ruined forever...

There's still a chance to turn this into a future apocalypse plot


so hinomaru

I want to guess Saint Seiya. Maybe even Ruroni Kenshin based on how early that anime came out.

>First Place on the First Chapter
But what makes White Knight good?™

White Knight; it's really good. You should check it out.

Overhyped generic garbage—LITERALLY baby's first anime. Nips have no taste

Can't have a comfy white knight thread withouth some faggot spoiling the fun

anyone saved that white knight meme comics someone summited to tezuka award?


Burn the witch has the backing of Bleach. Anyway, it's really surprising the the author was trying to talk about the manga industry yet know nothing about it. New series can't win the first survey since most people often vote for the same things each week (mostly OP and other big established series). And no studio or producer has enough hubris to greenlit an anime after 1 chapter because chapter 1 is not a reflection of the whole product

Thanks OP!

Get wrecked

shut up, none of the manga you know is as good as white knight

Anime per-production takes a few years most of time, so any early jump adaptation was decided during the initial chapters.

>artist pretends he has free time
How cute, but then again has the luxury of not needing to come up with a plot.

So where is YokaFam anime?

From what I find, the problem with most mangaka is that they aren't very good at time management. A lot of their work time are wasted and unproductive.

I have the theory that White Knight is actually a book of eldritch lore, that slowly drives the mc insane with self importance.
This is why he can't tell use more specifically the content of the story. Our feeble mind wouldn't take it.

You sure? The first chapter MC literally describe how the first chapter is so GODLY GOOD by telling us that it's as generic.

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Maybe the tome let the reader see what he wanted the most so for this MC he want the most generic one with the most mass appeal

Nigga what


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I bet Yea Forums'd hate White Knight.

And he wondered why the editor keep rejecting him. The part where Aino realized that his writing is shit should be the fucking nail in the coffin. But noooope.

white knight was probably based on KnY but with highly polished art like MHA lmao

Sounds like a bad omen.

>Choco Peeps

Funny how White Knight had more chapters than TPGW itself.

That's the paradox after all.

>I've never cried reading a chapter 1 before

The author needs to read more manga if he thinks this is impossible.

Not gonna lie. That page is pretty cool.

It's really strange for him to choose manga writing as his subject matter when himself clearly not know much about it

The artist and the visual is never the problem actually.