>the average person, if isekai'd into a fantasy world, would absolutley crush it and become a ruler and a conquerer because they've half remembered some Sun Tzu quotes they've seen online
You might not like it but this is the truth. No cheat skills needed.
>b-but what about the cut-throat politics and court intrigue of nobles and local lords?
Those, are called Karens and are dealt with on a daily basis with zero effort.
The average person, if isekai'd into a fantasy world...
The average person would be called crazy and be at best sold into slavery. The average person cannot explain how electricity works, doesn't really understand biology, advanced math, logic, chemistry, etc that would be useful. Even knowledge of history would be worthless.
Life in an isekai would not be nice unless you went in with a level advantage (like Overlord), or had a lifeline to the modern world.
This nigga thinks no one knew the art of war before DIM SUM wrote it down on toilet paper.
Being able to understand 0 through 9 is already a massive leap forward.
>The average person cannot explain how electricity works
They teach you how generators and motors work in highschool. The actual math and physics behind it is more complicated, but the "how it works" part is very basic.
The actual hard part is being able to build shit with medieval technology.
Basically, more likely than not.
In the history of the world, how connected and information-rich a location was directly correlated with its relevance and power. The more rural and far-removed a place, the less they would be know and the more "backward" they would be. This is because knowledge doesn't only increase over time, it diminishes equally as well. Even with storage mediums like the written word or modern information technology, most of it is just left to rot and vanish.
In an isekai whoever transfers in holds absolutely staggering amount unique of information in their head which can then be supplemented with local knowledge.
It's the individual equivalent of the discovery of America.
Whoever transfers with unique information would be burned at the stake. Any display of it would be indistinguishable from witchcraft.
Where should your million dollar companies and giant factories since you know how to build stuff?
That's right you can't do shit in this era let alone in a less technologically advanced world.
Just stick to learning magic.
Electricity and general physics is literally basic education in decent countries my ESL friend.
Building small DC motors and dynamos is a very standard physics experiment in middle school.
Again, the actual issue would be to build shit with medieval technology. All you need to build a dynamo is a big magnet and some copper wire which is easily obtainable in a hardware store for pennies. Getting that in a medieval setting would be pretty much impossible.
I would have sex with cute female girls
To be honest, I would probably just start being a cook or trying to push the idea of hygiene. Not sure how to do it without being able to first prove things smaller than what the human eye can see exist, but I think I'd manage just by showing th eoutcome of experiments.
Cool so where are your businesses? do you atleast make over 100k a year?
Otherwise your knowledge is for nothing.
Dude this is literally middle school levels of basic shit. Literally any high school graduate knows to build a basic dynamo. You can literally just coil a wire around a nail and make it spin with your hand and it will turn a small LED on.
Which shithole do you live in that a basic electricity impresses you so much?
>building stuff is how you make money
Physical jobs are the lowest of the low nowadays. And building electric motors by hand would be the most worthless of them all.
>Those, are called Karens and are dealt with on a daily basis with zero effort.
You understand you don't 'deal' with Karens when they can literally kill you no consequences for looking at them wrong? Court politics is 100% who you know and not anything to do with skills or value. Generals that have won wars were put to death because some random shithead is jealous at home and has the ear of the king/queen.
Are you really using modern infrastructure and governance to justify being an idiot that doesn't know even the most basic engineering and physics? Someone had to come up with that shit in the first place for it to even become commonplace knowledge.
The other guy is using actual, physical limitations of resource acquisition as an example of a hard block to progress.
Understanding the concepts behind them means you can start to work things out and begin the process of developing those materials that you need.
Nah, they don't care about that as long as it's useful. People even tolerated "witches" on the periphery of towns as long as what those "witches" got up to was providing herbs or poultices. It's just incredibly easy to use them as a scapegoat later when something goes wrong and get people to attack them. Any sort of shaman or other weird spiritualist is the same way.
I'm (俺) the only person that would be capable of doing anything notable in that world, everyone else is sheep.
And how did you build the LED and what is the LED useful for? Motors aren't relevant until they are doing industrial work. You also just explained how easy this is, all it takes is one peasant you're looking down on to use his actual connections of which you have none of since he at least has family somewhere to spread your "invention" faster and first and you're done. All you could have accomplished was outmoded by someone else. And unless a lord likes you, nobody is going to be enforcing "copyright"
I'm not "building " an LED retard, I'm explaining how basic shit work given how much of an ignorant retard you are.
>all that bullshit
Who gives a fuck. Money or "connections" are irrelevant when not even the technology to get the basic resources needed to manufacture anything doesn't exists.
You vastly overestimate peasant "connections" and vastly underestimate the cutthroat nature of medieval economics and the ambitious people in the courts.
The rate of "nobodies" rising to prominence has actually diminished over time as governments and economies centralized. In the medieval court systems people were falling in and out of power all the time which allowed people to suddenly appear out of nowhere and gain prominence. Places like the Netherlands or Italy are prime examples of this turn over and lofty rises of individuals.
The moment you show unquestionable value is the moment you'll end up in someone's service. The real danger comes from sabotage or war since those fuckers fought wars all the time to protect and monopolize assets and resources.
Someone has to invent something before it can start to be developed towards a state of relevance. Logic like yours would have prevented the industrial revolution in the first place because you'd declare the earliest models worthless and irrelevant to society.
Is this American education system?
I don't care about ruling, I just want some nice elf cunny.
i get what you're saying but where do you get the wire? it depends entirely on where you're landing in terms of technologically development i guess, but if they don't already know about this, why would it be easy to procure an electrically-conductive wire? how about the magnets - magnets weren't really commonplace for a lot of history. they were objects of study when found but rarely sought after.
it's hard to imagine how unavailable common things are in the past, and how much we depend on pervasively available pre-requisites to do what we can do now.
and let's say you can generate electricity and build a motor to use it. how do you store it? if you don't store it, how will you convince anyone that this newfangled shit is better than their mechanically driven water mills currently? can't really store it well unless you're also inventing chemical batteries or pumping water, can't really transmit it long distances, with ignorance of electrical safety there would be fires (lethal to whole villages) and electrocutions for workers and peasants around it. might as well keep using the gears and logs we use now to do everything huh? like, of course, at scale, it's easy to imagine how you could have generators fueling an electric-powered factory for some noble or something.. but how do you convince someone to invest those kinds of set-up resources on something so out there? how do you end up with them not just stealing the secret and knifing you to keep it in-house?
speak for your self . Moving magnets near a coil of copper wire will make electron move.
>teleported into SnK world
>use basic diplomatic skills and entry level geopolitical knowledge to create a stable peace between Marley and Paradis
>Rumbling avoided, no war, no 80%
>get tons of fresh pussy from all over the world, including Hisu's
The problem is most mangakas live in their own fucking contrieved world where real life rules either don't exist or can't be implemented because of the utter retardness of the characters involved. Which is why conflict is often forced to the point of being cringy or straight up childish.
Shonens and entry seinens are most guilty of this. Because they're made for children and teens.
>Sun Tzu
How many wars did Sun Tzu win?
before proper germ theory, a lot of cultures had a concepts of "bad air" (miasma) being related to sickness. it's not a big leap to tell people like, yo, air can go bad on its own, and bad air can also stick to stuff too unless you wash it away. don't eat or drink stuff that's had bad air stick to it. hot water can fix bad air on stuff because when you boil water and it turns it into hot air which replaces the bad air.
you're right. this modern society is too bright for us highschool graduates. we need to go back to where times are simpler and there's no bullshit about business practices
Not him but the easiest way to make a battery is putting two metals in water.
I think the easy applications with good returns would be lighting or telecommunication. Both need wire but not magnets.
Motors went unappreciated for a long time because human labor was cheap and needs less infrastructure, same would probably happen in isekai.
He did say life in isekai and not in real medieval times. For the most part, except where where the author plays it up for laughs, the average native can usually do basic arithmetic even if it's not historically accurate.
I mean, isekai civilization is automatically always more advanced than real world civilization, by virtue of having supersmart wizards who know how to create scribles on the ground that will summon otherworldly beings and deities and people from Japan and all that crap. They can also create actual general artificial robot-automatons and new genetic crossbreeds that our brightest minds are incapable of doing.
dude, we had no practical shit at my school, at all.
I think what we did was convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, that's it. I think that was like dozens of classes and hundreds of time writing on a paper what a Celsius is in Fahrenheit, over and over, it's what I remember.
I actually made a DIY knife and a gear from scratch near a forest, though I had to read a lot of shit on how it's done properly
I was just about to post this picture kek
>all of my knowledge is in theoretical cosmology
Haha I'm sure I'll do fine right?
>Hey what if an isekai protagonist just read The Prince?
>Nah, that would be too gruesome for our otaku audience to self-insert, we'll just pretend he's read The Prince and invoke it once or twice, but completely miss the point. The morons who watch this tripe will never know the difference as long as we throw in a direct quote or two.
>get isekai'd
>look up the three Newton laws on wikipedia
>write them in a book
>isekai world instantly heralds me as genius
>all the "theoretical cosmology" turns out to be god-tier magic in that world
Winner for life.
as expected of satanposter
That would be really cool actually
I should write a self insert webnovel where my PhD is useful
Well, Knight's&Magic did it with programming and "The Otherworld Magic Is Too Far Behind!" had the Otherworld's magic be quite shit compared to the one he learned on Earth for the most part, and among the Magic he learned from Earth there were also cosmology-based types of Magic, IIRC.
Why would you want to help the inhabitants/rule them? You've been isekai'd. Explore the new rules of reality and have fun.
I'd love a lifetime of actual, tangible, instant-gratification-inducing magical study. Or meeting direct servants of divine beings IN THE FLESH. How cool is that?
I can't believe they made a second season of that smart phone isekai. Of all the things they could animated
>Electricity and general physics is literally basic education in decent countries
Not actually mentioning said countries by name is a smart move, mister.
thank you Dr.bazinga
>claim that earth is not the center of the universe
because that turned out so well for galileo
Galileo just got too cocky because the Pope liked him.
You need a placeholder to do math with very large numbers to help with things like astronomy and accounting, it's important to understand 0-9 not just 1-10.
Even the guy who WROTE The Prince wasn't super-successful. He made great points, but he was basically begging for his job back! (Also, he was scrupulously honest. A tax inquiry backed by a rival showed he was OWED money, not the other way round.)
if people can already use magic in isekai what would they need motors and electricity for? they don't need a steam engine when they have telepathy and alchemy, literally creating matter and outputting immense amounts of power with little effort
i would just find myself a nice elf waifu and start a farm. maybe hopefully not die in a war i get drafted into by some shota demon kid god help me
Is Dr. Stone an isekai? He has a pretty clear advantage, although he is an autistic genuis
This is why I always keep a chemistry textbook in my car in case I get isekai'd
No, it's just post-apocalyptic pseudo-time-travel into the future.
Laws of reality are still the same, the shape of the continent is also still the same (more or less).
Anyone who walked into an isekai world talking about cars and planes would be taken for a crazy person, if you ran into a rando in the street telling you that he comes from another world where we have teleporters and interstellar ships would you believe him?
let's say the top scientists/doctors/whatever in the isekai got their hands on your textbook. would they progress faster by having a chem 101 book, or an advanced molecular biochem textbook?
Technically no, but practically yes.
>Getting that in a medieval setting would be pretty much impossible
any modern person who watched a couple youtube videos or read an educational series could make those materials through some trial and error within a year
But he still was transported from a typical modern world to what is essentially a completely new world with different rules.
What genre would you consider it?