Death Note

Why weren't the task force suspicious that L died straight after announcing that he would test the 13 day rule that would prove Light and Misa are Kira?

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He only set out to prove that the rules were fake and didn't explain shit.

You can't just spoil L dying like that bro cmon that's fucked up

L should've pushed Light off the roof of the police headquarters. He knew he was going to die, should've taken Light with him

Light is Kira

I mean realistically most of them should have suspected Light the moment he was a suspect and it was revealed it was initially a student. It was all pretty obvious and L knew it, he just didn't have any physical proof. The rest of them just refused to believe it was the Chief's son, biased.

But they never knew if he was actually a student or not.

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L should've just had the 13 day rule tested in private without announcing it to everyone but Rem might've just killed him away

Was there any way L could have won?

He should have taken Rem into consideration when trying to disprove the fake rules because she was the one who told him they were legit. If L had looked at the security footage of Misa's incarceration when he had the death note he would have been able to see Rem along with her. Then he could get her to confess in exchange for Misa's life.

that's a really good point. im surprised he WOULDNT have looked back over the footage. that wouldve like 95% re-incriminated light and misa on the spot

that being said, if rem found out he'd started doing that, it wouldve just resulted in the exact same outcome. as soon as misa is put in any serious danger, light wins

theyre dumb and biased

This was only a problem if L was hell bent on the death penalty, Near for example wanted to imprison Light but not kill him and he ended up letting Misa go.

"The Death Note will be rendered useless if the victim's name is misspelled four times." is one of the rules in the notebook. L should've forced a mentally retarded person to write his name down and after they fuck it up three times L is immune. Sure the mentally retarded person would die but L was fine with torturing Misa and sacrificing Lind L Tailor

rem made it clear that misa simply being imprisoned for a long time was also something she wasnt okay with. misa wasnt under any threat of death when she was first imprisoned, but rem still got pissmad at light because she was imprisoned and unlikely to ever be released

Not all rules were written on the death note.

just do a fucking handwriting analysis immediately after you get the death note from the yotsuba guy. They did something similar later on but never for Light and Misa

L was a retard for letting Light take the notebook in the helicopter.

Yeah that's why I mentioned how Near was willing to let her go.

He never explicitly told them he suspected the rule was fake

That's because Light removed all the pages that had his handwriting.

Light probably used different handwriting

I dont remember that part
yeah, It's Light after all, but not sure about Misa

Light grabbed it while L was lost in thoughts.

Death Note would have been 10/10 if L wrote his own name in the notebook to prevent himself getting killed by Rem in episode 25 like he did in the movie. L could confront Light in episode 26 and win

Didn't Light write down Takuo Shibuimaru's name like over a dozen times until he spelt it correctly?

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Only mentioned in the manga. Anime cuts out tons of small details like that

He got lucky and guessed it right the first time

I'm surprised L even survived up till volume 7. I expected him to die in volume 4 after Rem said she would kill him

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He should've just thrown Light off the top of the roof

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i dont speak japanese but im pretty sure there are spelling of names that are way more common than others, like "john" is way more common than "jon"

guessing it's not unlikely that he'd get it right within 4 tries, but also

>L could confront Light in episode 26 and win
No he probably couldn't.
"I saw you smirk! You are Kira without a doubt!" would not fly as evidence. At least no one would possibly buy that on its own and anime/manga Light at least at that point wasn't such a retard that would just start killing of the police and (IIRC?) his own father. And actually that only didn't work in the movie because Rem conveniently destroyed her own Death Note, thus making Light susceptible for falling for the fake Death Note, which technically also isn't true because of the Death Note Misa had.
Actually the movie had a kinda plot hole because L not dying meant Rem would have probably not died because killing Watari on its own would possibly not have been enough to "extend Misa's lifespan".
So no, the movie created tons of holes and forced convenient developments that make the ones in the anime/manga seem tame in comparison in order to get that scenario of almost complete victory against Light done like that.

Just read all the manga last week and I'm actually surprised how evident was that Light is Kira, at some point everything points to him. Things get worse for Light innocense when they lost their memories and even worse when the note is found. You need to kill L there, there is no other way to continue the story.
This is probably one of the few things where Near/Mello played much bettey than L, if you are convinced that Light is Kira there is no point in waiting for evidence from his mistakes, you have put the trap, create the situation.

>if you are convinced that Light is Kira
There's your problem.

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Kino, although L couldn't physically overpower Light. Remember the cake fight

L didn't have enough evidence so he's should've used a serial rapist inmate to rape and kill Misa and then kill Light. He used Lind L Tailor before.

user, i..

Near doubted at first too but he tells himself that because the fight is against Kira you need to take the risk and make the gamble or youll be killed like L. Now I'm realizing that their situations were different, Near could coordinate his team without Light next to him.

How did Light's family never hear Light's insane laughs and his loud speeches about being the god of the new world in his bedroom?

Shit writing. They all forgot to do what he asked to do before his death.

Death Note is a joke. People who complain about part 2 are just self inserters who didn't see a problem with all of part 1 shit writing.

near also had all the benefit of working off of L's experience with none of the drawback. in order to corner light as hard as he did, L had to bring light onto the case and work with him closely, which simultaneously progressed the case and also brought in a lot of sabotage. near (pretty much) started off knowing about what L gained from bringing light on, but with a new operation that light couldnt sabotage from the inside. that's why people feel like near's victory was unearned, because he wasnt the one who put in all the legwork of getting light under the spotlight

>as soon as misa is put in any serious danger, light wins
Shoot Light and Misa before 40s

L specifically declared light's innocence and released him from custody. he was no longer under suspicion. the only reason L told the force to assume that light was kira if L should die was because light was the prime kira suspect. why would the force uphold that order after L told them that light was no longer a suspect?

L said they had to test the 11 days rule. After he dies, nobody does that or brings up the idea, until Near appears and says "hey maybe do your fucking job"

He was a gamer.


They were even

nobody but L was okay with testing the rule. this was established before he died
plus, we dont know exactly what happened after L died, but it's not that hard to assume that now that Light is sort of in charge, he'd be able to sway the task force whichever way he wanted. we see him do it in part 2 and they're pretty endeared to him in part 1

I don't remember how much of L's research was available for Near and Mello but Mello's moves at the beginning of the second part helped a lot to narrow the suspects and gain knowledge about the notebook

If he can't physically overpower him then he should have stuck a bullet in him. L is the world's greatest detective and could easily get the best lawyers and pay people off to make sure he isn't convicted for killing Light and L's identity isn't even public.

>nobody but L was okay with testing the rule. this was established before he died
That doesn't really justify L's subordinates not going through with the last thing he wanted to do.

>he'd be able to sway the task force whichever way he wanted
Yes, because they're fucking NPCs. Only named characters get to have a brain.

Plus it's not like L would even sacrifice anybody. Picking a guy on the death row would make it pretty ethical. There's really no reason not to do this except to keep the task force alive for part 2.

L did that on his own without giving them any kind of explanation then he died before he could convince anyone to take the idea of the rules being fake seriously.

He did though. They even went "You're STILL suspecting Light?"

He didn't

they had none of it, but Near was able to deduce a lot from the same information that L had at the beginning + what he knows happened to the kira task force in japan (from an outsider's perspective). that, along with knowing L, painted him a pretty clear picture of what mightve happened, and then he confirmed his suspicions with one of the task force members (sadly cut from the anime. this is one of the only scenes where it actually felt like near was doing some investigative work)

He did, reread the last chapters before his death. He even explains how they're going to pick criminals on the death row for that. That's how Rem understands that L will understand the fake rules and incriminate Misa. Everyone hears about it, including Rem.

Near and Mello working together to make Light look suspicious in front of his team was great as well

Yeah but he didn't explain why he thought the rules were fake.

Light's biggest mistake was not turning it back into a faction vs faction conflict by accusing Near to be the "current" Kira who manipulated Mikami with the Death Note he possessed to frame Light as Kira.

You'd still fucking test it. It's the last thing your boss talked about before his MURDER. And now you've got 0 leads. Just fucking do it.

It wouldn't work, Light was too suspicious after what happened 7 years prior. I'd argue his teammates gave him a lot of leeway, probably more than you normally would.

If L looked back on the footage, Rem would have killed him and the rest of the task force to save Misa.

Did the others know Rem died? Light was pretending to freak out when L died and said "it'll be us next" and this freaked the other task force members out

1: yes it does. they literally even say "yeah, we didnt really like how L took things too far sometimes, so it'll be nice to have Light playing L, since he's much more cautious" so theyre completely fine with abandoning L's ideas, especially if they didnt agree with them in the first place

2: one of light's big three traits is that he's super charismatic. sorry you dont believe it, i guess?

>You'd still fucking test it
No, not when he admitted to being biased.

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I think they're not sure, the sand isn't enough to say it for sure, but that's irrelevant, they should do it in secret

that's literally exactly what i said lol

>yeah, we didnt really like how L took things too far sometimes
Bro it's not even something like "let Higuchi kill someone and confirm he's Kira", it's just testing the rules. No ethical problem.

>2: one of light's big three traits is that he's super charismatic. sorry you dont believe it, i guess?
That doesn't excuse making the other characters this dumb imo

L carried the investigation and they found at least 2 Kiras with him (Higuchi, and Misa was proven to be the 2nd Kira). You would do your fucking job and finish the task he started.

That's fucking obvious implication to anyone with half a brain. Plus he does, he mentions the scenario in which the convict who writes the name doesn't die, so obviously he thinks the rule is fake. Stop with the retarded damage control, retarded weeb

>why didnt these different characters just act like i would in their situation?

That's not my point. The idea is that leaving aside Light's own identity of Kira, he'd accuse Near of having become a NEW Kira and being affected by it like all the other Kira's before him. Thus Light could accuse that regardless of whether he is or isn't Kira, there is a far too great risk to leave Near with the Death Note unattended while possibly having the shinigami eyes manipulating events to his liking with most of them already doomed to die within a month.
Light's identity doesn't even matter as much then if you frame it as both sides being different Kira factions.

My point is that a better writer would've found a better way to justify why none of these characters thought about doing the job their boss started after his death, until a named "smart" character tells them to

I'm not sure. Maybe that was the original idea, to begin the 2nd part with Near vs Mello trying to catch Kira and Kira trying to kill both of them, then they realize that they cannot surpass L so their only chance is working together, but the story never happened that way. Instead, Mello had the protagonism at the beginning and then he basically becomes irrelevant, then the story focused only in Near and finally Near wins with a random excuse about Mello having a big role, this user said it better:

Then you'd just keep Light and Near in captivity and lock up every single Death Note. You'd also confirm the 11 days rule is fake instantly

>Misa was proven to the 2nd Kira
No she wasn't, it was only proven that she had something to do with the tapes being send by second Kira.
He didn't mention this to anyone he just talked about in his inner monolog.

>No she wasn't, it was only proven that she had something to do with the tapes being send by second Kira.
And she didn't die, so basically 2nd Kira. Even if she's not the 2nd Kira they still caught a Kira accomplice, so it's a great success regardless.


He already established that these characters don't trust eachother very well.