Is Zhuge Liang really that fucking good of a strategist? This show surely depicts him as that

Is Zhuge Liang really that fucking good of a strategist? This show surely depicts him as that.

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He was in the top 3 of his era

He wasn't THAT good. It's just the Romance of the Three Kingdoms really dramatised his success and skill. But yes, he was pretty good.

who knows, anime is stupid

He was great, but there is also a lot of Shu wankery involved

If he doesn't hold an actually battle in the streets of Tokyo for whatever reason I will be upset.

Was anyone in history that died really that good? They couldn't even keep themselves alive to see today.

Cao Cao did nothing wrong, Liu Bei a shit.


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who cares about china
george washington was the best strategist

I'm not sure camping in the snow until both your own and the enemy armies are on the brink of death, and then shooting the enemy in the dark counts as a particularly great strategy.

>chingchong dingdong
not anime

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Based Three Kingdoms 2010 patrician

Napoleon is better

nope, but three kingdoms is one of four stories that all anime and nip culture as you know it is basically based on. Their entire library of written works, and I'd say it's second in importance after journey to the west.

It does tell make believe tale about historical morons of their time showcasing them as quite swell people.

yeah he's a cool Sonic character

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it's an anime about a Chinese strategist revived in modern times Japan to help out a idol.

the main reason why he was depicted as "greatest mastermind of shu han" is because he was the only one in charge during the early regence of the 2nd Liu emperor, and basically no one else left written records of the dealings of the court that would survive over time.
so, if we listen to the arguments of Zhuge Liang, he was the greatest military mastermind of his era who almost 9? times succeeded in his northern expeditions but it was so damn close until some reason ruined his brilliant plans. basically also bankrupting the economic base of the Shu Han state and bleeding its manpower dry over time.
the man probably was competent to some extent, since he basically became "sole ruler" aka prime minister in charge of a braindamaged baby emperor for whom he was the regent. and neither did the state collapse, but was able to keep pressure against the much more popolous Wei while also ensuring Wu would not be able to advance either.

also later historians further blow things out of proportion and historical records turn into folk talkes and then further into legends/divine entities because how amazing they were at murdering barely armed starving hostile faction peasant levies

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Entirely Shu propaganda faggotry.

kek i have no clue what this all about but lu lingqi is mai waifu in DW8

It's not pronounced like that. The C doesn't even sound like one, it's Sow Sow if anything.

its a meme you dip

Maybe everyone else was just really stupid during his time

based ravages chad

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>loses the siege of Chencang to a dying man
Nice strategist you got there LOL
Imagine having all the shit your remembered for being the propaganda you put out and not the things you actually did.
Classic chinks

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Take these Anons out and behead them before all

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Doesn't exist anymore.

He’s pretty at for charging up Noble Phantasms.

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I mean, did abe lincoln really find it impossible to lie then became president as a result?

Why do we use pinyin spelling if we're not chinks and it just horribly confuses everyone as to the pronunciation

>spikes into ground


No, he sucked balls, he however was great in economical affairs


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What, and call Zhuge Liang, 'Chu-ko Liang' instead?

>Makes a 20000 army coalition attack Wei
>Get 10000 of them killed, kill like 500 wei troops
>Try again with similar results
>Try again and take some bumpfuck desert
>Get their asses beaten even worse
>This somehow was considered a victory since Zhang He died during pursuit despite losing most of their army

This is the resume of his northen campaings.

That bitch never succeeded with his northern expeditions, in fact one could argue that Sima Yi defeated that bitch by outlasting him

how do you even pronounce zhuge liang.

zoo-gay li-young

Zhuge Liang
>weak body, shut-in, manipulated propaganda so he and the one he served would appear as heroes and the good guys in the annals of history

There is a reason why it's called the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang was brilliant but he wasn't a saint. And many of the people depicted in the records aren't what they were described to be. Especially Cao Cao, Sima Yi, Gan Yu and Ma Chao.

You gay, Leon

Losing your teeth at age 19 to only have a single one left at your inauguration cause you brushed with pumice powder must be a strategy I haven't heard of


>mrw people are not watching the soulful adaptation

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What's better about this one?

he's not perfect, but this is him in an era of peace so things like intense stress of war won't cloud his judgement so I guess it makes him look very good


More like Chao or Tsao desu

Zhu ge is accurate enough desu

What's zh pronounced like?

It's close to the "j" sound in English, but the tongue position is a bit further back

Manager is the best.

Attached: mfw three kingdoms shit.webm (1128x530, 317.27K)

real cavalry horse deaths for your mr Satan

it was the 80s, no one in rural china cared if you had a few dozen horses charge and kill each other in front of a camera

He gives some really good buffs

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>Yellow Turban rebellion
>Rise of Dong Zhuo
>Xiahou Don eats his eyes
>Dian Wei's death
>Nanman expedition
>Fall or Shu
>Not waste our time with Lu Bu and Diao Chan love story
>Not poisoned by Hollywood's idea of "ancient time = grey and blue"
>Less episodes but covers more content
>More faithful to the novel in general
And most importantly: the songs

He was really good at propagandizing his own image.

What was that 3 kingdoms anime that was pretty based on it but everyone was big boobed ladies again?

Which one are you talking about?

No, and the word "strategist" misrepresents his actual role. He was himself the de facto head of state. He was the boss, not the "strategist" advising the boss.

Oh good there more than one?
Wait my brain just unfarted
Was one ikkitousen?


Everything in nippon land is based on:
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
or sengoku period
There is nothing else, unless someone decides to steal the aesthetics of some random fuck nordic myth because nips are obsessed with scandanavian mythos.

>Get their asses beaten even worse
>This somehow was considered a victory since Zhang He died during pursuit despite losing most of their army
This is a lie. While Zhuge Lian did suffer humiliating defeats in his first and second campaigns against Cao Zhen (especially the second where Cao Zhen's officer Hao Zhao held Chencang against overwhelming forces), he won the third campaign against Guo Huai and soundly defeated Sima Yi in the fourth campaign (the one where Zhang He was killed by Sima Yi's incompetence/malevolence).

Ironically a lot of the posthumous bolstering of Zhuge Liang was due to the need to make Sima Yi look not as pathetic for doing worse against Zhuge Liang than Cao Zhen, despite Cao Zhen's reputation getting posthumously smeared to hell.

I don't get why they keep making games based on this story over and over again like it's fifa.

>Liu "Bros before hoes and babies" Bei

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Chinks were so fucking awful at strategy they need a manual to learn "an army needs to eat" and "have more soldiers than your enemy"

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Sounds good, is it subbed?